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Everything posted by Renyxa

  1. thanks for all brilliant pics! she is so touching there... ~Please do not hotlink images - check the rules here - Edited by Carmelita.~
  2. that's true the girl on second pic looks like Natalia, but...
  3. oops yeah, I understood it wrong, that's my fault =)) eventually, she does I knew it, also I saw many pics when she holds a cigarette in her hand... yeah, now I understand
  4. oh, I can't imagine the pic you're talking about, but I really want to. please, post it I don't know why Natalia had started smoking. It looks sometimes shocking, but really fascinating. I've found the gallery with Natalia, new to me: the gallery
  5. Natalia! she looks brilliant everywhere! expecially I love Russian Vogue Cover (2003) with Tatiana Brazhnik. I'd put it to the classic category =)
  6. I don't know =)) just I feel it that way...oh, Egle, don't be upset, sorry if I have offended you...
  7. спасибо, Таня! (надеюсь, я правильно поняла? ) мне на душе полегчало, когда я узнала, что это не она =)) I'm so happy that it's not Natalia!!
  8. sure I hope she looks truly pretty on that pics =))
  9. I guess she is, the features are quite similar to Natalia's face, but that pic is Egle, where have you taken it from?
  10. there is a mix of the pics which I like very much
  11. о, старый добрый фотошоп pretty good work! I think she would be the cutest as a brunette. anyway I don't like her current haircut...she looks quite simply
  12. спасибо =)) but why she is said to be Natalia, I don't know.
  13. I got a question. this pic was said that it's Natalia, but I don't believe! I guess that girl looks much different. am I mistaking? please, share with me any information about that...
  14. yeah, just because they have made success by their own efforts... on my opinion, the best feature of Natalia's character is that she doesn't consider dreaming as the best way to reach her aim. she does her best and never builds castles in the air. I miss somehow this feature once she said: "I'm a true realist. I never dream and just do something proceeding from my own potentiality". I consider her to be a genious somehow...she could bring something new in this world and destroy some stereotypes. p.s. I like this pic very much in spite of small size
  15. yeah, all of these pics had been posted already anyway, I can't remember number of the page unfortunately...it's really difficult to find it there, so you are ok =))
  16. to Egle: I have some, I hope it will satisfy you =)) a big thank for the scans, she looks brilliant on the second pic p.s. u tebya est' russkie zhyrnali? zdorovo! a otkuda? to yohanna: thank you for scan! did you like Natalia's childhood pic?
  17. you know more than me =)) yeah, that's definitely true; I have meant that Russian girls are really valuable for the foreign agencies, but they have almost no opportunities if they stay in Russia. as I know, the best russian Natalia's gallery is there, but it's just collection of the best pics. I remember some pics similar to your description, but I'm not sure that you mean it...please, explain in some details how she looks wearing these dresses, and I'll try to find it there what companies she works with? sorry I thought that it's too eraly...but now I really want to congratulate you and all people who visits that forum =)) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  18. there are, bless the Lord...and, what is the most striking, in spite of that she was suffering from poverty and humiliation in Russia, Natalia still love his native country and tries to make something good for it. I don't know why our people are so envious. I guess because it's very unusual for a russian girl to become famous by her own efforts...I watched the program about models in Russia, and I was really shocked, because so many beautiful and talanted girls end up with drug addiction and stuff like that (oh, this phrase sounds like Natalia's). model business here is not perspective and "model" is not actually the profession like it is in foreign countries. Egle, I don't try to fear you with all this scary stories =)) there are people who adores Natalia much; some of them really started believing in the fairy-tale stories, when Natalia had made her first progress (and married very well). It's very interesting that Natalia, who is very kind and soft, believes that rich russians will definitely help her to build new playgrounds...I'm afraid they won't oh, it sounds so pleasant... thank you!! as for me I always loved all the Baltic States and the Balts expecially =) you are so pretty and your towns are so peaceful and beautiful... I only know that the most famous Baltic model is Carmen Kass, she is an Estonian... she does =))) I like her feature that she doesn't try to make a superwoman from herself...I remember the phrase Natalia said once: "Woman is not beautiful to man if she doesn't look natural"
  19. that's nice =)) I'm Alla well...I can't write it there 'cause... but I'll just never understand why it's necessary to wade her precious name with mud and here goes another rumour! almost nobody in Russia didn't believe in her truly sincere incentives to make russian children's life better, and I heard phrases like this: "Oh, she doesn't care about children and Russia at all, she won't ever do something!". however, she did, and did it very well. I'm very proud of her; I hope her first children playground won't be destroyed... you can find more there, just look a little bit lower on that web-page. (looking through some pictures I realized that the photographer was a little bit drunk or something ; but on some pics she looks very touching)
  20. yeah, I am thank you! I'd never thought that it's too difficult to translate and to save the meaning at the same time sure. I guess Justin doesn't still know about that, right? there is so many strange things in this world =) It's awful but in Russia the major number of rumours concerning Natalia are of an sexual character... :yuckky: so the rumour you've posted is nothing but a nice story =) these are photos from Nizhny Novgorod (opening of the first project of Naked Heart Foundation). I post the most beautiful
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