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Status Updates posted by iceeagel

  1. do you know spongebob squarepants?

  2. oh...and if you go to my real tumblr you'll see that there are a lot of LEICA fans out there 0.o (16 NOTES!!!!!)

  3. 1) fyeah!

    2) and 3) it was an experiment based on some how-to's.

    first of all it's VERY important to tag your posts correctly,also the quality of the posted stuff is important and at last ...hawt women.


    ^that was my experimental site.

  4. btw...i'll send you a pic of the couch later this week,but don't laugh...it's ...red.

    and besides ranking #1 on Maxim's hot 100... olivia and i share the same ...chest measurements! (that's a lie).

  5. the adoption-story goes like this:

    couple wants to adopt a child.

    adoption agency says they're too old (late 30s).

    couple goes to INDIA to adopt a child over there.

    cultural indifference etc. etc.

  6. hab mir grad eben "Blue Valentine" angeschaut und muss sagen dass der film voll der downer ist....

    zeitverschwendung -_-.

    aus welcher stadt kommst du?

  7. the internet loves hawt chicks/naked women XD ...http://tumblr.com/xd51jbjbq6

  8. btw i've found a way how to get A LOT of likes (and subs) on tumblr...tried it out over the week and my most liked post has over 80 notes and the blog has 7 subs!

    WTF , rite?

  9. random question:

    Olivia Wilde and I share smth very specific....what is it?

    (you have 100 guesses)

  10. i can actually txt from my phone too...

    i had to write a style-analysis about some woman who wants to adopt a child which took me about a day. and the day before i was laying on my bigass couch because i wasnt able to move because PE was frickin' exhausting.and today i just played mass effect 2 on PS3

  11. *nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom* jessica *nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom*

  12. i really need to take a shit right now...i'll tell you 2m.o.

  13. uhh btw.

    have you ever heard of a book called "the white tiger"?

  14. oh noes,

    where did you get that information from?


  15. we should make "blackrain" a verb.


    to blackrain s.b.:

    the action of obvious stalking on a message board...?

  16. come quick, look who visited my profile!

  17. i've unleashed "obvious gay"...

  18. he/she/is a.k.a Santa ...you bad boy baron (alliteration WIN)

  19. jelly jiggler and Dengakuman ....my new fav characters!

    go 'n' google!

  20. talking about coming back...where's blackrain?

  21. it has a very simple storyline, easy to follow and... it's the best show to watch after a long hard,energy-draining day.

    youtube should have some episodes

  22. some mindfuck 4 u

    B7NTYeRg5Dg (yt)

  23. i just love that show.

    (Get Smart)

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