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Posts posted by milo

  1. I didn't had time to check this forum for few days and now when I saw the candids, runway pics, vids and read the "she looks worse/no, she is stunning" discussion I feel like adding my thoughts about that.

    I wouldn't say this year is extremely bad as I believe it would be very hard to make the current Adriana look as awful as she was in 2006. For her standards that year was really horrible. 2007 seems to be similar to 2005 - you can notice there is something wrong about her look and that makes some pics look really bad, but there is also something in that woman that reminds me of the Adriana from her golden era (2001-2003) and that good thing is much easier to notice then in 2006. Hopefully she will continue regaining her old look and next year will be as good as 2004.

    Oh, two more things - people who say that her look changes so dramatically because she gains age are in my opinion wrong. Changes so easily noticeable can naturally occur only when someone is 20-22 or younger.

    Second thing is that I'm surprised so many people were able to see how horrible her recent interviews are. The "bad day" one is simply :yuckky: ...

  2. I luv Adrianas accent, you should watch that Interview she did on the Late Late show. It was so cute.

    :blink: That interview is the reason why AA and KK appear in talk shows instead of Adriana. She was really bad in it and seemed to be rather stupid. Behaving hyper isn't helping her image. It makes her look like a dumb party girl.

    I love her early interviews - like the one for FTV or small ones for E!. She seemed to be a simple, but very nice girl in them.

  3. Not if you find their accents sexy and charming I guess. Which I do.

    An accent can help models, but it can't "save" them.

    If they can barely talk English and have the vocabulary of a 9-year-old then even the sweetest of all accents will not make a difference.

  4. I actually think Heidi is fun to watch because, honestly, she speaks the best english out of most of the angels. I think she is kept more as a spokesperson than her body.

    Exactly! Listening to other VS models can get very painful.

  5. i love adriana.. really no offence but why does she always make stupid faces when she pose? it's not even cute just stupid.. and i have watched most of her interviews , and she can't even talk.. she's the most beautiful girl on planet but not the smartest for sure

    Unfortunately you are right. When a young girl does a silly face from time to time it can be cute, but when an adult, 25+ woman does silly faces ALL THE TIME it makes her look dumb... :/ The part about the interviews is true too. You can know quite a bit about someones intelligence just by paying attention to their way of talking, the words they use, etc...

  6. Don't even get me started with Alessandra :cain: , In my opinion she is useless to Victoria Secret.


    That is officially the silliest thing I have read this year. :)

    She gets so much space in catalogs, because people like buying clothes they see on her and that means MANY people like Alessandra even though most probably don't know her name.

  7. Miz_B how old are you? I would like you to know that the fact that you've read two of my posts doesn't give you the right to judge me and that though defending your point of view is OK assuming that all people who disagree with you are idiots isn't something a mature person should do.

    I'll put quotes from your posts between these signs: "%%"

    %%The pictures, easily said. Strapless bra in the 1st picture and no bar in the second. Since it's v-cut. how odd would that look if she wore a bra? Adriana isn't naturally busty, that's where the photoshopping comes in and push up bras.%%

    Why did you focus on the bra? Can't you notice her face? Hips? Belly? Don't you see how different they look on ALL recent pics?

    If you still think that the bra makes the difference then compare any new pic on which she is wearing a dress with the ones form the "Secret" perfume launch (brown dress) or the ones from the "fountain" TIM commercials.

    In the past she looked great in absolutely everything and now when she doesn't look stunning then it's because of the clothes, bras and makeup...

    %%Every study shows? Yeah well prove it,or is it just one of your made up statistic.%%

    You didn't bother to use google, did you? I typed in "women beauty proportions" and got tons of articles about symmetry and proportions being extremely important in human ways of judging beauty. Most of them are about faces, but there are some about bodies too.

    Like this one. It was 4th on my google results list. If people are too lazy to read that I'll give them a quote: "Scientists have also found that the body's proportions play an important role in perceptions of beauty as well. In general, men have a preference for women with low waist-to-hip ratios (WHRs), that is, more adipose is deposited on the hips and buttocks than on the waist."

    I got carried away when I wrote that every study will show that, but I'm sure that at least 90% will.

    A perfect woman would have a body shaped like a hourglass. It doesn't matter if women are skinny like "old" Adriana or have more meat on their bones like Monica Bellucci - they will have beautiful bodies if they have a waist much slimmer then their butt and chest.

    Unfortunately when Adriana gained weight it went mostly to her belly and waist area...

    %%Probably is I can go outside my house right now and ask men do they care about proportions, most of them will say they either want a butt or nice breast, depending on what they value more.%%

    And what would they answer if you asked them what do they like in that particular butt? They would say that they like it because it has some meat on it, but not too much (so it isn't sticking out too much or doesn't seem too wide), that they like how it smoothly "connects" with the girl's legs and how her slimmer waist gives great curves to her hips. They would have told you about symmetry and proportions.

