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Status Updates posted by AnthonyDeOliveira

  1. cyp, can u make me an avi narrow or w/e like yours using the one i already got? :<

  2. cypress can you make me one of those pics with all your fav models like how u have on myspace?

  3. cypress why arent you in flav's thread? im bored talk to me :)

  4. cypress. get back to me on MS. anyways whats up?

  5. damn everyone heard about it haha

    im good to, so wacha doing?

  6. damn everyone heard about it haha

    im good to, so wacha doing?

  7. Damn your up late hehe

  8. dont you go to the fashion weeks when there are over there though?

  9. exactly i dont feel the spirit of these holidays anymore.

    its jsut another day. ooh? a bf since when? lol

  10. feliz ano novo

    miss you, get back to me when u get this!.

  11. for your countries people

  12. gisele?

    shes still modeling?

    did u see ms. Flavia?

  13. got together with family too. did fireworks the whole shabang

  14. greece, lucky.

    happy early birthday.

    well me im ok

    hey where in kosovo do u live?

  15. haha a little.

    im good. and its hard for me to sleep even thoug im tired. idk why

    so did u go to fashion week?

  16. Haha i try but i usually bodysurf so whats Australia like? do u have your own president?

  17. haha im an ant yea right. booya

    anyways is jule a member here?

  18. haha nath your so funny. whats up means, what are u doing?

    and im good.

    so hows the modeling going?

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