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Everything posted by lynn

  1. http://nymag.com/daily/fashion/2011/08/iri...=twitter_TheCut
  2. new interview: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kiriblakeley/2...el-irina-shayk/
  3. No new news about her work ? or for S.I, is it that the photoshoot has been achieved ?
  4. It does not pass his life in Madrid, she returns regularly to NY but it was never followed by paparazzi as much as in recent days. Maybe it has signed a big contract with a new brand.
  5. It's a pictures of the baptism of Crj. She carries the same dress as that of "Screening Snow Flower and the Secret Fan NY" I hope that she did not steal the star to the children with this kind of dress. lol
  6. I just SIgn with a BEST AGENCY in the world Ellite NY. via facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kNFdY7Rlbo...player_embedded
  7. http://www.lux.iol.pt/nacionais/irina-shay...34903-4996.html yes, they aren't engage
  8. Everyone is free to like or not a person (even for insignificances ) as people who hate Cristiano Ronaldo, that's life unfortunately.
  9. Irina is not either very popular in USA. I remember when she had made the cover of GQ last summer, the title was " the girlfriend of Cristiano ronaldo " there was even no its name in front page. And in Europe it is very known to be the girlfriend of... His relationship made known to the general public.
  10. You think it's done on purpose
  11. http://www.divinity.es/wp-content/uploads/...1/irina_660.jpg http://www.divinity.es/2011/01/04/el-direc...stiano-ronaldo/ ~Please do not hotlink images - check the rules here - Edited by Carmelita.~
  12. You really think he's selfish now? I think that he has changed, in a good way. Some people think that by preferring to spend Christmas with his girlfriend instead of her own son it is a selfish act, he makes spend his personal envy before his son and avoids his responsibilities. Cristiano is a very immature young man in the head. On the ground he improved and it is less selfish that he was him. (Sorry for my English)
  13. That's good, but still.. it's Christmas we're talking about, actually his son's first Christmas. So.. bad Cris, bad! Oh don't be mean! CJ is just 6 months and he will be with him on Wednesday! Cris always spent his off time with his family and now he has every right to go holiday freely once in his lifetime. Sorry English is my second L so I cant tell you what i what to tell and what i feel! How you know it ? "he has every right to go holiday freely once in his lifetime" poor man, we have the impression that he never has vacancy in its life (hard job) Her family comes to see him from time to time as her made always for a long time (Madrid, MU). It is question of Christmas and his son to be together (Too easy the excuse that it is only a baby). He would have very well been able to join Irina later! Maybe that it is completely normal to leave his child and to leave passing of good time. But I respect your opinion. (Sorry for my English)
  14. Comunicado de la revista GQ España http://www.vanitatis.com/noticias/comunica...1124-11898.html
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