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Status Updates posted by CarMELita

  1. Hey Ana, you asked for info on my avi aaaages ago, it's from Hugo Boss Orange ad fw 11 :wave:

  2. Squeeeege :hug: I'm back :-) Hope you had a nice holiday season and all the best for 2012!

  3. Morgen, Do, morgen!! Muss ich heute noch zu Guenter - maeh - aber morgen machen wirs uns schoen, so schoen!! Klingelste ma durch, wenne wach bist? Komm ich dann ueberfallartig. Oh, und ich hab den Baer, schlimm? Geht, oder? Wasch ich vorher auch nomma!!

  4. You know, you should really have a friend on your list, Nim :-)

  5. SO in love with your Cintia/Macy's set!! :heart:

  6. It's just more friendly, you know :-)

  7. ROB!! I missed your birthday - shame on me!! I know I'm late, but nevertheless: HAPPY BELATED and all my best wishes!! :hug:


  9. Und reserviert is auch schon!

  10. Hey there, glad you like it! Feel free to download it directly via right click - I made it myself - and here's a link to the original vid on youtube: http://youtu.be/Ju_kqVIsnBg Stunning line-up Tom Ford casted there, my my <3

  11. Nae, Rika, tut immer noch alles weh - aber nich mehr so doll *seufz* War trotzdem aber auch total sch

  12. Thanks! Definitely need to check her out :-)

  13. Rika!

    Hassu schon in Vickys Thread geguckt!!! Ach, ich schreib Dir ne SMS, Do!!! Musse gleich von zu Hause gucken, bisse grad los hier!! Bis morgen, Kino, ne? Freu!!!*schmmack*

  14. Thank you, Baron! But it's quite true - Miranda's truly a photoshop victim, poor thing. I'm so tired to go from "YAY-Covernews!!" to "Ohnooo, not again!!" in a matter of seconds...

  15. Kumma! Fast gleiche Zeit wie heut Nacht! Nur 11 Stunden spaeter quasi! Wwwie romanisch-romatisch!

  16. Thanks for your scans ... especially the Ferr

  17. Don't bother anymore - they seem to have removed thread anyway :lol: I'd expected this ... but it really felt good to do it though :-)

  18. Thank you, Bella! :kiss: I just figured out how to do it and now I

  19. Actually I'm in Germany - in Deutschland itself so to say :-)

  20. Hello dear, nothing new to tell, I've got a cold, but am needed at the office and am suffering. :-((( But enough of this, I hope you are doing fine! BZ's a bit slow at the moment, I wonder why there are only so few who are posting!

  21. Lo siento, no hablo espa

  22. I only just saw your comment, thank you so much! :kiss: It's nice to hang out with Lae's bunch, isn't it! Glad you joined :-)

  23. Date, ne? Wir, ne? Morgen, ne? Ach, nee, is ja schon heute ... is auch wieder spaet, Do! Und ich muss noch mit dem Koeter, achachach, warum bleib ich nur immer im Netz haengen ... seufz! Naja, machse nix! Bis spaeter, ne! FREU *schmmmmack

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