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Posts posted by dalia_b

  1. it's official now! congrats Jac


    How Does It Feel to Be an Angel? Ask Victoria’s Secret’s Newest Addition, Jac Jagaciak



    It was only a matter of time before Monika “Jac” Jagaciak,one of the most coveted faces on the runway, scoring shows from Valentino to Alexander Wang, as well as a staple in the Chanel beauty campaigns for several seasons now, was tapped along with nine other models, to join the current rank of Angels, which boasts names like Alessandra AmbrosioCandice SwanepoelLily Aldridge, andAdriana Lima. Jagaciak first walked the Victoria’s Secret runway in 2013 and then again in 2014. So what is it really like to step on that live performer–bedazzled, confetti-sprinkled catwalk versus the typical, straight-faced, ready-to-wear runway? Well . . . a blast, naturally. “The first Victoria’s Secret show I did, I was closing the section and Adriana was right behind me. We were dancing backstage, and it was fun to see her losing her mind to the music!” says Jagaciak. “It is really fun compared to a regular show. Even just the energy backstage is more fun than the actual show!”

    Although Jagaciak is a beaming natural, the Poland native didn’t have much exposure to Victoria’s Secret growing up. “The first time I came to America I saw the store and realized how big it was here,” she says. “My mom loved the brand. Whenever she came to New York with me after that, there were always trips to Victoria’s Secret.” Now her new Angel wing–endowed family will be there to guide her. “I was super surprised when I was meeting Candice, Lily, and Alessandra at how nice they are, and how not competitive it was going to be,” says Jagaciak. “I thought the models were going to hate each other! But they are the sweetest girls. It is nice to know that even though they are so successful and well-known, they are still very normal.” Spoken like a true Angel.



    from vogue.com

  2. I do not buy also the "the ugly duckling" stories but I do believe they were awkward. This article was written when Jac was 14, there was a big controversy when IMG wanted to send her to take part on the australian fashion week.


      Back to school for banned model Monika Jagaciak, 14

    Back to school ... Monika Jagaciak / Tim Anderson

    THIS is the Polish schoolgirl Australian Fashion Week organisers believed appropriate to front their glamorous festival.

    But instead of strutting the catwalks in Sydney this week, Monika Jagaciak was walking to school in Poland looking exactly her age - just 14.

    The rising star's planned visit Down Under was canned at the last minute after protests about underage models.

    She made her feelings known about the decision when tracked down at her home town by The Daily Telegraph yesterday.

    "I think it's stupid. I feel like I'm older," she said.

    And her proud mother Marlena said she personally accompanied her daughter on assignments and would never put her in danger.

    "She's a good student who is doing very well at school," Mrs Jagaciak said through an interpreter. "Because of her age, she always has someone with her. She is never on her own."

    Monika and her family live in Puszczykowo, a township of just 9000 surrounded by national park about 300km west of Warsaw.

    Monika's mother believes her daughter has enough support to handle the tough industry and does not resent Australia's ban.

    "We don't take it personally. We understand that's the rules and they apply to everyone," Mrs Jagaciak said.

    Monika also believes her schoolwork has not suffered from her trips away on modelling assignments.

    "My teachers say I'm good. They give me material to study when I'm not home," she said. She is still determined to travel to Australia. "I want to go when I'm 16 or older," she said.

    By that time she'll be the minimum age set by Australian Fashion Week organisers in response to community outrage over her case.

    The teen and her mother were unable to talk further after their agents banned interviews in light of the controversy in Australia.

    Global management company IMG, behind international stars such as Heidi Klum, has taken on Monika, an indication there are big things ahead for the young model.

    A company representative declined to comment this week.

    Monika's Polish agent Katarzyna Rusin said: "Monika is being prepared to be a superstar, that is why no one is allowed to speak to her."

    Wearing a plain uniform and stripped of make-up, Monika could have been any student as she headed to class with a backpack slung over her shoulder and friend by her side.

    But her physical appearance sets her apart from her classmates. Rail-thin, she could cause some observers to be concerned. She also towers above her fellow pupils.

    Many residents remain unaware of the town's rising star, who has appeared for French fashion house Hermes and Calvin Klein and been the cover girl for several magazines.

    In Sydney, Vogue editor-in-chief Kristie Clements addressed the issue of Jagaciak's omission from fashion week in the June edition of her magazine. "The real question we need to ask is why a coltish prepubescent 14-year-old is chosen to present fashion to adult women," she wrote.

    "The fashion world needs to be alert to the inherent misogyny here."




    i think she meant that kind of awkwarness

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