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Posts posted by Bloodshot

  1. 1 hour ago, Franko said:


    Ah yes, a ten year age gap. What a huge difference. Do you want a list of models who dated men considerably more than 10 years older than them, or do you see what a silly argument that is without a list?

    Also gay? You know that how? Have you been involved with him personally? Ultimately no need to respond, stupid mostly off topic argument anyway. But given how secret she has been, I'm still voting that she's having a rich older benefactor who is the one who doesn't want to be in the pictures.

    Wow, what a strange response...


    Mentioning the 10 year gap was in response to someone stating they were dating/married and HS sweet hearts, which is obviously not the case.


    Why are you offended that I mentioned that Victor Del Toro is gay?  It's not a secret, he's not in the closet.


    Do you have reading comprehension issues?  There was nothing controversial about what I posted, it was a 100% factual response based on other's queries.  Not sure what confused you.

  2. 19 hours ago, jri49msstate said:

    Emily Ratajkowski is currently also “other females of interest” even though she routinely walks runways for iconic fashion brands. It’s a weird website. 


    I agree, Emily's "classification" on this site is very strange, she IS a model.  Just because she tries to expand the scope of what she does, mostly unsuccessfully, doesn't negate the fact that she's a model.

  3. 6 hours ago, plastickitten said:

    Not really, her previous shoot released this summer had several nude pics, but as usual in B&W. Regarding the latest she just released, I have no idea, but as it is a color shoot I have some doubts.


    I'm almost 100% sure that almost all of her nude shots were done at the same time a number of years ago.  She's just continues to let some of it trickle out as different "sets".

  4. 12 hours ago, snort said:

    And that, of course, is your right.  If you want to make disrespectful and mean-spirited comments, go right ahead.  


    Nothing I said has been even slightly disrespectful or mean-spirited.  I made an obvious observation about a model, it's her job to put herself out there, which also means being criticized at times.  Is it mean-spirited and disrespectful if an actor is told their movie is bad?  Is it mean-spirited and disrespectful if a quarterback chokes during a game and is told so?  You need to join the real world where real adults get feedback on what they do.

  5. 3 hours ago, plastickitten said:

    Except that you DO NOT pay for watching this thread and Gen's pics in general, but still you're painful to read. Enjoy your nice standards and if she's not in YOUR standards, please feel free to skip this thread.

    I'll comment where and when I see fit.  Thanks!

  6. 16 minutes ago, snort said:

    The oldest player in the NBA is LeBron.  If you were to go to a game and jeer at LeBron that he's not as sharp as he used to be, I'd say you were completely missing the point.

    Michael Jordan was a shell of himself when he was on the Wizards at the end of his career and there were all sorts of articles about how he should retire to not tarnish his legacy.


    Steve Young was booed for sliding at the end of his career after he had a bunch of concussions.


    When people are paying for things they DO express opinions, sometimes they can be hard to hear.

  7. 2 hours ago, plastickitten said:

    If compared to the other models, she just plays in the "bums" category, I have good news for you, there are hundreds of such girls for you to admire and you don't need to waste your time on this thread, especially spitting such lousy comments about her. We like her, whether you understand it or not (and we don't care), this is our basic choice.


    I have standards, as do many others, not everyone does obviously.

  8. 22 hours ago, snort said:

    Oh please.  She's 37 and about a thousand times hotter than most people.  That will do nicely.

    She’s a model, she’s not “most people”, different standard/expectations.  Just like an athlete, I don’t watch pro sports for bums to be playing.

  9. 3 hours ago, plastickitten said:

    I respect your opinion, but mine is exactly the opposite. First she's now very fit compared to about 2 years ago when these pics were taken; at that time she broke her foot or ankle and probably gained some weight accordingly. Check this very recent video and you'll see what I mean, she now has an incredible body.

    And second, when she was a bit overweight, that was only a bit IMO and that made her even more sexy (but we all have different tastes)


    I have no idea what her personal life is like or when the pictures were taken, but that's somewhat beside the point.  For a model she does NOT look good.  I'll fully admit she looks a lot better in the video, but again, not the point, in the pics taken she looks totally out of shape for a model.

  10. 16 hours ago, evelize said:

    33 and still? Like what's a 33 year old supposed to look like? A mummy? You people here act like anyone above 25 is ancient. 


    I agree, a lot of women look better at 33 than they did at 23.

  11. 6 hours ago, Lilja K said:

    Megan continues to disappoint. Her current demeanor just screams "attention seeker". She created all this drama on social media, dragging the Eminem's fandom into it, so that she could later appear with her bf in fake papz photos🤦🏼‍♀️ She really transformed into a Kardashian, not only physically but also mentally. Since she started dating mgk, her personality has changed so drastically that now I can't help but wonder - Maybe she's always been like this?


    Or maybe you were just projecting who you wanted her to be before...

  12. 3 hours ago, Lilja K said:

    First, he was already an adult at the time. And he made it clear to everyone (several times) that he was attracted to girls 17 years old and much younger. I wouldn't write it off as "he was so young and so stupid". Of course, people really are stupid and make mistakes at young and even at not young age, but this is something that is hard to accept.


    Well, you defend such a person is beyond my responsibility. Believe it or not. I'm going to stream Killshot. 

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    No sense in debating with someone who's willfully misrepresenting the context of something.

  13. 10 hours ago, Lilja K said:

    Well, yeah, yeah, that cancels everything he said about underage girls🤦🏼‍♀️



    Way to blatantly misrepresent something.  Considering his age at the time, and the actual content of the quotes, he very obviously doesn't have the tendencies you claim, context matters a lot.


    I also can't believe I'm actually defending someone that I do think comes off somewhat as a douche, but your claims are completely ridiculous.

  14. On 2/12/2023 at 11:05 AM, Lilja K said:
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    At first I thought no, but ... In short, he is a drug addict, has pedophilic tendencies and generally behaves quite cringe


    Haha, way to make things up.  Megan is 4 years older than him, total pedophile tendencies.  🤦‍♂️

  15. 1 hour ago, Beautiful Women lover said:

    Anyone else misses her old self? Back when she was cool, interesting? Not like now that she acts like a Kardashian :(


    I'm normally not a fan of plastic surgery, but Megan Fox in 2022 looks pretty damn amazing.

  16. On 8/6/2022 at 11:02 AM, YouNoMe said:

    Balance is good. But sometimes, balance can be hard to find. The way I internalise her messages is women are often pigeon held and they can not fully express themselves how they wish without being unjustifiably branded. Now, how much is too much is unmistakably subjective. 


    I love her style. 



    Just My Opinion. 


    I totally agree that balance is hard to find, very hard.  And I'm not a woman, so I don't know what it's like from their perspective at all.  I just believe that until we can get "real" about the biological needs and drives and both sides, the conversation is going to be very immature and continue to degrade and hurt our society at large.

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