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Everything posted by ryanpoly

  1. I am not sure are you just really passionate about this topic or just trolling, but the way you are behaving is just encouraging racists actions and behaviors You are also minimizing this important issue. If this is topic you are passionate about please consider expressing it in a calmer way. You message would be better received without the large fonts and bolding. I am going to give you a chance Based on what I have observed most people don't mean to racist. Does this excuse their actions and behaviors? Absolutely not! Regardless of intentions if someone does or say something that is racist, it is racist. Simple as that. However I think some people don't know any better b/c the topic of racism is often not explained in a way that is clear enough. They think they understand but they don't fully--it is not totally their fault if they were not given a opportunity to be well-informed. In fact it is a very taboo topic that should be discuss more often so there is a better understanding --- what does it entitle? what are the boundaries? why exactly it is detrimental even if someone is not part of a marginalized group? why microagression in playing a larger role in recent times? what encourages prejudice actions & behaviors? Etc. I think a major issue is when a racial offense occurs, some people on the receiving end automatically get up in arms, start attacking and being accusatory. What ends up happening is the the offender gets super defensive and somewhat confused. There is a breakdown in communication, no one is making any attempt to understand what is going on or try to hear each other out, and conversations goes nowhere but escalates. Like I said, it is a sensitive and taboo topic that it is inevitable for some people to be angry and defensive, especially the offenders. That is ok. For that reason it is important to stay leave-headed and try to understand what the offender meant when they made the perceived racist comment. Maybe they didn't realize it was racist or they didn't think before they spoke/typed? Then you could calmly explain to them why you thought their comment was problematic and hurtful. Yes, there is a good chance the offender is still going to be defensive but at least you provided them with some context they could work with (if they choose to) instead of straight up accusation that have very little context. Now, for offenders (pretty much all of b/c we all have prejudices regardless do we want to admit it or not) if you happen to say or do something racist, regardless of intentions but especially if you did not mean to, just own up to it (Y) Sincerely apologize, try not to do it again, and move on. Easier said than done but we all live and learn. who made YOU god?
  2. shes russian, actually. https://33.media.tumblr.com/b081bdf165a95bb6b2099c1ad2a37eea/tumblr_ne0s9aILdl1s49t7po1_400.gif Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. This include images from facebook, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, twitter, VK, etc. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  3. okay if im banned why am i still posting? https://33.media.tumblr.com/b081bdf165a95bb6b2099c1ad2a37eea/tumblr_ne0s9aILdl1s49t7po1_400.gif Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. This include images from facebook, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, twitter, VK, etc. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  4. so because ariana is latina, and not WHITE.. you dont want her to perform? typical. again.. RACIST.
  5. Ahemhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rb440WQmgEOh yeah, I forgot.. Well for me this is just proof that it shouldn't happen again. nicki for vsfs was wrong in so many ways, 1st being she is black and i dont like blacks. you do realise how that is racist, right?
  6. ya'll only happen when there's a WHITE performer at the vsfs. and dont want typically "BLACK" music at the vsfs. RACIST.
  7. saying rappers shouldn't perform at victorias secret is RACIST.
  8. has anyone thought about charli xcx performing? she is the one who sings fancy with iggy azealea, and she has a new single out called 'break the rules' runway appropriate
  9. Nah, she's just there for press for the show. She rarely (has she at all?!) works with VS for print. Plus she's too big of a model already. VS doesn't make girls that are already big, angels. They usually like to have their models grow into the company. karlie?
  10. my favorite outfits was magdalena - snow angels and lily A - british invasion, i love the tartan
  11. http://www.5thvillage.me/v/588546909191480264_6680199/
  12. those shoes are from 2012 PINK, and maybe the smiley face wings have now been turned into just a balloon instead?
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