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Posts posted by Eos

  1. But Natalia has lots of close friends on her facebook account, and celebrities...do you remember Diana Kamalova ? The young tatar girl with whom she was always before...she also has Lucy Yeomans, some people from Justin's family too, some party people, some models......lots of people, well known or not, that she knows, or with whom she is friends....however, what I find very strange is that she does not have Justin himself as a friend. Maybe they decided so. Maybe it's not her but in my opinion, it's her.

    I don't know why then she accepted so many people she really does not know. Maybe just because she is a kind girl ?

    There also is a facebook page for her.....but actually, acfr, I think you are right. A lot of fans would like to enjoy the kind of status she puts sometimes, and there shouldn't be privileged ones. And as you say she would have a bigger impact on people, she would be heard by more..., about whatever she wants...

    I find the whole grammatical correction thing a bit strange......I noticed too these mistakes (particularly the missing s to change ! lol) but I really don't mind....it's not like it was shocking to me...

    She sounds very "philosophical" sometimes. I think she is enduring a bad moment, but hoping she is coping with it in a good way....I remember she said in Harpers Bazaar her motto is "this too shall pass". Also : she scares me when she says love does not last ! I don't like when she says that.

  2. Sunshine I hope Natalia is ok and really wish Justin is not that indifferent towards his family as you said...in a way we can't know what are their interactions (facebook is not enough to know :p ). I can't really measure how hard it may be for her to endure this obvious separation...cause they were the couple fairy-tale, they probably believed a lot of things together, and made people like me believe, hope........... I hope, if the page really turned with him, that she finds someone else for her balance.

    Despite the very fatal make up and outfit she still has this surprised little girl expression on some photos !

    Am I the only one to notice her upper lip look strange ? Maybe it's just a shadow.

  3. Rodarte diner at Los Angeles on the 23rd of february.

    I correct myself, I thought people would be a little bit more extravagant for Tom Ford opening store but I watched a bunch of pictures of the people at the party - they were very normal compared to Natalia...

  4. But I thought Justin played a part in the Naked Heart F., like the co-founder or something ? If it is still so, he should show up.....anyway we can't really know but as you say sunshine, it's a very very long time now we have not seen them together hand to hand...... <_< Why would he come <_< maybe he will come to support Natalia, as he did by the donation he made for the semi marathon.

    Me too I feel embarrassed for her concerning this outfit..lol...I like the shoes, but.....I like everything, but I don't know how to react..in a way she is a model, her job is to show her body, but to me, she is a little bit more now like a woman of great influence, the head of a huge caritative association, and then an actress recently, so not only a model with a beautiful body....and it's strange to be reminded about the model/sexy thing in such a way :o ...I see she plays with these two sides of her...I'm not really at ease with that yet.

    And when I saw there was Lucas, I was :blink:

    Maybe she dressed up this way (original/somewhat erotic) because it was the Tom Ford store opening ? maybe with people like Terry Richardson and so on and she felt like a pressure to look like that ? She thought it was appropriated ? She wants to be seen.....

    I hope she knows what she does. She is very beautiful - I'm trying to think whether or not it is normal for someone in her position to adopt this outfit. Well, if it doesn't harm anybody, if her and Lucas are really ok with that, why not. Sunshine I hope it's not a clue she is desperate or something :( Do you girls think she is overcoming a really bad period ?

  5. Well, me too to tell you the truth, reading this article, I wondered why she portrayed Justin this way...maybe she wants to give an explanation of the separation for the mass media...(maybe she could have done it in some other way). Maybe she was being sincere?

    However I don't think she presented herself totally as a victim....She clearly said she is very happy to be what she is and where she is now. I think it's a good thing, even if it's maybe a part of controlling her image, that she shows she has feelings (I mean feelings like sadness, loneliness, pityness - things which might not be always associated with pride, high self-esteem...)...it brings you closer to the person. Personally I am fed up with all these women celebs/startlets always on top, always partying, part of one elite who look down on others - impossible to figure them out, so artificial. I'm sure I'm not the only one to think Natalia does not belong to that.

    In many other interviews, you could understand she wants to give back, and I don't know many other models as involved as her in a charity. I think she is aware she was very lucky, maybe she even feels guilty about it cause this luck was huge.., and she does what she has to do. She could have become far far worse.

    I'm convinced she is a good business woman, but a sensitive one, with good common sense, not cold hearted as many others of the elite I was talking about. You're telling about dying or starving people, and seem to be thinking she forgets about them when she says she's lonely, but I don't think so...she is full of compassion, empathy, otherwise she would not be as involved as she is in her charity. It's not because she says she feels lonely sometimes in one interview that you can judge her so toughly. And even if you think her charity is just a kind of embellishment for her image, and so what. In the end she does it, she does good things, embellishment or not embellishment.

