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Everything posted by chiva474128

  1. Flavia de Oliveira http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=2180
  2. I don't think imagevenue likes Bellazon.
  3. I'm assuming that these are the models that will be on MTV's "TRL" today.
  4. Thanks, Emilia. Keep 'em coming.
  5. WB11 is a NY channel, also referred to WPIX New York, and is the flagship station of the WB network. I think Direct TV customers recieve it as well. But anyway, your welcome Matt.
  6. Adriana on the "WB11 Morning News" - May 10, 2006 File Size: 65 MB File format: *.avi Resolution: 720 x 512 Length of video: 4:02 http://rapidshare.de/files/20110738/Adrian...ews_5-10-06.avi http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IB8935TJ http://download.yousendit.com/2AF433680E51E81C Lower quality version: File Size: 15 MB File format: *.wmv Resolution: 320 x 240 Length of video: 4:02 http://rapidshare.de/files/20115077/Adrian...Low_Quality.wmv http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7N42UNZK capped by me
  7. I've never heard that rumor before.
  8. chiva474128


    <_< The Met offense really stinks right now. Lately, it seems like they only score runs is in the 7th inning or later -- when they are trailing. It's getting fustrating because they were clicking a few weeks ago and now they can't string hits together early in games.
  9. chiva474128


    Meh to the Yanks. They're a bunch of bullies. I'm not worried about the Phillies, we usually play them tough. We annihilated them last year at Citizens Bank Park, hopefully it's more of the same this time around. Pedro goes in Game 1, Glavine in Game 2, and Trachsel in Game 3. So we're set up pretty nicely going into this series. DON'T SLEEP ON THE PHILLIES!!!
  10. chiva474128

    Eva Longoria

    She looks fantastic in that red dress. Thanks again Sha.
  11. Nice bonus. I sort of like the new style.
  12. This is an English language forum. If you have a problem or suggestion please specify it in English only.
  13. :evil: Thanks Angelxxxx. Were these pics taken at a halftime show? Soccer maybe?
  14. Mirage: I believe this is the same video http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?s=&...ndpost&p=376582
  15. Very nice, BrownEyesGirl. Thanks
  16. Nice video, thanks Fiammifero.
  17. chiva474128


    I've got this one.
  18. Stuff Magazine - Cabo San Lucas Photoshoot File Size: 18 MB File format: *.wmv Resolution: 400 x 300 Length of video: 2:54 http://rapidshare.de/files/19905949/Brooke..._Photoshoot.wmv
  19. chiva474128


    Mets took 2 out of 3 from Atlanta over the weekend. Up next are the white hot Phillies who have won 8 in a row. Hopefully, we can cool them off.
  20. No, they said that she already had it done. Here is the article taken from Star Magazine.com: http://www.starmagazine.com/news/62001 ASHLEE'S NEW NOSE! Who says imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Not the Simpson sisters! It seems younger sis Ashlee's recent nose job makes her look more like her big sis, Jessica. It's the latest move in a makeover that's seen Ashlee go from dark-haired, ratty rocker to sophisticated blonde. And sources tell Star that Jess, 25, is furious over Ashlee's apparent quest to morph into her more successful sis. Early on April 21, a source says, Ashlee, 21, arrived at the office of famed Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Raj Kanodia with her parents, Joe and Tina, for a nose job. "Afterward, her parents helped her into a waiting SUV," says the source. And as pictures taken just a week later show, the change is dramatic. "Her nose is thinner and more feminine," says NYC-based plastic surgeon and rhinoplasty specialist Dr. Geoffrey Tobias, who hasn't treated Ashlee. In other words, more like Jess'. Nose jobs like Ashlee's leave no scarring and little bruising
  21. The Sunday NY Daily News that had a picture that said that Ashlee had a nose job. I did some searching and found this: I believe this before and after photo is from Star Magazine.
  22. Scriptgirl: Go here http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=988, scroll down to "How do I use the attachment feature?".
  23. Hey Azkid, we care. Gocho posted an HD-quality version in her thread. Thanks for posting though.
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