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Status Updates posted by FashionDream

  1. hi whoops i accidently deleted our conversation when i was trying to reply.. my bad :ninja: But anyways im fine thanks for asking! so whose your fav male model these days??

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FashionDream


      lol yes i'm mistaking him for Aubrey it seems. Wow i'm sooo out out of the loop (insert head bang emoticon) lol

    3. liika


      lol thats nothing,im into the loop and im starting to forgetting faces and names..lol

    4. FashionDream


      ok that makes me feel a hell of alot better hehe because Your the male model queen around here haha :p :hugs:

  2. Merry Christmas my crazy friend! (and I say that with love haha) Enjoy your time with family and friends!! xoxox

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FashionDream


      Haven't seen the Hobbit yet.. but it's all I hear people talking about. I must be in the minority but I never got into the whole LOTR hoopla... I 've never even read the books... did I just hear you gasp?? lol

    3. FashionDream


      When does Django come out in England?

    4. Crazylady


      hey you, lmao, Yes I did a huge gasp, you have good hearing ;-) lol. I had to read them from the Hobbit and in order as I am strange like that! I watched the cartoon version its brilliant, I think they captured the creepy eviliness (Word from the Steph dictionary ;-))of the wraths much more than the new films, not that you will know what I am talking about lol(dad got me into it), but they never finished it due to lack of funding.

      Django comes out the 18th Jan I think, can't wait...

  3. hiiiiiii!!!! xoxo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ILUVAdrianaLima


      Ha, saw the typo :D I'm doing dam good here. Weather is finally nice and cold as I wanted it to be. Now just awaiting the best holidays to come...Thanksgiving and Christmas ^_^

    3. FashionDream


      lol the Thanksgiving part confused me haha because in Canada our Thanksgiving was last month.. but after a few seconds I understood you ha. When's Thanksgiving in the States?

    4. ILUVAdrianaLima


      Hehe, you crazy Canadians...having Thanksgiving in Oct :shifty: Ours is this coming Nov 22nd....I can't wait too! Even though I'm back with the workout routines, I can't wait to gain 5 pounds during that weekend ^_^

  4. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU!!!!! Hope you have a great day! Are you going to party the night away hehe??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crazylady


      I'm not really a huge party girl myself it can get a bit boring if I were to party all the time, prefer to do different things and visit places. Might be going to Belfast next year to visit the Titanic ship wooho always been fasinated with it xxx

    3. FashionDream


      OMG! I'm so jealous! That would be so awesome :heart: Hope you have a great time!!

    4. Crazylady


      Thanks Steph, just gotta save the monies, which is not easy for me toooo many kitchen gadgets! lol xxxx

  5. Hey hun! Whose that in your avi?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FashionDream


      Now who's in your avi? Sorry for all the questions.. im curious haha :p

    3. Mahi


      It's so okay dear,no need for apologies at all.

      It's model Michele Ouellette.

    4. FashionDream


      Thank you! :hugs:

  6. Hello, just wanted to stop by and show you some love <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FashionDream


      How do you turn off no script on bellazon?? :)

    3. dls1


      ???, I received no notification of these 2 last replies. ???

      To turn off Noscript, right click anywhere on the page, and check the allow Bellazon tab. or do the right thing on your noscript icon located on the navigation bar. Either should work, but like I said, I had no notification about these last 2 posts. Guess I need to check this page more often.

      Have a great weekend.

    4. dls1


      You can also go to Noscript options, white list, add bellazon.com and click allow, should turn automatically turn it off on Bz.

  7. MERRY CHRISTMAS LINZ!!!!!! Hope your X-MAS is filled with love and a bit of relaxation.... don't eat too much ok? Remember we need to potentially be able to fit into leo's suitcase!! lol xoxoxox

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mz_linz



      Good I'm glad. I did! My mom surprised me with tickets to P!nk. Shes coming to Detroit in March!! I can't wait!!!

      Yep we celebrate Christmas Eve every year with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. This year was fun because both of my cousin's have babies now :-)

      Yes we have to be in prime shape girl! Leo D. isn't just anyone lol!!

    3. FashionDream


      Oh wow now that is a nice Christmas gift! Lucky you :p

      I know quite a few people who celebrate on Christmas Eve, it's only recently that I realized alot of peoeple do. So what do you do on Christmas day? Just relax?:) Awww it's nice to have a new baby around, I have a cousin who just gave birth last month.. so he's a tiny little thing, too cute.

      I seriously wonder what leo's plans are hahaha... usually by boxing day we hear something, so sad how I rem...

    4. FashionDream


      remember these things lol

  8. jennka hunni .... hiiiiiiiii :hugs:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jennka


      I know, I´m neglecting it :( I shall make up for it soon!! :D

    3. FashionDream


      Whoops I actually meant forum not thread (i get those two words mixed alot) haha but if your a regular in your thread then I'll visit too xoxo

    4. Jennka


      I´ll be very honoured :D

  9. Hi Mahi! Just curious why do you have RIP in your Member title? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mahi


      Thank you so much Fash for caring about me.

