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Everything posted by k_dub

  1. k_dub


    Yeah, it could have been, but the Lakers WEREN'T HAVING IT!!! It was you Matt, you were the one who said the Spurs lost the series when they let the Lakers come back to win that 1st game. GOOD CALL!!! (Y) Now that the Celtics took care of the Pistons, we know what's what. Also, Lakers-Celtics revives a OLD SCHOOL RIVALRY!!! They have faced each other 10 times in the NBA Finals. Celtics won 8, and the Lakers 2. Last time they matched up, in 1987, the Lakers won. The fact that Magic Johnson and Larry Bird had a personal rivalry that went back to their college days helped intensify the rivalry. The Celtics, after winning the East Conference finals, some of the players started the famous chant "BEAT L.A.!!! BEAT L.A.!!!" Mayn, this is gonna be FUN!!!
  2. k_dub


    SympathysSilhouette, are you amazed?! Lakers took out the Spurs in 5 games, and now are headed to the NBA FINALS!!! :dance: :hell yea!: :blueeyedbaby: Now, the Lake show can just sit back, relax, and see how the Eastern Conference finals play out. And in the finals, the best of 7 goes to a 2-3-2 format. So, regardless of who we play, it being Detroit or Boston, we just gotta win 1 of the first 2 games, then the next 3 will be IN L.A.!!! And it gets better if you are a Laker fan. So far, the Lakers have won every playoff game AT HOME!!!
  3. k_dub


    Yeah, but that was against the New Orleans Hornets, a good, but young team. The Lakers have both young and experienced players, and a stronger bench. Even though the Spurs were blown out by the Hornets in their 1st two games, it is easier to come back from that. But that 1st game, they lost, despite being up by 20 POINTS!!! That was the one that STUNG, BIG TIME!!! That killed their confidence, and that was why they were blown out last night. Not to mention, against New Orleans, they had more days off in between games to get their shit together. That's not the case anymore now, IS IT?! Let's see how game 3 turns out tomorrow.
  4. k_dub


    My god, did anybody see THAT ONE COMING?! Lakers won by 30 POINTS!!! :shock: :hell yea!: I know San Antonio are the defending champs and now the next two games are on their home floor. However, the Lakers have all the momentum, especially because of the comeback in game 1 and the BLOWOUT LAST NIGHT!!! So, I definately think they can win one of the next two games in San Antonio.
  5. k_dub


    Damn, that was SCARY!!! :| Down by 20 in the 3RD QUARTER!!! But the Lakers hung tough, mounted a comback, and what a COMEBACK IT WAS!!! That what true champions do. At least we know that L.A. will have another 2 games at home.
  6. k_dub


    Cool. Thanks for taking care of the sig for me. And yeah, the Jazz come back and made the game TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT!!! :shock: Guess the Lakers got too relaxed in the 2nd half, since they were leading by 13, 17, and 19 points at time in the first half. Still, Lakers held on and got the win. Now, whoever it is who faces us in the Western Conference finals, NO or SA, BRING IT ON!!!! :blueeyedbaby:
  7. k_dub


    YEEEEEEES!!! The LAKERS took care of business, and won ON THE ROAD!!! They ENDED THE TREND!!! (Y) :dance: :hell yea!: Now the Lakers can kick back, smoke a FAT ASS BLUNT :atoobie:, and see who wins the game 7 between the Spurs and Hornets. Like I stated before, I don't care who the Lakers face. Regardless of who they face, they, the fans and the city of L.A. is gonna be like :blueeyedbaby: :jimmy: :lullaby:. Let's get on, mayn lets GET IT ON!!!
  8. Here is another website about accents u might wanna check out: http://www.gazzaro.it/accents/files/accents2.html
  9. k_dub


    We, Joe? U from New Orleans? Anyway, looks like NO is gonna have to continue the trend if they wanna make the Conference Finals. Same goes for Boston as well. Hopefully, my Lakers will break that trend and end it all tonight. GO PURPLE AND GOLD!!!
  10. k_dub


    Yeah, they are up 3-2 now, going back to SA.
  11. I thought posting photos from http://www.belladasemana.com.br/ was not allowed on here.
  12. k_dub


    You don't win 19 straight with luck alone, regardless of the sport. If they can keep up the defensive intensity in the play-offs, they'll be able to give any team a run for their money.
  13. k_dub


    Just wondering, is anybody :shock: at how well THE ROCKETS ARE PLAYIN?! No Yao Ming, and they seem to be playing BETTER!!! Probably won't go too far in the playoffs, though. They always go out in the first round. The way they are playing now is probably a fluke.
  14. Cool song. So many songs about gold diggers, finally get to hear it from a woman's perpective. Remember, the "Frank" album wasn't avialable in the U.S. until JUST RECENTLY!!! Those songs on those album are relatively NEW TO US STATESIDE!!! Amy went to rehab, got 5 Grammys for the "Back to Black" album, and will hopefully get clean and stay that way. Too many talented people have fallen victim to their vices. In the video, she looks healthy and naturally beautiful. Now, she looks too thin, uses too much makeup, and I'm not too crazy about the beehive. After seeing the video, forget back to black. She needs to get BACK TO THAT!!!
  15. k_dub


    Good to see a lot of people like the show. Gonna see the season 2 finale in a hour. I hope Layla FUCKIN DIES!!! Damn, she turned about to be a PSYCHO!!!
  16. Anybody have the version of the VSFS 2007 that is available to view on the Victoria's Secret webpage to download?
  17. k_dub


    Did anybody see the fight last Saturday night? The Ricky "The Hitman" Hatton vs. "Pretty Boy" Floyd Mayweather fight? Anyway,FUCK THE ENGLISH HATTON FANS!!! They BOOED OUR NATONAL ANTHEM!!! FUCK 'EM!!! :anger: On the the fight. Early on Hatton was able to make Mayweather fight his fight. He tried to bully Mayweather, pin him against the ropes or pin him into a corner, and laned some body shots. However, Mayweather was able to hold his own, and on occasion, beat Hatton as his own game, landing body shots of his own and uppercuts in close quarters. Hatton was not expecting that, and a body shot in the 5th made Hatton distance himself from Floyd and made him more cautious about going. Mayweather now had Hatton fighting his fight. He tended to pot-shot some of the time, but soon was landing combinations at will. Floyd, who is known as a master boxer but not a hard puncher, was able to hurt Hatton. He rocked Hatton in the 8th almost knocking Hatton down. In the 9th, Mayweathe seemed to be toying with Ricky, landing nothing but jabs, snapping Hatton's head back on many occasions. In the 10th, Mayweather PUT IT ON HIM!!! He knocked Hatton down with a left hook, a punch Mayweather described as a "Check Hook". Hatton got up at the count of 8th, but was evident he wouldn't make it out of that Round again. Mayweather landed the left hook again and decked Hatton again, even though he fell after Cortez stopped the fight. So in summation, Hatton was KTFO BY MAYWEATHER!!! :hell yea!: :dance: :blueeyedbaby: Great night for :lullaby: Mayweather stays UNDEFEATED!!! Hatton became the "GET-HITMAN"!!!
  18. You didn't see it. Go about 2/3 pages back, and you'll find it. Beware though, it's a torrent file.
  19. I'm pretty sure it's been done, but can someone list the models in order of them appearing on the runway?
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