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Everything posted by xoxorae

  1. nina, chrissy, lily, erin, kelly, kate, sam, bo, sofia, robyn, & irina ( if only bc it's well-over time to go ) indifferent to emily, hannah d, chanel, & ashley just keep hannah ferg, hailey, rose, gigi, barbara, & tanya i'm about read for a complete overhaul of almost all the current si models.
  2. the only people from 2016 i'm interested in coming back are hannah ferg, rose, gigi, barbara, and tanya. can we also bribe sara sampaio and alyssa miller to coming back? i adore several of the other models, but i'm ready for them to move the heck on. this was irina's best year imo and it'd be nice to see her go out on a high note, hannah d looked boring, etc. as for new rookies, i'm rooting for carmella rose, megan williams, denise schaefer, and sorry to the haters, but charlotte mckinney. i'd also like to see sahara ray, but i imagine she has too many tattoos. i don't see many si girls having many tattoos at all.
  3. oh gosh, tanya has totally slayed the reveals imo. most stunning, by far! hopefully the pictures are as good as she is in motion.
  4. I like Bo's body, but even outside of SI, her face is unattractive to me.
  5. I have the same issue with Bo as I do Em Rata — they have the weirdest faces and not in a good way.
  6. i'm not a fan of ashley and this is obviously an unpopular opinion, but i actually think this picture looks significantly better than barbara's. though 2 for 2, i'm disappointed with the rookies this year.
  7. as someone that actually is overweight and thus the predominant group si would be targeting, the whole plus size models thing makes me roll my eyes so hard i think they'll pop right out of my head. i feel like they're trying to pander to a certain crowd instead of actually finding models that suit the magazine. kate upton wasn't considered a plus model, but i think robyn, who i thought was terrible for si, was in better shape than her ( maybe bigger, but certainly more toned ). yet robyn was terrible for si and kate was insanely popular. so now instead of doing castings of a diverse group of models and picking who suits the brand the best, regardless of their weight or general proportions, they're just picking people who are... what? politically correct? win them points? make them look oh-so-sensitive? not all skinny women look fantastic in swimwear, not all plus size women look awful in swimwear and there should be nothing wrong with saying that, especially in an industry that is predominantly focused on appearances. that said, if ashley is in, then i'll wait to render my judgement until the pictures pop up, but i think she's 200% better than robyn already.
  8. the only models i'm particularly excited to see are hannah ferg, hailey, and tanya. irina's my favorite si girl up there, but there's really no point in her being in si anymore and i wish she'd just stop. i'm very wishy-washy on my feelings toward babs so i'm reserving my opinion there until i see the pictures, but so far the issue seems boring. especially considering sara's gone.
  9. "She's graced the cover of Sports Illustrated four years running." um i think dailymail's confused.
  10. i guess that means sara's not in, but i'm hoping she was just missed at another location. there were a few that seemed a bit iffy on the confirmations. also, did anyone actually see a mj post gigi? because i vaguely remember someone saying that fans spotted her awhile back, but i'm going though mj's insta now looking for anyone who could've been sara ( wishful thinking here! ) and i don't actually see anyone that has gigi's freckles and moles. is it possible neither of them are back or that maybe mj didn't post all of the girls? i know that'd make it a pretty big group of models, but with the number of potential rookies, there's obviously something up with this issue.
  11. which models from last year haven't been confirmed yet?
  12. i'm definitely getting a little worried about sara, but a babs/hailey/sara location would be a real dream imo. hailey & solveig were the only rookies i was really hoping to return, but i'll live with just hailey.
  13. this is exactly why i think gigi will get the cover. i'm holding out a sliver of hope that sara will get it or gigi and sara will cover together, but i don't think nina, sara, or anyone else is going to be competition for gigi. they're going to give it to someone that has appeal outside of the already existing si fanbase. i understand that most diehard sise fans will buy it regardless of who's on the cover, but there is a large sector of people that only vaguely care about it ( or even don't care at all ) that will be more inclined to buy the magazine if someone they like outside of their si work is on the cover. so the question of who gets the cover won't be who the fans that already buy every issue love the most, it's going to be who everyone else loves the most. who has the most fans of all the current vets? i think gigi's definitely number one. not to say another vet doesn't have huge followings, but i think gigi beats all of them by a long shot. though in my little world where sara and gigi get it, that'd be one powerful cover.
  14. i'm really not into the body paint they've shown so far, but i'm not sure if it's the models or the paint job itself that irks me.
  15. i'm usually pretty indifferent to gen, but so far she's totally rockin' this issue.
  16. is this irina again or is there another model with the same mark on her arm?
  17. i think it's most likely that it's going to be a model search, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're actually dropping a good chunk of the vets.
  18. i don't think chanel, erin, or chrissy have a shot in hell at getting the cover this year, but i could be totally wrong. i also assumed emrata would get the cover last year and it was hannah so any attempts at predicting could be totally wasted effort. chanel's appearance in si has been pretty damn lackluster to the point that i forget she's even part of si. erin was just horrible and i think chrissy/lily/nina will be considered to already have gotten a cover. so imo gigi's probably the best bet for the cover, regardless of how good/bad her pictures are. after all, kate upton got the cover twice + the flip cover and both were hideous, but they still put her on there. sara might be a good secondary choice for cover, if only because she's becoming a pretty mainstream/recognizable model so mj might want to ride that wave while it's fresh. however, in another direction, with leo/kelly getting engaged, they might want to put kelly on the cover. i read that they've already been planning the wedding so imagine leo's fiancee getting the si cover and then shortly thereafter getting married? mj could really bank on the hype of their marriage to make sells.
  19. i guess nadine and sara are no longer on the outs or the rumors that they were had been greatly exaggerated.
  20. the models for this location ( so far ) are awful, the swimsuits are awful, and the last couple insta's have been pretty unflattering to the models. wtf is mj thinking?!
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