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Everything posted by russellb

  1. I'm actaully not moving to New York City, just the state of New York. But where I'm moving is only about 40 minutes away from New York City by train, so, it's not actually that bad. It's pretty cool, but nothing too special. Was raised there.
  2. Fucken A, then you can buy yourself as many as you want.
  3. Aww, so many women are such hypocrites... at least in this thread.
  4. After reading about two underage girls shaving and rubbing oil on each other, I better gtfo before i get in trouble....
  5. Not too sure about that childhood thing.. Tall people don't really have any advantage unless they are chosen for positions that require a certain symbolic superficiality- ie. institutional sales, shopkeeper for a high end store, model, politician, chief executive, project manager, etc. Anything that's high end marketing, sales, etc...you'll see a lot of tall & relatively good looking people. It has little to do with sex, either. A tall assertive woman would be perceived just the same. It's one component of that sum total attractiveness. And all those jobs that you have listed require what? Confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness.
  6. It's more complicated than simply saying tall people make more money because they are tall. Tall people are believed to be more confident and have more self-esteem and are more assertive because they were tall growing up. As a result of that they go for better, higher paying jobs. The studies showed that it is true for people who were tall when they were teenagers, when they develop all their skills. And the funny fact is that people who were taller than their peers when they were 16, but as adults are considered to be an average height, still make just as much money as the taller men. So the whole "tall people make more money" is much more complicated than "men make more money than women" because that is pure sexist.
  7. The Dutch are a tall people, I'm sure you blend right in. That's a really fortunate and attractive stature to have. If you were born a man, empirically you'd probably be over 190 cm. I'd be the little boy you'd repel time and time again over a game a basketball. Lose a prom date to you. And later on, a board or conference room would magically assume [ without prior knowledge of you] that you have extra special "leadership qualities" because you're extra tall. Funny fact: Don't you know that tall people tend to make more money? That's 6,000 Euros more per inch above average I should explain more. There's some theories and data about the health benefits of keeping a low yet healthy weight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calorie_restriction I don't find that very funny... <_< LMAO, if it were true, I'd be making a ****load....
  8. I agree with this rule. (Y) Don't you have to be 4'9" or shorter to be considered a midget?
  9. If you were paying attention, in her original post, to which i replied with the humor comment, she never said anything about that.
  10. So you'd rather be flat chested?
  11. Oh please.... Have you seen that episode of Chappelle's Show where this one girl was complaining about her large breasts, and then a janitor showed her what her life would be like if she had an A cup? Sure it's comedy, but there is a hint of joke in every joke... you know what i mean?
  12. True, but just to get a general idea. I sometimes weigh myself to see if I lost any weight. LOL, I've got ridiculously fast metabolism and very active lifestyle, if I don't shove at least 6000 calories down my throat, I lose 15 lbs a week. And no, I don't have worms So I weigh myself to see if i need to start eating more the next week, lol
  13. Afraid that what the scale will show might scare you?
  14. Yeah, thats why I said "priceless" -Show me yours, I'll show you mine.... anybody?
  15. Well, not everyone is the same, my hair actually grows back the same thickness, while other people seem to grow it back ten-fold. It all depends on your physiology I guess. Nope. This is just a myth. Hair grows out of hair follicles and shaving it doesn't affect them at all. The reason why the new hair you grow after you shave seems to grow back faster, thicker and darker, is because when you shave, you completely remove all the hair from that area and you cut it at an angle, making the ends blunt and stubbly. So when those ends start to show up, you look at the way they look, and they seem darker, you feel them with their hand, and they feel thicker and of course since the hair is growing back in the area where you completely removed hair, even the minimal amount of growth seems like "OMG I've grown more hair in 3 days that I did in entire lifetime before I shaved." Being a guy and having to scrape my face with a razor every day, I noticed one thing. When I shave every morning, I come home from work with the 5 o'clock shadow and it is noticeable that the hair has grown quite a lot. But if I don't shave for say a week, and grow some hair, on the second week, the hair still keeps on growing, but it doesn't look like it is growing that much, because my face is already covered in hair, making the growth look unnoticeable. If you have a boyfriend or a husband, ask him to not shave for a week or two, and you will see that after his face is covered with hair, any growth that comes after that, is not noticeable as much. So yeah, the whole hair grows back faster after shaving is just an urban legend. If you don't believe me, look up online, or ask a dermatologist, and a qualified one, not someone who is trying to sell you a product that will remove hair without shaving "so it doesn't grow back faster..."
  16. BUMP's this reply! lol Why are you bumpin' it?
  17. I think you have such a way with tact. Hey, at least I am somewhat funny.
  18. Holy vaginaballs. ROFL, that's some funny stuff. Did she also mention that if you eat it, it might also be considered genocide?
  19. Now all we need is a nutritionist to tell women that swallowing it does something useful too...
  20. How come pubic hair is all curly and not straight? -So that it doesn't poke you in the eye.
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