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About hope1

  • Birthday 08/21/1989

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  • Location
    it doesnt really matter.the town it reallydoesnt matter:)
  • Interests
    big egos are a big let down, but hey thats what forums are for. also stalking, sexual identity issues, emotional abuse issues, and low self esteem issues. bringing out the innerstalker that lies in all of us, oh what a beautiul world:)

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  1. Um. What? -____- Why come onto my profile and call me names when I don't even know what your talking about I don't even 'Advertise' anything. Get your facts right.

  2. What the hell are you talking about?

  3. Bashing of other BZ members is against Bellazon policy, and an offense that warrants a formal warning and a temporary suspension of posting privileges. Continuance of this highly unacceptable behavior will lead to banishment. ***Edited by MauiKane
  4. are you fucking kidding me, if you have to say yoursexy your not

  5. thanks rob but my anitivirus wont let me use fire fox so canrt download from firefox, so basically this sucks
  6. yeah great pics. umm so yeah nobody knows which I find a little curious about capturing from a flash embedded site
  7. ok nobody is probably going to answer me, but is anyone good at caputring video from a flahs embedded site? and changing the format to mpeg-4? listen my brain is melting its hot here, but if anyone is good at this would be nice
  8. cool D I like: spor pwder monkey Noisia stigma high contrast racing green rules!!!!!!!!! concord dawn man for all seasons rawthing beautiful morning CLS& wax quite perfect:) toataly cool D man ]
  9. yeah the hollwerid repoter, who thinks black swan is to die for, yeah you wish you had after seeing, and who thinks pirates 4 is witty and charming, getting old, here when is the frickinn frachise going to end and facebook was compelling, yeah so is my snot but I dont write about it, so for you who are playing with your x-boxes and those who cant wipe there butt, this song is for all of you at the hollwood reporter, oh yeah you should like its got vampire and we know thats a docu drama
  10. from mother model management and my new avi go jennie
  11. I love jennie, she is not just a beautiful face, a beautiful body, but shes real, and I like that shes a self proclamied nerd, because nerds rule, and stephern king rocks, and well its true, I mean, knowledge school, I love, and so I want to see more jennie, jennie runk, when I saw her in glamour I was like wow, yes I am showing my incredible words but she is beautiful inside and out, and that to me is what makes a great, great person, model thanks Model knowledge and joe
  12. Thank you Ewicolina great stuff and helllllloooooooo
  13. I am glad that she made it to the red carpet, Im definitely glad that stefano is there , she looks very elegant, and I cant wait for this movie, for my eastern european heritage and I hope this gets some wins, many east europe gets neglecteld, hungary, chezch, poland, romania and there are some great movies from the russian federation, well go ISLAND
  14. thanks XXX , I am ready to go to cannes, but uma is starting to freak me out, she kinda looks like meryl streep, but it is a funny ad, and I love schwepps, ginger ale, the only ginger ale made with real ginger, well not exacty true, you can get some really good stuff at a health food stores, but yeah, love the interview I love the ending of that trailer, kinda a weird kuberick shining moment
  15. I think of Lady R and sometimes to these songs
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