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Everything posted by jena92

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2516900/Has-Taylor-Swift-criticism-caused-Victorias-Secret-dump-Jessica-Hart.html
  2. does anyone know where Gisele's june/july VP 2012 editorial was shot? i was thinking somewhere in Caribbean but don't know where exactly
  3. they never play it in greek tv but i just watch it online when it's aired in the US
  4. http://www.bellazon.com/main/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-56515-0-16000100-1385186880.jpg found this at Karlie's thread. Cara and Lais have "VS" next to their names as the angels which means they're gonna be angels soon, and ok for Lais it was something we kind of knew already but Cara? I don't think she even works for them
  5. I noticed that also. The man looks familiar to me but I can't place him. he is Derek Blasberg and i think Karlie refers to him as her "brother"
  6. love her outfit at GQ awards so sexy but not "in your face" sexy. Is it Saint Laurent?
  7. i read the whole interview and i still don't get with her. Anyway Jessica said in an interview that ANTM is like "the begging of the end" for a model career and then she is going as a judge to the show. found the video
  8. wow about her Taylor thing in the interview. ok she has an opinion but i don't agree with what she is saying, yes confidence may come with age but Karlie is younger than Taylor and she seems pretty confident. Sometimes i think she's going way too far at her interviews like the one about ANTM, but maybe she just says that for press. Anyway horrible outfit but her face looks good on the show
  9. how do you know it's one person behind all of these? i love Karlie but that doesn't mean that everyone likes her
  10. ok i don't know the goat - Taylor joke can someone explain it to me?
  11. maybe Erin's sad face was about something we don't know like something that happened backstage or she missed the attention she was getting as an angel
  12. Who is that creature with my sweet baby? Some wicked witch trying to steal her beauty? You have killed me I hope its not a relative? I don't want to insult one of her family members. actually she is one legendary fashion editor. It would be nice if Candice work with her in the future i really like her
  13. kate upton supermodel? yeah right... Um, Joan is #1, Jourdan is Woman of the Year, Karlie Kloss is loved by all fashion designers and has opened/closed many shows along with being a VS angel, Malaika Firth is the first black face of Prada in 20 years, Sigrid Agren is a new, popular fresh face, and mostly every angel/few non-angels have had more Vogue covers than both Kate U. and Cara...
  14. i think she is gonna be an angel soon like in the next year, since there is an empty spot. Finally a black model as an angel, i think the last one was Chanel
  15. i think both have audience but in the first one it's for friends, family and agents and the second one is for celebrities. I'm not really sure but i think Candice or another angel said in an interview that the audience in the first show is more loud because it's their loved ones
  16. here is the link to Izabel's video http://instagram.com/p/gog5NURPps/
  17. they are 2 shows right? one at noon and one at the evening. are they both filmed?
  18. i only know Taylor but i kind of like the fact that the other ones are not big names so we don't have to see a lot of them, just the models on the runway. Is there any chance of Taylor asked to be the biggest name of the show? sorry if you don't understand me, my english are not good
  19. i think that we need to stop talking for VSFS here because it's clear that Barbara isn't walking.Anyway i just read in twitter about a Valentino related event in Shanghai maybe she is there for that
  20. ok i can't see the british inspiration but i think i like it
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