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one man band

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Posts posted by one man band

  1. Look, quaicartes, and anyone who was offended, I apologise for any offense I caused. It wasn't intended. It seems I need to be more thoughful when posting here - i'm too used to talking with Londoners who think insults can be used as greetings.

    Nyc rocks, i'm not even going to pretend i understand what you're saying. Pantheism sounds like fun. But i like being agnostic today, so that's what i'll be (until someone else convinces me otherwise!).

  2. Tech support have only just got back to me. The problem was, you see, my computer has a music recording tool on it that has just started blue-screening me for no reason. Described the problem to the tech support, in detail, and they said they'd look into the problem and get back to me within the hour. It it is 27 hours later and tech support said there's nothing they can do, you can get your money back but don't keep your hopes up.

    I feel i letter is in order. I'm going to fill it with so many long words in it the tech support will lose their minds trying to work out how i managed to fit in so many syllables.

  3. It's not as if i get some perverse enjoyment from crushing someone's beliefs, i was just adding a bit of humour. I was joking. If someone has genuine, strong faith in something than it should be admired, not mocked. But if someone replied with half-baked saturday-school dogmatisms i would give as good as i got.

  4. Big fan of Moonlight Sonata too. I had to laugh when someone asked the house band at a gig for "Moonlight Sinatra"...

    I play guitar, and have a Gibson Les Paul Custom, A Hofner jazz guitar, Fender Strat (1989), and a Sessionette amp. I have a few FX, but i cant be bothered to list the whole lot.

  5. hehehe...

    Red, I play more than just Hendrix. I play jazz, blues and rock, and i have passed all the grades you can throw at me. If you particularly want i can do you a rough recording of me. I was being arrogant then to raise a laugh, i wasn't seriously believing that i was amazing...

    As for Hendrix vs Metheny that would be interesting. If it was a CrossRoads style thing that would be hilarious. Hendrix would have the wow factor, but obviously Metheny would "be more complex and all... he would own Hendrix as far as technique and improvisational complexity are concerned".

    I've heard Little Wing and Purple Haze far too many times for me to like them any more. But live, Jimi out does most jazz guitarist for sheer emotion and drug-fuelled intensity. Jazz musicians (i know, because i'm one of them) tend to find their way around their song based on the chord changes going on around them and stick with licks they have already learnt, applying them to new chord changes as the song goes on. Jimi had more guts, and went all out every time, with (nowadays pretty average) speed and guile.

    And some capital letters wouldn't go a miss, Red. (j/k)

  6. Nice try but i'm not following, nyc rocks. The questions were initially posed to be answered by a theist so they would obviously believes that a god exists. The question of objective vs. relative evil i understand though. The "one must already have the grand assumption that a particular type of "god" exists in the first place" makes very little sense in my eyes.

    As you may have gathered, i am an atheist, and was hoping a rather more religious, subjective member would reply to that so i could indulge in a bit of philosophical flame wars but you seem to have more than one brain cell and have managed to have me confuzzled.

    If someone wants to say that "Evil exists because God wants us to have free-will" i'll have some fun. But don't dance around the questions with your college education or i'll start crying.

  7. Yeah i know they are completely different styles but the sheer speed is there. I'm not a fan of speed orgasm guitar, but some guys like it so all power to them. I prefer Holdsworth to Becker (Becker just hurts after a while) but there's only so much pretentious neo-classical boasting a poor guitar teacher from fucking Kent can take.

  8. Beware Sheyda! Neo is only one step away from...


    Only joking. He seems genuine enough...

    (will bitch about something later, depends on how long it take technical support to get back to me :( :( :( )

  9. Perhaps I could take you more seriously if you took the time to write out proper sentences that actually make sense. No offense, but "I consider it boring playing 1, so repeitive, so blah, so ah who knows, i cant talk much i like SRV" makes very little sense!

    And i get your point but it looks like we are both too stubborn to back down, so i'll leave it there.

  10. Oh come on, the ladies love a bit of Kurt. And i couldn't care less what the bassist name was. And Dave Grohl makes me laugh because he dresses in women's clothing from time to time. Which is no bad thing.

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