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Everything posted by Sara7

  1. Hi to all.. just found this new ad yesterday in the italian vanity fair I never seen before this photo her.e..and i hope that it is no a repost... I just scanned only her why are 2 pages but all white I think that it is absolutely adorable
  2. but why the forum put together all my messages?!?!?!
  3. i no remember who scanned it I think it's no from me ehehhe i have a short memory ehehe
  4. I seen that u posted some photos that I have posted in MH I will post other... sorry if I post pics that are posted here before some scans... lord&tylor other scan Target
  5. I have so many pics of he...that i will never end to post his photos! but i will post this...and other for you
  6. hi i have made all these photos...if u no have i can post the original scan
  7. new homepage www.justin-poortinga.tk
  8. just scanned it I love this last campaign of nicole farhi and nicole selected for his campaign my wonderful justin and julia stegner she have also really good photos!
  9. YEEEESSSSSS u know i love it but before i used only the one on the left but like avatar now i prefered use 2 animations in the signature now is better no?!?! eheheheh I used it also in other forums... and posted when u made it also in the group of justin... many person have loved it :D thanks again
  10. yes i speaked with her much why justin is also in this Creations catalog... i have all images.. I think that also you... but trymalinn show me what pics u want... (i just remember one with megan..) unfortunately she no was in florence for the show exist 2 catalogs with all runways pics..or maybe only one...no sure in this moment but no megan inside ( (
  11. i will try to extract it from my book and scan the photo...it no have behind words... (I hope to remember it...) and i have need to find time to go in the bookstore to buy the magazine... or I could also risk that 'a person' here kill me ehhehehe thanks funnyfan for the other link!
  12. he here is really funny!!! and naturally sexy!!!
  13. OMG I absolutely love the one from heatherette backstage!!!!!!!!
  14. thanks so much for every pics!!! U are really kind!!!! I love all them!!!!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!
  15. I can't open the photo do u have another link where i can see it??
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