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Everything posted by TantrumXSpeed

  1. I don't know yet Babe, but it's been bugging me like a bad itch that I can't scratch!! I'm waiting on a PM.
  2. TantrumXSpeed


    I'm so happy Yanks prevailed today against the Orioles even though we're so crippled!! A Rod was out today too. That's Shef, Arod and Matsui out. Can you imagine what we could do at full strength?! It'll be runaway for first place on top of the East! Yeh, I havta stop being so cocky so not to jinx it.
  3. Yeh, it is. I think I'm on the verge of a breakthrough soon! <crosses fingers>
  4. Lucky!!! Can't wait to see the pix!
  5. Oh rite. Now I feel like a slut. Haha back on topic..
  6. :evil: Who plays the role of Eva Longoria??!
  7. For Monica, I will gladly live in a gondola in Venice and eat all the snails in France if I have to!! Actually on second thought, can I just live with Monica at your place on the Riviera, Ben? I promise to be ur pool boy if you want!
  8. That's why it's such a satisfactory solution for us both. While you two figure out who's going to do whom what, I 'll be whisking Monica away back to the US! :neo2:
  9. What are you talking about? Yeh, Monica is She would have been my choice even without influence from the other posts. Italian women are soooo sexy- especially those Italian Brazilians!! :evil:
  10. I gotta agree with my girl Eli (AnaBBarrosFan), I've always said that about Adriana. Although those Adriana editorials are new to me. I especially like the 3rd and 4th ones. Each to their own I guess. As much as Adriana used to make me melt too, I still take Ana B in that Christmas gift outfit in the VS show anyday- EVEN if you throw in Ale WITH Adriana! :evil: Ana!
  11. I like this thread- good call! But decisions are hard cuz I like alot, but nobody jumps out at the moment. Model: Megan Ewing Actress: Monica Bellucci definately Other: <I will come back to this>
  12. I would like to know too. They're posted by someone on the 6 page. Doesn't she look like Petra esp. in the first pic??
  13. Tell me those pix don't look like Bruce Willis and Petra Nemcova? I know it's Aida, but I could SWEAR that's Bruce Willis!!
  14. I saw the first page on this girl and there's something really Petra-ish about her, especially in candids. And that Bald guy I SWEAR is a Bruce Willis imposter!!! Am I seeing things?!?? :shock: :shock:
  15. TantrumXSpeed


    Good grief, RJ's on the mound tonight!! I don't know why Moose isn't pitching; is Joe saving him for Kansas City??!
  16. TantrumXSpeed


    YeAAAAhhh! I knew the Pistons would come out on top!!
  17. It really helped put my life into perspective and made me remember how great being "in love" felt- the excitment, the RUSH.. It's actually got me seriously thinking about the whole "love" thing and makes me want to break up with my girlfriend. However, I appreciate life more and it really hit home that life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but about the number of moments that take our breath away.
  18. Has anybody read Petra's book, "Love Always, Petra"?
  19. I didn't know Monica was in "Tears of the Sun"- she looked awesome!!
  20. Why? He's kinda funny but boring at times...<sorry Seth fans> Oh are we in love with Summer?
  21. Of course she'll havta be okay with it! Afterall, your question when getting down on one knee would be, "Are you okay with naming our first daughter Doutzen?" That way she can't back out of the deal later on.
  22. Actually yesterday was the first time I saw her sister. I don't watch the show much, only during the first season. Do people here like Marisa or Summer more?
  23. TantrumXSpeed


    WHY is Bruce Willis there?? Is that the French Riviera by any chance?
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