    You don't believe me? Let's imagine an experiment. Let's pick a good looking woman with great breasts first. I think many men were crazy about Pam Anderson's breast. Now let's pick a good looking woman with barely noticeable breasts. I think Keira Knightley is a good choice. Now imagine we surgically removed Pam's breasts and put them on Keira. Perfect breasts would make Keira look better... or wouldn't they? Imagine slim-hip and tiny-waist Keira with Pam's huge boobs... It would look grotesque, wouldn't it? How come something that looks great on one woman could make another become ugly? Because it would make the other one disproportional.

    Women with small breasts need to be thin to be proportional.

    %%Also it's men like you that cause some women to have insecurities about their body which leads them to have eating disorders.%%

    :blink: That's a topic for another conversation, but IMO women don't get eating disorders because they see beautiful women in colorful magazines - they get eating disorders because they can't notice they don't have the right genes to be stunning, are too shallow to see that looking "average" is enough for 90% of people, and these women aren't bright enough to notice that the real world doesn't look like the one in magazines/ads.

    %%I highly doubt Adriana cares what a man like you thinks about her body. Adriana obviously doesn't cater to people like you who expects her to look a certain way or act. She does what she thinks is best for her and that's what I like about her, she takes chances. Adriana is not selling her products to you, she's selling them for women. Not every woman is a size 0 or has "even out proportions" you only look at adriana because she's eye candy. Are you out buying the bras and panties she's advertising? No! How about the clothes? No or how about the make up? NO ONCE AGAIN!%%

    Women aren't crazy about Adriana's new look too.

    What makes me think so?

    You wrote that VS catalogs are created for women, right?

    Let's start from the beginning. What makes VS people use one model in catalogs more often then some other one? I think it's quite obvious that it's not random. They check how many clothes has a particular model "sold". So if model A had 10 pictures in the last catalog and the clothes she wore weren't popular (not many of them were sold) and model B had only 2 pics, but "her" clothes were very popular VS people decide to give more space in the next catalog to model B.

    If Adriana is looking so great, natural, womanly, curvy and doesn't wear clothes worse then the ones other models wear why is she getting so little attention in VS catalogs? Because other models make the clothes look better, because women who buy VS stuff find other models more attractive and buy the stuff the other models wear.

    A funny thing is that most women who would buy the clothes they saw on VS catalog queen Alessandra would also say that they consider Adriana to look better, more "womanly".

    Why would they do that? Pure psychology IMO. I think that when a famous, stunning woman loses her look (usually because of age or pregnancy) there are many women who support her and say she still is beautiful. They do that because deep down in their subconscious they hear a voice telling them: "look at her! People call her beautiful, but there isn't anything inhuman about her. You could be like that too if you did some exercises. You don't look that much different then her! You are beautiful too!". Basically by giving support they make themselves feel better, because if women who don't look very different from average ones would be considered beautiful then the average ones would feel better about their look.

    %%Do I care you had a good laugh about the womanly statement? No, The truth is Adriana does have a more womanly figure now, You have to be blind not to see it, she has curves in all the right places. Before she had the body of a 12 year old boy, but maybe your into girls who look like guys. What ever floats your boat.%%

    It's good to see that you are trying to insult me - it means you don't have any real arguments left...

    %%Nobody knows why Adriana lost the TIM contract, but people on here said because she wanted more money and they wouldn't give it to her. Why would her weight play a role in a commercial? It's not like she gained 60 pounds.%%

    She got the TIM contract thanks to her look so it's possible that when she started to change it TIM people noticed that soon she will not be able to be attractive enough to make Italians become TIM clients.

    It's possible that she simply wanted too much money, but isn't it also possible that she wanted to get a reasonable amount of money, but TIM people thought she isn't worth it? That it's better to invest in another model?

    We will never know...

    %%About the promotions, Adriana was on the view in 2005 without any other angels promoting the fashion show and in 2006 she was on E! I believe, can't remember doing a interview during her fitting without any other angels.%%

    She was on the View to smile pretty and let that VS woman do 90% of the talking.

    When you ask someone 3-5 questions it's not really an interview...

    Why Adriana didn't appear in a serious show like KK on Leno's and AA on Conan's?

    %%If adriana didn't have a contract with Maybelline, I'm sure she would be out their promoting make up and more stuff. %%

    When she looked better VS gave her much attention during perfume promotion events. Now she is just one of the angels.

