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Everything posted by vendelafan

  1. Really?? That's shocking. Sorry, @missparker7, I don't have an answer for your question, but I'd also be interested to know why. Perhaps her agency commanded a higher salary for her work than what Glamour usually paid?
  2. Wow!! Her loveliness has not diminished at all... in fact, her face is even more extraordinary looking imo.
  3. I would never have access to these things without you, @missparker7. Thank you, again, for your amazing generosity.
  4. Extraordinary! She was so lovely.
  5. The Face of the '90s May Belong to Vendela, Swedish Supermodel and Grace Kelly Look-Alike | PEOPLE magazine, March 27, 1989 | Photos by Co Rentmeester
  6. More AMAZING scans, @missparker7! Thank you.
  7. Recently sold on eBay Italia: Grazia, 12 July 1987
  8. As always, thank you, @missparker7! Such rare material and scanned in excellent quality.
  9. Wow! So very 80s! Thank you so much for sharing, @missparker7. As always, you have the best scans of Vendela.
  10. Here are some rare nudes of Vendela I found on eBay.
  11. missparker7, you have all the treasures, don't you?!!! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful scans here. Did you purchase all these magazines when they were on newsstands? Or at thrift stores? Or online? Thank you again!
  12. VOGUE UK, October (?) 1986 - Photographer: Sergio Caminata SOURCE: AngelLover at The Fashion Spot
  13. Oh, wow, thank you so much for this information, missparker7. I love that kind of stuff, especially photographers' names. I would have never guessed the VICHY ad was that early in her career! Do you think she did any work before 1985?
  14. PEOPLE, March 27, 1989 MOVIELINE, June 1997?
  15. New to me! Thanks for sharing, missparker7.
  16. Hi missparker7! Hmmm, well, Vendela has a lovely website and she calls a catalog shoot for Bik Bok in 1985 her "first big job." So I would say 1985 is more than likely when she began modeling. I don't think I've ever seen anything from Vendela earlier than that. Thank you for asking.
  17. Huff Post reveals more of Vendela's comments regarding her 1993 run-in with Donald Trump and her reaction to his election: “I was in shock. It was a dark day that Wednesday morning.”
  18. Totally new to me! Thank you, Dayrell ! Are these your scans? EDIT: I see they are from Tradera.com.
  19. Can anyone tell me if this is Vendela? TRICOT STUDIO- FILPUCCI - MODA ESTATE 1986 n° 2
  20. Thank you, snmkytkn! These are awesome. I'd never seen the first 3 before.
  21. This is one of those pictures that I don't run across all that often... at least, not as often as most of Vendela's other Arden ads. I found this one in the December 1992 issue of Ladies Home Journal. Enjoy!
  22. It's sad she had to deal with his ugly behavior, though I am certain she has had to contend with many of these disgusting kinds of situations throughout her life. I don't think she is a "fan" of Trump, but she told Dagbladet that she had no ill will against him. "No, no, absolutely not. I am a professional and work with all kinds of people. We've had the same PR agent in New York and I have met him many times in professional contexts. We have many mutual friends, but I do not [support] the same things as him politically."
  23. Rachel in a Christmas 1988 Neiman Marcus catalog. PHOTOGRAPHER: Unknown
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