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Status Updates posted by AnthonyDeOliveira

  1. thanks :)

    it was great, whatd u do?

  2. thanks :]]] how u been?

  3. thanks because i need to get this issue. and you know why lol

  4. thanks for yaya's thread.

    i want to come to slovakia!!!

  5. thanks layla,how r u?

  6. thanks, so were u able to leave a scarp for Fabiana?

  7. thanks, usually my pics r crap.

    yea i wanna see ur pic :]

  8. thanx for the comment haha Aloha to you too. so what r u up too?

  9. thats a compliment? haha.

    yea same here boring. but im going out today which makes me happy :].

    so do u have a job or anything?

  10. thats good, not im just starting to know more about your country and Serbia

  11. thats good.

    im ok.

    thanks, thats me if u didnt know ;].

    why dont u do the same too?

  12. then hop on the next flight out.

    i doubt there has ever been someone from serbia here.

  13. theres a gisele in it and anabb

  14. tropical?

    does that mean ur from a tropical place?

  15. u did?


    whats ur?

    ur asian?

  16. u gotta, go to Personal whatever, and then put it in umm thats thing that says custom.

  17. u have history with her?

  18. u know my bday? lol

    thank G-G-G-G

  19. u never added me on MS, why? lol

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