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Status Updates posted by Baby.Jude9

  1. Well, I'm just BAMF. It comes pretty naturally.

  2. Nothin. It's been a pretty boring week. Especially with school starting for everyone around me, I just have nothing to do. :/ How about you?

  3. Psh, I just follow anybody. I hardly check it though. :)

  4. Well I'm following you on both now. :D

  5. I've actually had both of them for a while, but I really didn't start updating either of them until recently. Though, the majority of my updates on Twitter are just updates from my Tumblr. :) Do you have?:)

  6. Yeah, I know... But yours was good! :D

  7. ... <__<. Oh well, I'm happy to see you back bud! So, are you gonna start updating your tumblr again? I did! :D

  8. Actually, I do watch, because I think it's one of the more realistic reality T.V. shows, and it's funny to watch the people get drunk, and all the people that live in my town are pretty much like that. You know the JWOWW? Yeah, she's from my town. And I've never heard of that aussie show, but I guess it's along the same lines, right?

  9. Have you even seen/ heard of this shot "Jersey Shore"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6DYpBFaHfo

  10. Well, aren't you just so cool? Have you every talked to her? O.o Lindsey Lohan grew up a few towns away from where I live. her family still lives there. .__.

  11. :D Holy F'ing Shit! I feel so frickin' honored! :D :D :D

  12. ... Yeah, I get it. :) Wait, so I was the ONLY one to have the honor to talk to you while you were in Asia?

  13. You come back to Bellazon and don't even bother to say "Hi" to me?! Not f'ing cool, man... :P

  14. Happy Birthday! :)

  15. Happy Birthday! :D

  16. Nice to meet you, Limer. My name is Jude. Wow, you have a quote from "Catcher in the Rye" on your page? I really like that book.

  17. Will do, my friend. Thanks for the advice and sorry for such a late response. :)

  18. I know. :( Ar least it's senior year! :D

  19. Last week was the last week. It actually went very well. I loved it. They said that next summer they'd rehire me as a regular counselor, and, oddly enough, I can't wait! :D

  20. :D That's what I like to hear. ^_^

  21. Better than working all the time, which, I know you do best. ^_^

  22. No I have! I just didn't recognize her in that image. :blush:.. So, you have quite the assorted list of T.V. shows.

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