    Then, Justin, lol. I think he is not the kind of man you can feel sorry for. He has always had money, never worked thanks to this constant money, met Natalia, fell in love with her......personally if I was a guy in love with a model, and full of money, I would not have hesitated to follow her....I don't see where is the suffering in it, it's just love. Maybe it's a miracle among the world of models, they were both lucky, we all know their story. Then, I'm sorry for him about the separation, that's all !

    And I don't really want to feel sorry for Natalia either (except for this presumed separation..) because she had an exceptional rising life, her dreams came true, she could not hope more. It's just a pity their relationship had to end. When she says she didn't have a childhood I don't think she blames anyone from her family, but just the situation, the fate it-self....if she compares it with her children's childhood, there is no doubt there are big sad differences.

    All women (almost all) have their kids as priority, but Natalia visibly has a bigger scheme of life than just being a mother.

    But well, she tends to talk weird about Justin these times...she looks like she has some resentment....

    And I don't wanna praise her to the skies...just defend her when I think it's fair. I've always felt sympathy for her, I don't know why, I've never been like that with another celibrity....I don't think I exagerate.

    The story of Ruslana Korshunova - I think she is the one you were talking about, moved me a lot too, but I don't think it has something to do with Natalia. Maybe she was psychologically more fragile.

  6. I was also about to believe she would confess about some separation.

    It was a very moving article ! She seems to be so human, full of feelings, seems to be so trustworthy.....

    She says she has a loneliness she can't get rid off in spite of good people around her but I would like to add that she has a great amount of souls (fans souls lol) supporting her and just loving her at anytime :)

    Sometimes I can feel that the destiny she has was made to show people a new kind of woman, a great model (not in the bellazon sense..) for new generations...I hope she is not too tired by this role-fate. I wish her to have a good private life too....she deserves it....but anyway, I'm just proud of her :wub: wondering which wonders will she accomplish in future for Russia. She already did a lot and already has her name forever engraved I think.

  7. Wow it looks really fabulous ! I guess this pic is taken from this old photoshoot by Paolo Roversi....magic. It's a pity we can't have it bigger. Natalia looks really....like no one else :) I thought that about Justin and her because there is a comment by L. Yeomans on Justin's facebook page, he answered her and it seemed to me he spoke as if Natalia was still his love.....but to me he wrote in a special way, I am not a native english speaker and I'm not sure I understood everything.....maybe I'm wrong. I spoke too fast in my last post <_<

  8. Actually, it was during the etam fashion show which was in direct broadcast on the etam website, facebook page....(strange that you didn't see it ! :o )

    It was presented by a french journalist-columnit (don't know how to say) - Melle Agnes - she was entering the backstage of the show, saying Hi to everybody in the front row, trying to comment a little bit everything for the web users......she saw Natalia sitting on the frontrow next to Riccardo Tisci. She began to ask her some questions like How do you feel, what do you expect from the show......and it was noticeable that Natalia didn't want to speak that much, seemed a bit ill at ease. She asked her "can you tell me more about the collection you created?" and Natalia answered" uuh I don't think it's the right moment to speak now" (but the show was not beginning at all ! or maybe Natalia thought it would be beginning very soon). It was a very weird moment....the woman seemed a bit sad to me, to be rejected this way lol. Maybe Natalia didn't know it was a live stream, but still. It shows she is not always all smiles, with stars in the eyes and kind words.....

    But actually I don't mind.....maybe it is nervous but I felt like laughing. She is human and I can understand that sometimes she might be overwhelmed by some pressure....I am convinced she is a good person, and had some reasons to behave this way. And me too, I think that she looks - of course beautiful, but a bit tired, a bit bored, on these pictures...ill at ease......and even on this interview at the Ritz, her behaviour is somewhat weird to me. As if she was extremely bothered by the questions and trying to hide it as much as possible. Bahh...anyway......I forgive her !! I am sure it's a hard job, and she meets some superficial, hypocritical people, she has to answer the same things to journalists all the time.....and her mail goal seems now to be Naked Heart. She is admirable....but I think she needs vacation with her real family. I am actually pretty sure these days that she 's still with Justin.

  9. Anyone know the guy with Natalia on the last pic ? Maybe it's a silly question..I ask that because it's not the first time I see him on pics with Natalia. Maybe it's just a fan.

    What did you girls think of the show ? Did anyone see Natalia answering to Mademoiselle Agnes (they spoke about it on fashionspot) in a so called rude way lol.....don't know what to think about it.

    The collection was great but it was too short :(

    Natalia said in an interview she is going to Thailand to shoot some other lingerie for etam ! So more pics to come :wub:

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