    %%Like I stated before (you must be blind not to see what I wrote) Adriana likes to spend time with her family, so she goes to Brazil every opportunity she gets. Would you like to be working all the time and not see your family??? %%

    I saw that, but I didn't comment it because I didn't want to insult you. The sentence "Models like to spend time with their family" seems extremely childish too me, because it implies that models generally are idiots. What do I mean? Models should be aware of the fact that they will be unemployed since they will be around 30, so they should gather as much money as possible till than, so they will survive at least another 30 years. Beside that they should be aware that when they'll stop working they will be able to spend all the time they want with people they care about, so it's worth to work hard now.

    Would I like to work all the time and not see my family?

    I'm studying away from my hometown and I see my family on holidays... Does that answer your question?

    %%If I was Adriana, I would miss promotions too, there is nothing more important in my life than my family. And VS wouldn't let her go because she's out spending time with her family rather than promoting crazy like other models because if they did, Heidi would be the first to go.%%

    Do you really think Adriana has a choice? She signed a contract with VS and VS lawyers would be complete idiots if they didn't put a paragraph about promotions in it.

    She didn't decide to work less. It's VS who decided to give her less attention.

    %%I'm done with this topic, reply if you wish with some more bs. You're not a woman and will never understand why females like me admire Adriana and like her body the way it is right now. I hope you stop looking at Adriana as a piece of meat and look at her as a human, knowing she has flaws and isn't perfect. People change you need to accept it and get over it.%%

    Like I wrote before I believe that women who support Tyra or Adriana do it to feel better about themselves. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if it was VS in the first place to suggest gaining weight to Adriana. They knew they will lose their only "natural" woman, Tyra soon and they needed someone they can use as an example that weight isn't important for VS.

    I'm really disappointed that Adriana is losing her look - she isn't really old, she wasn't pregnant or sick... She used to be so stunning that she could have became a modeling legend like Cindy or Naomi, but now she will be degraded to and example that you don't have to be very thin to wear VS clothes.

    I'll not write any more posts about this. I think my opinion about Adriana's look is clear and understandable.

  8. Everybody is a critic. SO do you want adriana to be a toothpick? Don't look into things so much where you past the obvious reasons why Adriana isn't like she use to be.

    I. The reason why she hasn't been at V.S promotions: She has other engagments like (Maybelline), it's as simple as that.

    2. Also, Models like to spend time with their family, you know it's not everyday you can go visit them without it being an inconvenience to your schedule.

    3. V.S outfits- In my opinion, the card outfit wasn't average, in fact I liked it. And didn't you noticed how much the crowd loved her?

    4. Weight- This is why I admire Adriana so much, she doesn't follow the trend of being sickly skinny. She does what she wants and is happy from it. Honestly, I think her body suits her. She has more of a womanly figure rather then a 12 year old boy's body. When I first saw her I thought she was too skinny and didn't like her much, her legs were to skinny and her arms were you know also too skinny, she looked like she didn't eat a lot.

    Back then


    I pretty much like the 2nd picture, she looks more healthy.

    I bet it's Maybelline's fault that she doesn't appear in talk shows or doesn't give interviews about VS stuff without "backup" (other models) or that she doesn't promote any VS things not related with makeup on her own.

    I'm not sure about this, but didn't she loose the TIM contract around the time when she started gaining weight?

    I had a good laugh when I had read she has a womanly figure now. Having a big ass doesn't mean being womanly. Every study about ways in which men judge women bodies will tell you it's all about proportions. VS people obviously know that too and make her waist seem slimmer in most of her recent catalog pics. Sometimes they need to remove a really big part of her body to make her waistline become noticeable post-4170-1174178737_thumb.jpg

    IMO she had her best look around 2002-03. She wasn't extremaly skinny and she didn't need photoshop to look stunning like she does now.

    before post-4170-1174179085_thumb.jpg after post-4170-1174179233_thumb.jpg

    don't even think about telling me that clothes make the difference. If that's true she is wearing terrible clothes since almost two years.

    It's really hard for me to watch one of the most beautiful women (maybe even THE most beautiful woman) I've ever seen becoming a Brazilian Tyra Banks.

  9. And even if she gained a bit of weight lately, she still looks just as gorgeous. Her body just looks more developed and she's beautiful!!! :heart:

    I miss the "old" Adriana...

    Her face looks chubby instead of delicate.

    Wider waist makes her breasts look very small.

    Bigger butt? Not really an asset for a runway model.

    She lost her curves because the proportions (differences in width) between her waist and her butt and breasts are smaller.

    Generally her body seems to be muscular, bulky and looks "heavy".

    My English isn't good enough to describe the differences that are harder to notice.

    Just look on the amount of work VS is giving her. How many times she didn't attend an important promotion event since she gained weight? Do you think it's a coincidence that she didn't got to wear the diamond bra during the recent VS show? That she was wearing average outfits during it?

    I'm not trying to say that she is ugly. I've never seen a model as attractive as she used to be two or more years ago, but now... she is just a good looking model.

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