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Everything posted by GeorgiaGirl

  1. I think Barbara is just taking a vacation right now which is why we haven't been hearing from her lately and I heard on tumblr (not sure if its true or not) that VS is waiting to make Barbara an official angel until later in 2014 which like I've said about 1,000 time before in this thread is a good idea since she is still pretty young and still needs a little more time to grow and fully come into herself. Plus I think a good angel always needs to earn their stripes/move up the ranks before becoming and angel like Candice and Rosie did and just be handed a contract out of the blue like Lily and Chanel and VS is busy trying to promote Karlie as an new angel and what not this year so maybe Barbara's time will actually really be next year, but all I know is she better be in this year's fashion show with more than one outfit or Imma bitch slap all those mofos at VS lol . And about her doing runway I honestly think Barbara could actually do runway even with her height I just think she just doesn't want to, hasn't gained enough confidence for it, or whatever the reason maybe. I just wish she did do some runway and hf work or does some in the future because as beautiful as she is all theses beauty campaigns and what not can get kind of boring and repetitive. PS sorry for the long rant
  2. Karlie did look kind of awkward with Candice and Ale at the swim launch I mean what was the point of VS having fans pick out what bikini for her to wear if they were just going to put her in a cover up but she looked the best at the swim party and her personality is a breath of fresh air.
  3. This interview was awkward as hell and the interviewers were throwing mad shade at the girls all through out it lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xVhoTWK3704 This one was MUCH better the girls seemed to actually be having fun and the interviewer even got Candice to loosen up a bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rBcHFfSdP1c
  4. lol true but on the bright side it does make her stand out more from the rest
  5. I'm not really into bangs but Barbara looks mad good with them, they really suit her face and gives her bit more of an different/edgier look.
  6. Welcome Agksun to the Barbara Palvin thread.....Welcome..... New Lovcat Paris pictures......from their Official Facebook page..... http://www.facebook....e=3&theater Her smile is so incredibly radiant http://www.facebook....e=3&theater http://www.facebook....e=3&theater https://twitter.com/...0892288/photo/1 Thank you soo muchhh ❤ btw i dont think that they will drop her from vs because they clearly know that she has media impact and beautiful face and body. She just fits there soo much! And they said that vs introducting of barbara video. I think she really improved this year. She was in vs show and she was in all swim and holiday commercials. People are doing these stuff in couple years but barbara has done that in one year. So dont be worry vs loves her im sure. I mean how couldnt they Yeah I agree with you I just think VS is taking their time with her and waiting for her to at least turn 20 and mature and come into herself a little more before making her a full fledged angel and putting her fully on the forefront. And not sure if its true or not but people were saying on tumblr that VS weren't going to make an angel until next year, so she might be following into Karlie footsteps a little when it comes to being made an angel. And word on the street is that VS is heading back to St Barts and shooting ton of stuff this month so hopefully Barbara will be part of it.
  7. LMAO! love this New York is too much and I'm too glad Adriana is finally back working with VS.
  8. I'm glad VS is letting Karlie keep her short hair and not just throwing some extensions on her.
  9. Love the little Aaliyah bang and I'm glad she switched it up a bit cant wait to see a fuller view of it as well.
  10. I've been really liking karlie for VS lately, she definitly was the standout for me in that Fabulous commercial and it looks like her body has been feeling out as well........I can admit that I am a fan now lol . I hope she keeps it up.
  11. Miranda Kerr and Behati Prinsloo at the Victoria's Secret Fabulous Launch in NY yesterday Not really feeling the girls dresses it kind of washes them out and VS must really like Miranda in yellow they have had her in that color for this whole campaign lol.
  12. Where did all this come from though? You say there is no need to compare them and what not but then you proceed in comparing them to each other yourself. And last time I check Barbara was doing just fine before Justin came along he only put her name out there a little more if anything girl was already getting campaigns, working with VS,snagged a Lo'real contract, winning fashion awards ect. before the whole Bieber mess. I understand if you are not a fan but please get the facts straight. Like I said before there will never be another Adriana , Adriana will always be the Adriana and Barbara will always be the Barbara so all the comparisons are really not needed imho.But anyways this thread is a mess the mods needs to get it together ASAP.
  13. ^Yeah I like the commercial as well and not a blonde in site lol.
  14. Although I always thought of Barbara as a bit more of a Maybelline than Lo'real girl her lo' real work has been beautiful so I can't wait to see the new commercials, campaigns, ect. I just wish she did more runway.
  15. The Fabulous Commercial Miranda- while I'm glad to see her working more with VS and actually in a commercial with the other girls since she is still an angel she just always seems annoyed like MissLimaVzla said and she always seems to come off as a lil fake and rehearsed to me but with that said she looked really pretty in the commercial and Frankie was a cute touch. Karlie-she is definitely growing on me for VS she seems really be coming into herself and she just oozes that fun, natural charisma that is needed IMO to be angel not to mention she seems to be a damn good spokes model for the brand even better than Lily, Lindsay, and Erin. Lily-she looked nice and her body is even more amazing after the baby but she needs to ease up off the tan a lil though. And lol at them having to make Karlie go bare foot and slouch a lil while the other girls where in heels in the group shot so they could all be the same height.
  16. ^Agreed, there is like 2,0000 swim pictures of Candice and Co and like only about 5 of Barbara. Come on VS we want to see Barbara showing off those nice curves in sexy swimsuits more.
  17. I hope she is ^ I miss her but I'm glad she isn't going to be in that commercial they are shooting in Miami its looks like a Transformers/Bad Boys movie with some models in heels and lingerie thrown up in it. Just looks like a over the top mess waiting to happen.
  18. I personally love Barbara's body, her body is probably my current fave right now at VS. I think her soft curves combined with her shortish height (for a model) help her kind of stand out from the rest like Candice ultra small waist line, Karlie's super long legs, and so on. But everyone has their own opinions. I just hope VS doesn't pull an Emanuela De Paula on Barbara and continue working with her and some day make her an angel because even though I kind of like karlie for VS and all I still think Barbara fits the image a little more than her to be honest.
  19. ^True but I got a gut feeling that Karlie is going to become and angel pretty soon or at least by the end of this year and maybe Barbara as well. VS seems to REALLY like Karlie and girl has been in all over their site and has so far been in every campaign, commercial, ect coming out this year. Not to mention she speaks well, seems to vibe well with the other current angels, seems to be getting better and better with her pictures, has hf credibility, a good runway walk, has a unique and striking look that sets her apart, a charismatic and fun personality, and gets people talking and their attention whether it is good or bad. Love it or hate it girl seems like a shoe in to become an angel.
  20. Dang Barbara can't catch a break just when it seemed the Bieber fever was dying down here comes Leo Mania , but I guess any exposure is good exposure. And to add my two cents on the whole Barbara being innocent or whatever discussion I think she does have a somewhat of an innocence/pureness at least to me due to her young age and angelic like face but she is definitely not this all out naive little girl that she sometimes puts on . Although I do hope her English gets better so she can express her self more and what not in interviews and that she grows out of some the side eye worthy stuff she tends to do like the whole Barbellas/Barbellos...........NO Barbara . I find it tacky and cringe worthy even when celebrities give their fans nicknames.
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