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Status Replies posted by peroxideblonde

  1. Ragazza bellissima,incantevole

    1. peroxideblonde


      peccato non sono io 😅

  2. I wanted to entitle it "Stupid Americans" but decided against it. :rofl:  Okay, we (Southerners especially) do have a bad reputation for being oblivious to certain things about the rest of the world. The difference between Slovakia and Slovenia and such. I do better than most, but I feel as though my inability to place this accent on my own falls into that category. I only know that it isn't French or Italian. That is it. :ninja: 





  3. Is this butt competition still going on? :laugh:


    1. peroxideblonde


      yes i'll start soon :rofl:

  4. Two things I don't hear people giving social media enough credit for. One, if you say that you've dated someone that looks better than a model/actress you criticize, it gives you proof. Two, if you dare say that a random woman looks as good as a model/actress, you have proof of that too. :Angel: 

  5. No matter how many times I see that avatar, for some reason I expect the tree to break. :laugh: 

  6. How do you think Megan Fox would have done in "Best Eyes" in her prime?

    1. peroxideblonde


      great for sure! but not just in her prime, even now i think she can do good..you'll be interested if i'll do a best eyes celebrity edition?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Pinch? :shifty:


    1. peroxideblonde


      yes but i'm doing this for you, acting like this is not healthy for a relationship :rofl:

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. The Italian Olympic team's clothes were sponsored by Armani.  Way to taunt the rest of the world. :ermm: 

  9. I actually usually judge eyes by shape and proportion (or overall) but I will try for you.  :p For example, I don't like Carla Bruni's eyes at all, but I guess the color is unique? Still good that you distinguished eye shape though.

    1. peroxideblonde


      same, that's why i decided to have 3 different categories, blue eyes are my favourite but i'll pick green eyes over blue ones if the shape is better..and thanks for voting! :D


  10. I guess since you gave a 1, you won't be offended by me saying that Julie Henderson (face) looks similar to John Travolta with a blond wig. :laugh: 

    1. peroxideblonde


      nope...and you're right! :rofl:

  11. I see that you like Tanya M. too, so surely you concede that her hair is always on point and that she has one of the sexiest names ever? :Angel:

    1. peroxideblonde


      i'm Tanya's biggest fan here! :rofl: and yes! :chicken:

  12. Hi, thanks for starting a thread for Inka Williams. I just posted about 80 or so pics from Listal, hope you like them.

    1. peroxideblonde


      oh really? that's cool! :D and i was like you before, you just need time :smile: 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi, thanks for starting a thread for Inka Williams. I just posted about 80 or so pics from Listal, hope you like them.

    1. peroxideblonde


      you're welcome, she deserved one! and great, good job :smile:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hi! Just wondering: Who is that in your av and your signature? Thanks :smile:

  15. i saw you posted Nina pics from the SI app, can you do the same with Tanya and Hannah Ferguson please? :)

  16. Awesome set Paola!! :chicken: Specially your avi!

    1. peroxideblonde


      thank youuu! i'm happy you like Tanya, i'm trying to make her fanbase bigger ahah :rofl:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. I love your new set Peroxi ! :)

  18. Ah so it's today! Since you live in the future it was yesterday for me when I told you happy birthday :P Happy Birthday again :D

    1. peroxideblonde


      ahahaH thank you Storm!!! :D :*

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