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Everything posted by NEWGIRL10

  1. Have you all seen Mathias undressing and sexy in bed in the new Carolina Herrera video?
  2. More Ferragamo pictures are out. There are surely bigger versions somewhere...
  3. Saw this backstage shot and thought it might be new?
  4. His eyes still really show through in the new lookbook for Uniqlo... You can see them here: http://thefashionisto.com/lyle-lodwick-mar...iqlo-fall-2011/ But I'll post a few...
  5. Backstage at Gucci, apparently....
  6. I know Mathias don't walk for shows anymore (maybe he is not interested or he is bored by it ) and since he only walked for Gucci I was expecting him to open or close the show but I'm sure Gucci knows how to treat him right... I only wish they would also sign him up for their ad campaigns too <_< You can post gifs by using some photo uploading service like photobucket or imageshack sometimes Bellazon's own upload service don't show the gifs properly :yuckky: Marty was kind enough to host the gif on her blog. You can see it here. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-weACTmLbXlk/TgAa...cciSS12Back.gif I think Mathias was "featured" to an extent, "closing" the first half of the show, but it seemed symbolic to me. Gucci was a major advance in his career, and they clearly like working with him, but he's at the stage where he's being trotted out as a name and it wasn't in anything particularly spectacular. It's the cycle in a model's life, the young "hot trending" models walk a lot, the older phase into catalog and major campaigns, and this is clearly where Mathias is. Sean O'Pry didn't walk much either, if at all. But Noah Mills and David Gandy got much more royal treatment from Dolce & Gabbana. He's said in interviews walking is not his favorite thing, but this seems like a long way to go for not very strong feature position in a show. Maybe he's going to Paris as well.
  7. I have to say I'm not impressed with his agent or Gucci if this was an attempt to make Mathias look like an exclusive or special. I wonder how Gucci and other designers are reacting, if they are, to these strategic decisions by someone to be more selective. Dolce & Gabbana are treating their special stars much more favorably. Of course, Mathias looked handsome as ever, but a bit bored with it all.... Tried to post a gif but couldn't do it, for some reason.... anyone know how?
  8. Thank you sav3mys0ul - so great to get the full set. And nice to know he was working all along.
  9. Scoop has posted larger versions of three HQ pics from the Stand Still editorial, though I think Marty's actually look better in the smaller version. [Edit: I found the rest...larger yes but not necessarily higher resolution]
  10. He really is looking so dreamy, I just want to stare at him, his every movement is so romantic Why didn't you like the photoshoot? The editorial was so wonderful
  11. Mathias supporting Japan relief ... From http://hommemodel.blogspot.com/2011/04/mat...chard-chai.html
  12. So lovely. I wasn't particularly fond of that photoshoot, but this makes him look dreamy Thanks!
  13. There are many reasons it could be happening. 1. The economy has seen every business cut corners, even if it's just an excuse to hoard profits and fire employees to save money. If they have doubts that a particular model sells clothes or cologne or whatever else is sold, they just want to hire someone to do the work. As much as we think Mathias is unique and the best, there are more male models than ever, probably cheaper. Marty can speak to this, or others can, but I recall at some point his people were saying they wanted to make him more exclusive. Maybe it's working just like he and they wanted, or maybe it's not. In my view, he's taking work this year that's not as high profile as it was in years past, which suggests he does want to work for the right price, and that may be for lesser known clients that are using his face to make them seem more cache, but it may also be that other big name clients have moved on. 2. Age makes this inevitable. Most of the top models are younger -- part of a young model craze that's been going on for some time now, and it's getting worse, I think. More and more are recruited before they're 18. This is why Mathias opened shows before he was 25. He's 27 now, and the older models get, the more they move to catalog. David Gandy and Noah Mills are exceptions and clearly cater to a different appeal, and it's why Noah Mills and the like move in to acting. But the modeling biz is definitely youth obsessed. He's going to get older, and we'll see how that affects his appeal. 3. It's the nature of the entertainment business. A lot of top actors disappear see their careers drop off for no apparent reason -- other than that the public wants what's new and fresh. Why did Tom Hanks suddenly go from Oscar darling to someone who can't open a film anymore? Trends. Fashion is worse in this regard. Mathias has had a good run and is still in demand for top clients, if Dior and H&M still want him. But he may have saturated to a point where people are ready to see who's new. Remember when Alex Lundqvist was everywhere? He's now considered a "90s model" even though he turned 30 in 2002. His heyday was from age 22-28. He still does some high-profile work, but walking runways and appearing in every ad? That stopped around the time he was 30, IIRC. 4. He definitely might have burned out -- for now, or for a long time. He has other interests, he's talked about opening a business with friends, and we know he's said to the press he's not really into the parties and even the fashion itself. But he's also said he's going to make it last as long as it can. At any rate, I don't know if it's for lack of trying. But he was a hit when he was 20-21 and has had a strong 6-7 year run. It's not something that's necessarily sustainable at the same volume, just by nature.
  14. Thank you, Marty! Now I have the only part of that video that matters! :) He does walk a lot in those shows that are missing from youtube – especially Prada SS07, the one I want to see most. For anyone interested, most of the shows are on FashionTV's channel as well as Faith's, but also DailyMotion for some of the missing ones, other than what I listed above. There are big gaps in SS07 as well, unfortunately. But the rest are mostly available for now. Everyone else has better blogs, but I will try to start a youtube this weekend and mark all of Mathias videos as favorites, and upload the ones not there that I downloaded from elsewhere.
  15. If there's one to miss, it's probably the backstage at Bruuns ... I got all the way through it but it wouldn't download ... he's sitting by himself with his feet up on the table, sooo cute, but just for a second. What's even more frustrating is that this person is also the only person to upload the video for Prada SS07 (in short shorts) or YSL SS07 right now. If they were on youtube or dailymotion or vimeo, they're not showing up in a search. It seems crazy since we have all the pictures we could want from those shows, but I love to see him walk!
  16. There are several videos I can no longer find on youtube available on this site (from China?) but my download tool will not download them. If anyone can get them for us, that would be cool! Bruuns Bazaar runway and backstage http://6.cn/plist/263188/21.html http://6.cn/plist/263188/20.html Louis Vuitton FW 2006 http://6.cn/plist/263188/1.html
  17. Does anyone know how to put these together? ... or even better, to find the un-severed originals???
  18. Thanks – for newcomers like me, most of what I have comes through these boards and the blogs. Sadly, some of the missing shows were posted and links are gone, or even back then people didn't know where the shows came from, so it's been fun to track down what I can -- while I watch TV -- and get distracted by Mathias! But I've tracked most of them down that I have, but I'm probably missing even more -- it may never end!
  19. By the way, if anyone ever needs info, as to his show lists, I've tagged everything but a few of his early shows from spring / summer 2005. If anyone has or can identify pics from the following shows, I'd appreciate it – Imitation of Christ, Mads Nørgaard – this is all I seem to be missing. I also noticed most show lists omit Sonia Rykiel for FW 2005, though we do have a backstage and runway shot from the show (at least, I think so on the latter). I've attached the backstage.
  20. I hope this is okay ... I was going back trying to identify some of the oldest runway shots randomly posted here and elsewhere to see if I can finally tag them (Mathias fandom and OCD, not the most efficient combination, but I have very few unidentified shows left and it's driving me nuts). In the process came across one of his early shows from Chanel I didn't see posted here. I'm fairly sure he's 21 here, this was Spring / Summer 2005/2006 for women, however Chanel does their shows someone can figure it out. It's mostly women, but Mathias shows up twice In part I around 3:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFO8rjswxCI In part II, around 5:20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnHKoyolLwg
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