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Posts posted by Nightlife

  1. Here is Lindsay Lohan posing in a bikini at the Boost Mobile party a short while ago, in-between stints in rehab

    the box on her ankle is a machine that checks her bloodstream for alcohol, I guess it did not have an alert on it because she was famously caught drunk after a wild car chase and with (allegedly) coke in her pocket(and i don't mean the rival to Pepsi coke either)

    she was interviewed by ELLE magazine just before her arrest and return to rehab and she seemed to be talking in a mixture on confessional honesty and total delusion.

    She admitted that unable to sleep alone(which explains the stories about her utter sluttishness and picking up total strangers to take home for the night) but refused to acknowledge that she was drinking and drugging her life away, she claimed to be clean when she obviously wasn't and must have completely ignored all the advice that must have been given to her in rehab to stay away from old friends because she stayed with the same party crowd, none of whom ever feel the need to question her behaviour.

    It has now been reported that she is about to be dropped by her record label and film companies(Casablanca Records and film powerhouses Disney and Paramount Pictures), she can kiss her career goodbye if this happens.

    I do hope that she gets her shit together, but to do that she will need to be left alone(and possibly kill her bitch of a mother Dina who has a greater sense of denial that LiLo herself)

    enough chat, here are the piccies

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