    3. FashionDream


      Oh yes now I see what you meant.. very sad indeed!! :( :( I'm glad you are ok... i worried for a second... and everyone close to you is ok right? :) :hugz:

    4. Mahi


      I think everyone is ok,but seems these months can't bring anything but disasters,my childhood friend and her 2 daughters were killed yesterday in a horrible accident.Another disaster another sad news.Can't believe this is happening.

      Sorry to tell you these bad news,but couldn't help going over them.How about you?didn't hear from you for long time now.

  10. Merry Christmas Dave!!!!! :p xoxoxox

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FashionDream


      Meh it was pretty alright :p hehe

      Awww why no party this year... did something happen??

    3. ILUVAdrianaLima


      Looks like you need another gift to push from alright to AWESOME! :D

      Nothing bad happened, just no party this year around as in previous times :)

    4. FashionDream


      Oh I see I see :p

  11. Happy New Year!!!! All the best :D

    1. ILUVAdrianaLima


      WOOT! Thx hun, right back at ya ^_^

    2. FashionDream


      hahah loving your "Woot" response lol thanks . xoxo

    3. ILUVAdrianaLima


      WOOT! Anytime ^_^

  12. Muah! Happy New Year Fox !!!

    1. Little Fox

      Little Fox

      Oh thank you dear! Happy New Year to you too

    2. Little Fox
    3. FashionDream


      thanks hun xoxox

  13. I had to re add you haha <3

    1. Stormbringer


      hahaha I noticed. What happened?

    2. FashionDream


      I deleted everything on my about me page, so I had to go back and re add friends. :p I'm weird... I like deleting things then starting back from scratch lol.

    3. Stormbringer


      Lol! It's all clear then hahaha

  14. Happy New Year Mahi :hug: ;D

    1. Mahi


      Thanx Fashiondream for the nice wishes,happy new year to you too,sweety.

      BTW,is Leo really dating a new blondie?

    2. FashionDream


      NP hun :D

      From what we know Leo is still single its just a couple people got carried away when they saw him talking to a blonde woman on a yacht lol. However, Leo was with a bunch of people on that yacht :p

    3. Mahi


      Oh,yes,I see now.

  15. Thanks for the friend add :D

    1. hairmodelfan


      No problem! Thank you for accepting it!

      I like your Sig!

    2. FashionDream


      Aww thanks :flower: Hailey Clauson is too cute xoxo

    3. hairmodelfan
  16. hello hello :)

    1. 'shine


      Hello darl! How're you? :3 xoxo

    2. FashionDream


      Not bad, not bad :p Slowly getting used to this new BZ layout... you like it? :)

    3. 'shine


      Like you, getting used to it! I don't know how to turn on notifications so I can't see when people reply to me like you did :( haha, but I'm sure we'll both get used to it :') I'm glad you're good. Up to anything nice anytime soon? :)

  17. Merry Christmas hun!!! xoxoxox

    1. French angel

      French angel

      You are so sweet <3 Merry Christmas too hun! xoxox

    2. French angel

      French angel

      You are so sweet <3 Merry Christmas too hun! xoxox

    3. FashionDream
  18. Hey just noticed you changed your name :p

    1. French angel

      French angel

      Hey :) Yes right lol cause, I didn't wanted my true name anymore! xoxo <3

    2. French angel

      French angel

      Hey :) Yes right lol cause, I didn't wanted my true name anymore! xoxo <3

    3. FashionDream
  19. Hi! I'm a little late but.. welcome to BZ/ more importantly Leo's thread :D

    1. CassandraDiCaprio


      Thank you so much!!! :D I'm glad to be here, this thread is fantastic!

    2. FashionDream


      NP :p Nice to have you around, love your enthusiasm. :) By the way... great choice in user name. :p

    3. CassandraDiCaprio


      Oh sorry I didn't see your message before!! Thank you girl! :D Nice to have you around too and I hope you had great holidays! Happy new year!

      Oh and thanks for my user name. :p

  20. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii hun xoxoxo

    1. Crazylady


      OOoh what's this I have found? I really need to tech up! ;-) Hiii how are thou? xx

    2. FashionDream


      lol hey chica!! Haha no worries its been 5 days since you responded and i'm just seeing this now haha

      How am I? Ehh i'm alive lol

    3. Crazylady


      Well its always good to be alive lol ;-)x

  21. Happy New Years Amandine!! xxoxo

    1. French angel

      French angel

      Happy new year to you too my dear :) xoxox

    2. French angel

      French angel

      Happy new year to you too my dear :) xoxox

    3. FashionDream


      muah! Thanks dearest! :D

  22. Happy New Year Cherry :D

    1. cherrybomb


      so sweet. happy new year!!!!!! watch django yet?

    2. FashionDream


      Thanks! Yes I did! :p thought leo did an amazing job as did Waltz and Sam. Did you see it yet?

  23. Happy New Year Andy. Wish you all the best xoxox

    1. Cult Icon

      Cult Icon

      Happy New Year to you too, Stephanie <3

    2. FashionDream


      thanks love :hugz:

  24. Happy New Year Jennka :D xoxo

    1. Jennka


      Thank you hun and same to you *hugz*

    2. FashionDream
  25. Hiya <3

    1. BarbieErin


      Hey hun! ♥♥♥

    2. FashionDream


      Cool! How did you make those hearts appear on here? :p

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