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Everything posted by Brandiexoxo

  1. I think they may have all 4 go.
  2. Dri wasn't very active much for a lot of the swim stuff. So naturally they are going to milk every last bit of swim they can for press and such before they move on to the fall and winter collections. Which I have a feeling she will be featured very heavily during that time. She has done a lot of shooting already and a bit of press though. Why move on to the next thing now when you can still milk what you have out I suppose lol
  3. Wow! So pretty! Her body looks amazing btw!
  4. Ehh.......i don't like it sorry. I was so happy when she went a darker blonde last year for the VSFS...I was hoping shed go even darker. Hopefully she goes back to the golden blonde.
  5. This is cute! http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/3421945?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003
  6. Lawls! I got the catalog with Candy on the cover a couple of days ago. Pretty sure its like the 9th time I've gotten it. All they do is occasionally change the color of the bra and panties from pink to black lol
  7. Wow!!! She looks fucking flawless! Everything is perfect!
  8. Her body is sick! I also love her tan in this pic :3
  9. Well did VS have to pay Jay Z to perform in 2011 with Kanye? Or did he kinda just do it since he was there? I think VS has a good shot of having B perform since she was there with Jay in 2011. I think at this point the stars want the exposure. VSFS gets a lot of exposure to so idk why she wouldn't want to.
  10. She's getting so close to 1 million followers on Twitter. I feel like it could be any day now lol
  11. Haha! I'm sure she will get 3 plus wings. I think with last year it was a race for her to get into shape so they didn't really make things for her just in case she couldn't do it. That's why outside of the Circus jacket the other garments she wore seemed "off the rack" if that makes sense.
  12. Her boobs have been looking amazing!! Get the FB on them now! lol
  13. I'm not willing to boycott the show just because Doutzen didn't get the bra. Thanks for making the thread!
  14. Its up to you but I just have this feeling Todd is going to be more open about what's going on. I think were going to get a lot more info than we did last year. I mean its only June and we've got a wing pic, pics of Barbara at the fittings, a glimpse of a sketch and somewhat of a confirmation that Dris getting the FB. I know all of that sounds small but this shit is like Christmas for me! :3
  15. Those denim jackets in the background make me think of PINK. I think they may do like an old school vibe for Pink this year?
  16. I agree! That sketch in the first pic looks to be very feathery. And if I'm not mistaken it looks like there could be another headpiece. I guess VS liked them last year lol
  17. Since there's a lot of talk about the 2013 VSFS lately on here and Todd posted a pic of Wings being made for this years show, plus I have seen someone say Barbara Fiahlo is confirmed to be the fit model this year..............when is it ok to start a 2013 VSFS discussion thread? Or do we just discuss things in here? toddthomasnyc #VSFashionShow -- toiles and fittings continue! Slaving away with gorge @fialhobarbara
  18. Exactly! Candice can wait her turn just like everyone else did. Besides I'm sure VS will find something for her on the show whether it be another promo or 3 more sets of wings.
  19. Karlie could have her chance at opening also I don't think Karlie has a chance at all this year tbh. I could def see her closing a segment or even the show but I'm even a little skeptical at the thought of her opening a segment.
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