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one man band

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Posts posted by one man band

  1. The afforementioned murders may or may not have taken place, depending on what hearsay or conjection you indulge in, and was commited by the aptly named quasicartes on the night in question.

    And being a slave for a girl makes you a murderer when you murder the other slaves to be alone with your mistress in your own freaky little world for two.

  2. Just to bring this back onto religion and christianity specifically, can anyone answer these:

    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

    This is known as "The Problem Of Evil". Thousands of years old (first posed by Epicurus, and Greek philosopher) and still no satisfactory answers in my view that don't resort to sheer profound belief in something that raises all sorts of contradictions like these. And the bible is no defense, whoever was saying that. The bible is so full of holes a mouse would have trouble figuring out whether it was edible or not.

  3. Not a Nirvana fan either. Kurt Cobain was not a good lyricist. They were only famous because he was good-looking and managed to create a legend out of himself by his suicide. Couldn't play guitar for shit either.

    Dave Grohl makes me laugh though. And the bassist...Nick whatisname...he's such a dork.

  4. Just because jazz musicians have more free time than friends doesn't mean they are better than the rest of us. The amount of strong Italian coffee also has no bearing on how well a musician improvises.

    I play jazz often, and have found it interesting to play but boring and wandering to listen to. Someone improvising over 5,6 or 7 key changes just doesn't sound good. And when where these 'jazz days'? People still play jazz, Red. It's not as if jazz just stopped, is it?

    And yes, Jimi was the best improviser on the planet, when it comes to inventing new song on the spot. Have you ever listened to any live Jimi bootlegs? See how many different scales he used - more than just pentatonic and blues scales.

  5. Jimi was an inspiration for many guitarists. I teach guitar now, and a lot of kids ask me i can "play like Jimi Hendrix". And i can, because i am amazing. But also because Jimi basically took the blues licks he had heard as a child and put them on electric, distorted guitar. Then he was just in the right place at the right time. He wasn't technically brilliant, like a Steve Vai or Satriani, but he improvised better than pretty much anyone on the planet, before or since.

    History lesson over.

    PS. All Along The Watchtower is clearly the best Jimi song.

  6. I'm sure he's a nice guy. Once you past all the gold and huge piles of money that he swims in and uses to light big fat cigars whilst feeding competitors to sharks with laser-beams attached to their heads!!!

    Bill Gates is such a fucking asshole. Why can't he just make a simple operating system that doesn't break every five seconds. And he has enough money to stop world poverty, countless diseases all with enough to spare for 12 gulf states.


    Anyway, this happens to my too, but usually when i'm drunk and can't hold the mouse properly.

  7. I've used that excuse countless times and its got me nowhere mate. Like the time i stole a micro-wave, i was asked by the police why i stole it, and i said "because the colour matches my eyes" (it was white, I was just trying to piss them off) and he said "don't be so f***ing stupid", to which i said "stupidity isn't a crime!"

    Here endeth the lesson.

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