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Posts posted by Eos

  1. Great design Lidiana :) actually I had noticed your website a long time ago, at least two years, but I was always a bit lost and confused because it's practically all in russian ! Now it' s ok, I understand russian alphabet, some words and sentences :)

    Do you think Nata is as famous in Russia as in Europe ?

    sorry if repost


    I wish I could see a photoshoot with both of them

    Is there a model you would like to appear on a photoshoot with Natalia ?

  2. As far as I'm concerned, I like Natalia with her golden natural-like hair, and a bit wavy. It suits her so much to me, makes her look solar.....darker hair or very blond hair would suit her as well cause she has a very pretty face, but my fav will always be gold. And she probably dyed her hair many times, for shows or photoshoots but also in her private life...but something very discreet. She always says (or media says for her?) stuff like "I never dye my hair" or "I never put any cream on my face" (I did read that), and I wonder how it is possible !! However, she always says she does a lot of treatments for her hair, that she finds too thin.

    And I wonder how can one find a way to reduce their lips, or even will to do such a thing. I don't think Natalia did that, it's just that time goes by....but I love her the way she is now as well...

  3. Oh my god I f******** love these new pics :drool: Natalia is so beautiful ! Looks like some oldies.

    Lidiana I think your english is very ok, you are understandable, except maybe some little mistakes. If you have never been in an english speaking country, it's quite good. Maybe you will learn english better and better if you check this thread often :) But actually I'm not a native speaker so I may not be the best one to make a judgment :blush: , and just to let you know, there are many other russian girls here :)

  4. Can anybody answer, I can register at fashion spot forum by invitation only??? I don't understand...

    Yeh Lidiana, that's why there are actually more people sharing on Natalia's thread here than on fashionspot it seems...

    By the way thank you for your exclusive opening-parks pics ! Always a pleasure to see our Natalia. I would like to attend such kind of event...

    I also like very much the etam red vichy-checked dress, very cute and romantic. i also like the mini-shorts and the long dress (I hope it exists in lighter colors).

  5. :wub: Natalia, random


    Reposts surely, sorry, I just love them !!

    I'm totally lost concerning this divorce/separation story...that's true..why don't they just admit it's over to the mass media ? with all these signs ? Why didn't they spend christmas together ? How could something prevent them from being together for this special event...? I have difficulties in believing they're still a couple...Or maybe Justin started some very important business in South America and really can't move but hmm that's weird anyway...I hope Natalia did not suffer too much from the absence of her two other children for christmas. I wish her all the best for this new year ! And for Naked Heart too.

  6. Fashionmistake thanks, me too I love this pic :p

    Lidiana, I think I would feel extremely shy if I saw Natalia irl ! How were she like ? You were very lucky to see her. Did you talk to her ?

    For the photos I really don't know, because I think they are kind of private, but at the same time, around 4000 people (Nata's facebook friends) can see them...and anyone can publish them somewhere else on the web..I think she knows what she's doing.

  7. Lidiana, these photos were made just this christmas holidays 2010/2011, probably by Natalia herself or some close friends of her. They are available on her profile on facebook. ;) But I don't know if they have to be considered as kind of private photos....of her private life..not to be exposed publicly...I don't know.

  8. Sunshine, I was saying that because on her facebook (fake maybe ??) profile, she put long ago pictures of her presumed home in Punta Del Este, with her appearing on one pic (so we can see it's not fake) , and this house doesn't look like the one recently posted here at all. But maybe I have bad eyes, or did not understand something....

    I am also totally in love with that particular slavic face feature she has : wide set eyes :wub:

    By the way, anyone could find pictures of Natalia's palms ?

  9. Thank you for the new pics. I'd like to know more about Gstaad as well.

    Anyone could translate the russian article ?

    Also, I'm a bit confused about the Natalia's house in Urugay. i thought she had just one but she visibly has two, or maybe Justin has severals.

    Can't wait for the Etam presentation on 24th january :)

    sorry if repost


  10. So happy to see her again, and I can see she took time even during holidays to do things for her charity. As for me the idea of her carreer being in decline did not cross my mind, and to be honest, the fact she's not catwalking anymore does not touch me that much. She is doing more important things than that and in a way, I'm sure she thinks the same...

    I wanted to return to the topic of Neva looking like her or not. As a child, I did not look like my mother at all (not the same features at all), and now that I grew up, practically everybody tells me I'm like a kind of clone of her, about face features, I mean, not about mimics or something like that only :p it might be the same thing in the future for Neva and Nata :p

    I'd like Natalia to have campaigns for this year as well, Guerlain of course, and Cavalli would be great. i'm so proud when I see her in magazines or big ads in the streets.....I always have a special feeling when I see her face for example whenever I go by an etam shop.

  11. To me Viktor looks like Natalia's mum and Natalia's grand father, named Viktor as well if I remember.

    Neva....I don't know....we will see later :) Lucas seems to have Natalia's mouth-teeth to me.

    I'm so happy Nata is so doing well for Belle du Seigneur.

    And yeah Pautinka, merry christmas to everybody !!!! :)

  12. Natalia's facebook status :

    "exhausted, but hard work always pay off ! Never give up your dreams, your projects, your aims...I promise it will bring you somewhere and you will have no regrets in life ! Next, Switzerland for few days with the family ! Bonjour mes petits Suisses ;-) Happy Vacation to you all !"

    Maybe they're not divorced but separated ?

    She mentions (if it's her haha lol) her family in this status, let's hope Justin is part of it...

  13. She has such a symetrical face, compared to Kate and Nathalie, who are actually beautiful......but when you see Natalia next to them, it's like woww..

    And I'm not really surprised by all these women/girls comments who had the luck to meet her via Belle du Seigneur shooting...the fact they said she is adorable, shy, soft-speaking......I already had a strong feeling Natalia is so.

    And it's a pity that we did not have more pics from the Abu Dhabi event.

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