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Everything posted by vsfsaddict

  1. This year is a mess. We know NOTHING!... which in some way.. I like it like it like thatšŸ˜
  2. So let me see... first theyā€™ll start doing fittings with regular girls today and then they will start with the angels on Sunday? this scheduele is weird.
  3. yeah.. I think its kateĀ“s. In case it was this year I guess sheĀ“ll wrote something related to the segment. At least she says she is revealing some of her stuff which I always love. BTW, in the picture the caption says "Theyā€™re more naturalistic, " referring to the sketches... what does that mean? TROPICAL?
  4. I guess this was one of the sketches from DARK ANGEL right? https://www.instagram.com/p/BpXtBiBAL0g/?hl=es&taken-by=byjanekennedy
  5. Does someone think theres a chance of VS releasing something tomorrow?
  7. Sophia (to wing designer and model): ā€œthats peeeeeerfect!!!! beautiful!!! amaaaaaaziiiing... Did you stone those wings??!!! Ohhh sheā€™s crying!!!ā€
  8. OMG itā€™s insane hahahahahahaha. We should start making crazy assumptions, this people posting in IG would go crazy af.
  9. Or just the name of the bra... that would be fun hahahaha
  10. I would literally love that. Teasing is a good way of creating anticipation but I doubt theyā€™ll do that.
  11. We knew the performers like days before... I remember harry styles was in China and it was pretty obvious but I think last year they had a lot of problems with performers and visas, Iā€™m expecting FB this week and next week performers and a bit of fittings. No more
  12. I would just like some sketches and the themes.. some years we had almost every outfit before the show was taped and thatā€™s always like a letdown because thereā€™s not much thing to be surprised of. This year I would just like to know FB, themes, some sketches, performers and maybe some sneakpeaks of some wings. not asking for much right?
  13. As more I look at the sketch Iā€™m more convinced... thatā€™s a f***** parachute. You canā€™t perfectly see how the center is in back and how the edges of the fabric bold and are attached with a string... Am I getting too crazy?
  14. OMG, I never saw it that way. It could easily be a parachute... I mean, If that THING in the back of the model is going to appear on the runway and itā€™s attached to her, then, it cannot be a wing because se wouldnā€™t be able to move her legs. If it is a parachute then... it could perfectly work. (Meaning ok work: allows the model to work decently)
  15. ItĀ“s true that some years I tried not to see anything and try to watch the show completely bare, without knowing outfits etc. but when the time arrives its nearly impossible haha
  16. OMG not more delays for the fittings! Why the fuck all this secrecy??
  17. I wouldnĀ“t mind a very very bright colorful fantasy bra. Like something similar to ElsaĀ“s last year SO. maybe with a belt made of emeralds representing leaves. Maybe
  18. OMG.. can we already say its her the one who got it?
  19. CanĀ“t blame you, left titties are always right šŸ§
  20. I think I have alway read about who everybody thinks the FB is going to go to but never told my thoughts... Well, as far as it goes, this is the second year I trully think Elsa is going to get it BUT lately no one can expect anything with VS. other options apart from Elsa would be Jo.. They seem to like her way too much but itĀ“s ELSAĀ“s time NOT MARTHA. (I like her persona although lately she looks specially hot).
  21. This thread is going crazy! When the fuck are they going to release a fucking sketch/segment/something related to vsfs??
  22. @livingartofarmando in instagram has a few pictures of wings, some of them have the #vsfashionshow whilst others donĀ“t... There is also a swaroski wing. IĀ“ve been days absent so IĀ“m not posting it just in case someone else already did.
  23. So... if fittings are at the end of the month and the show at the start of next month... They will have barely two weeks for everything. It sounds more than enough knowing that the show will take place in NYC but then, I doubt we will be having ROAD TO THE RUNWAY videos this year. As far as it goes for the perfomers, I can see Ariana grande, but Cardi doesnĀ“t match for me... what about Dua?
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