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Posts posted by russellb

  1. It's not weird at all. After shit went down this last episode, he cant even get a cup of coffee. He needs a new identity. Plus he needs a place to hide and regroup, and the new identity guy is better than anyone to help him with that. He is coming back for sure, but needs to plan it carefully. Taking out a bunch of nazis by himself isn't going to be easy

  2. I agree that on many occasions Walt used Jesse in ways where you might feel bad for the kid. But one thing I find interesting, is that many people who blame Walt for all the shit that happened to Jesse seem to forget who Jesse was before Walt saw him during that DEA raid. Jesse was cooking and dealing meth way before Walt approached him with his offer. I don't remember anyone ever wondering how many lives were affected by what Jesse did in the past. The honorable drug dealer who never meant for anyone to get hurt? Please. More like a hypocrite. Then along comes Walt and makes Jesse do all those horrible things? No, it's just that shit got real for Jesse. In the past, he never got to see what happened to people using his meth, or how many innocent Mexican boys died in the drug dealer turf wars. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Now he has to face his victims, like Gale. Get's to see what happens on the streets (Tomas and Combo). So now he can't handle it, feels guilt, and starts blaming Walt for everything. He never turns himself in though. And when working with Hank, he asks for immunity. So does he really want to take responsibility for what he has done? I don't think so. So yeah, while his break down over the first few episodes of the season is very touching, makes Walt look extra evil and Jesse more like a victim, Jesse deserves to die as much as any other evil guy on the show, for being a bitch and a hypocrite. The only way he can redeem himself in my eyes is if he blow up the lab during his first cook with Todd killing them both.

  3. ^ As long as Saul, Holly and maybe Jesse lives, I am all for the Nazis killing off every character (Y)


    Don't know how to do the "spoiler thingie", so I'll just be vague.

    Besides, if you don't want it spoiled, stay out of this thread. 


    Hey, you were right about Walt getting in touch with Saul's guy and going away. 


    Why would you want Jesse to survive in the Nazi takeover?

  4.  Nazi's :heart: to just kill every last character on the show including Jr (not Holly though, I gotta be somewhat politically correct), and then get their own spinoff.



    That would be sweet!!!

  5. - Dad Wears Short Shorts to Teach Daughter a Lesson, Becomes Online Celeb -



    A Utah dad got so fed up with his teen daughter’s too-short shorts that he taught her a fashion lesson she'll never forget. Scott Mackintosh publicly modeled his own version of his daughter's Daisy Dukes and, in the process, became an Internet hero.

    “I simply did this in hopes that my daughter would know of my great love for her and that she knows of her great worth,” Scott Mackintosh told the Deseret News about the photo of himself in cutoffs, which has since become a Tumblr sensation. “Now that it has gone viral, I hope that young women everywhere understand their great worth. I will look like an idiot any day if that point gets across."


    FULL STORY >>> http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/dad-wears-short-shorts-to-teach-daughter-a-lesson--becomes-online-celeb-171218029.html


    :rofl: Thinking outside the box and gender he was! smily%20new%20one.gif Legs aren’t that bad either :rofl:

  6. In case someone cares....

    6. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

    I'm a foreigner.

    And you chase bears when drunk. I have not forgotten!

    49. Have you ever spoken to the person above you off the forum?



    :( I said that??

  7. In case someone cares....

    1. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?

    Kraft singles.

    2. What is your guaranteed weeping movie?

    Never wept, but came close to it watching "Borat".

    3. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?


    4. What's one thing you like to do alone?


    5. Do you have a fear?

    Slow, painful death.

    6. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

    I'm a foreigner.

    7. Are you a pyromaniac?


    8.Do you have too many love interests?

    Do man crushes count?

    9.Do you know anyone famous?

    Ran into a few Denver Broncos players at bars and restaurants.

    10. Describe your bed.

    Queen size.

    11. Who would play you in a movie?

    Paul Rudd.

    12. What do you carry with you at all times?

    A lighter.

    13. Are you happy with your given name?

    Yes. I was named after a hero of a Russian epic poem.

    14. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year.

    Last time it took $120,000.

    15. What color is your bedroom?


    16. What was the last song you were listening to?

    Wiz Khalifa - "Black and yellow."

    17. Have you ever been in love?


    18. Do you talk a lot?

    When I have something to add to the conversation, yes.

    19. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

    I like myself but don't always believe.

    20. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

    Not in most situations.

    21. What is your ideal marriage location?

    Don't really care.

    22.Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?

    If only one, then the piano.

    23.What smell do you find sexy?

    Something sweet, but not overpowering.

    24. how do you eat an apple?

    If I want to take my time, I cut and peel it, most of the time, just bite in.

    25. What do you order at a bar?

    Depends on my mood, but when in doubt "Johnny Walker Black Label" on the rocks.

    26. Have you ever pierced your body parts?


    27. Do you have tattoos?


    28. Do you drive a stick-shift?


    29. What's one trait you hate in a person?


    30. What kind of watch do you wear?

    Cell phone.

    31. Do you consider yourself materialistic?


    32. What do you cook the best?

    I grill the best, but people seem to like the rubs and seasonings I make.

    33. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?

    Stand out, in a good way.

    34. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?

    Only on Halloween and if it was a group thing.

    35. What's one car you will never buy?


    36. What kind of books do you like to read?

    Crime fiction.

    37. If you won the lottery, what would you do?

    Current Powerball jackpot is $40 million, so after taxes, I guess I'll fill up my car and get some milk.

    38. burial or cremation?


    39. What's one thing you're a loser at?

    Words With Friends.

    40: What is your guilty pleasure?

    Cigars and scotch.

    41. Do you cry in front of your friends?


    42. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people?

    They all say the same "Holy shit you are tall!!!" or that I smell nice after we hug.

    43. Are you a lover or a fighter?


    44. When's the last time someone made you cry?

    Don't remember.

    45. Favorite communication method:


    46. How many drinks before you're tipsy?


    47. Who is the person you speak to on the forum the most?

    Nobody really, just join discussions I think have potential.

    48. Who do you wish you talked to more?

    My sister.

    49. Have you ever spoken to the person above you off the forum?


    50. What are your last words?

    Peace out, chumps!!!

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