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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo


    Ale is like that? I haven't noticed. She never was one of my favorites (she's too skinny) so I never paid much attention to her. Adriana used to be reserved and insecure, but that was years ago... ^ that's true Tinky. Unfortunately they are all good models, but not role models.
  2. how much is that in centimeters? 173 cm. 1 foot is 12 inches 5 *12 + 8=68 1 inch is 2.54 cm 68 * 2.54 = 172,7
  3. milo


    lets be honest - practically all young, famous and rich people are more or less spoiled. I can't name one model that I could call nice and smart without having any doubts. Heidi? she seams nice, she picked a good father for her kids (i think Seal is a great guy), but when she was younger she got pregnant with Briatore's child. Petra? How blunt do you have to be to date Blunt? Maybe Ale? I don't know...
  4. milo


    I wouldn't be surprised if she accepted that and paid you 2$ change. She dated Kravitz - she obviously doesn't value herself much .
  5. milo


    I know that but 400.000 euros for one night?? honestly, neither Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis asked for that much don`t say "for one night" because people might missunderstand In "Indecent Proposal" Demi Moor was worth 1 mln $ so Adriana's 400.000 wouldn't be a record .
  6. Yes that is actually me. Thank you so much for your nice comment! I used to be supermodel skinny and 5'7", but that was when I was 19. Lol! Now I'm 23 and I'm a size 8-10 instead of a size 4. Oh well, womanhood does that to you I guess... Thank you for brightening my night! (it's nighttime here in Sweden). ((hugs)) haaj, I just have a question about your wonderful pic! you said, that pic was taken when you were 19 years old but I found lately this photo and believe me she looks like Adri... That conversation was about her earlier sig... The girl in her current sig not only looks like Adri but she also is Adri.
  7. milo


    <a href (...) ></a> usually doesn't work on forums [url=http_to_img][img=http_to_thumbnail][/url] is just "[link_to_img]" when used on bz only [URL=http_to_img][img=http_to_thumbnail][/URL] is correct. It's not your fault the other do not work.
  8. milo


    Are those screencaps captured from that vid? I think they are from the "bob" vid. I have it, but it's too big for me to upload (80 MB flv). It would take like 100 min. on a 16 KB/s connection and I don't have that much time today.
  9. milo


    are you using the browser-settings trick that gives you free slots on megaupload? It used to allow me to have unlimited downloads from rapidshare too. Basically I could download stuff almost like premium members can - the only difference was I had to wait about 80 seconds before the download started. Now I'm not having any problems with rs so I'm not using that trick, but I'm 99% sure it still works. Changing those browser settings takes less then 3 minutes. I hope you will like that clip - Adriana looks really cute in it.
  10. true, but they are still incomparable with her all-time best pics. What happened to that woman in 2005?
  11. milo


    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E4Z26695 http://download.yousendit.com/613A729130FCBBD4 Why can't you use Rapidshare?
  12. milo


    A short clip from 1998. http://rapidshare.de/files/37429263/LIMA_98.wmv U can see a screencap from it in the lower-left part of this jpg posted by Femme Fetale in Candids.
  13. milo


    That's a screencap from a program about makeup. Someone made a small wmv with the Adriana-scenes from that program. I'll post it in motion.
  14. milo


    credit to the original poster.
  15. milo


    If every rumor about her being pregnant was true she would have had her fourth kid by now
  16. milo


    ?????? i didnt say anything about norah? i said "either way, i really doubt it's her (meaning adriana) if the post (meaning picture) was described as "gross". she's done some nude pics, but i only remember her doing Wicked, and some other editorial (possibly from the same photographer) that was when she was very young. a classic misunderstanding. You wrote: "what did the member post? either way, i really doubt it's her" and I thought that by "her" you mean a female member. Norah was the last person that posted before the "gross" comments appeared and I thought that by "i really doubt it's her" you mean "someone is using her account". You are right about Wicked but those pics... imagine pornstars with Adriana's face photoshoped on them .
  17. Usually stuff found on Wikipedia is like 80-90% true. I find those things hard to belive: Whenever she gets signed to a company their sales increase at least 30%. She is bookish : her favourite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. She is very religious and wears a scapular around her neck.
  18. milo


    Her? You mean Norah? She didn't post anything gross - nohuman did. It was a photoshoped nude picture .
  19. That's Michelle Alves ?! I was 99% sure it's Adriana.
  20. milo


    some guy from Russia posted fake nude pics...
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