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Everything posted by neonntiger92

  1. am i the only one who feels like candice has a fighting chance at getting the fantasy bra this year? i'd like her to, anyways, either her or erin.
  2. i agree about how stunning erin looks in those unedited VS pictures. she's a natural beauty, it definitely shows! thanks for all the videos and pictures
  3. omg leo shoulder is the best kind of shoulder one inch to the right and we would have gotten leo nipple
  4. bar looks perfect in those pictures, her dress, her hair, her smile...peeerrfffect
  5. she looks so different with red lipstick, omg. lovely as always, especially with that hair!
  6. aw bb leo has a tattoo :') i'd love to find out what it really is!
  7. sorry for double post but bar just tweeted this video: http://t.co/n1pxokXW absolutely adorable
  8. she looks so good in that ad, does anyone have the original pictures from it?
  9. ugh that article is such BS..."letting himself go"? i was unaware that enjoying a vacation in comfortable clothes was considered "letting himself go". and commenting on his hair? it's both laughable and ridiculous how much the media over-exaggerates even the smallest "flaws" (if you could even call them that, UGH). leo has light hair that he had to dye darker for django. now the darker color is probably fading out and his natural color is showing through. i can't with that article. i wouldn't even take it to heart, tbh. they're just ripping on him because they're either envious of his status as a hollywood legend at 37, jealous of his beautiful girlfriend, or bitter/pressed that he's in hawaii and they (the media rats) aren't. also they probably need some traffic on their site. forget them
  10. those close-ups of her are so so so stunning, thank you for posting them bb :')
  11. Ehhh??? You need that we do an intervention for you????... Also remember this is a no-judgment zone
  12. she looks so good with her hair up, ugh
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