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Status Replies posted by PinkCouture

  1. Hello :ninja:

    1. PinkCouture


      LOL...yes you are :laugh: Most guys are immature so you are in good company :p I have been ok. Hanging in there. Most people have moved on but there are a few veterans who visit here & there like Herve,  Prettyphile, Michael,  etc.


      What have you been up to these days? :smile:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Because 3 days are nothing :whistle: 

    Happy belated birthday Pinky!!! :stormy:

    1. PinkCouture


      Better late than never!!! :D Thank you so much for remembering and taking time to post :hehe::hug:

      I hope you are doing well :flower:


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Happy Birthday My Favorite French Sexbomb!!! :flower::D 

  4. LOL! Thanks! Its funny that you mention squirrels because I was just talking to some people from the east coast who said that they all but eat out of your hand up there. Of course, they are pretty paronoid down here, but cute anyway :p .

    1. PinkCouture


      There seems to be a significant decrease in squirrels around here. They used to be everywhere. Now I only see a couple occasionally...

  5. So not to clutter and spam the thread I will replay here (http://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/55703-find-out/?p=3592640): I liked MTV and VH1 more when they played actual music videos and the shows were music-related :/ Although I do occasionally watch some shows on VH1 like Couples Therapy and Mob Wives. I heard about the contestant on Megan Wants a Millionaire. Creepy! “ I heard they then tried to class up their lineup... and we got Basketball Wives.” HAHAHAHA...LOL. I have never seen t...

    1. PinkCouture


      I rarely watch awards shows too. Too much BS. I do still watch the Oscars and Emmys though :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. So not to clutter and spam the thread I will replay here (http://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/55703-find-out/?p=3592640): I liked MTV and VH1 more when they played actual music videos and the shows were music-related :/ Although I do occasionally watch some shows on VH1 like Couples Therapy and Mob Wives. I heard about the contestant on Megan Wants a Millionaire. Creepy! “ I heard they then tried to class up their lineup... and we got Basketball Wives.” HAHAHAHA...LOL. I have never seen t...

    1. PinkCouture


      Season 4 & 5 were the only decent seasons of BCG. The rest are crap. However I keep on watching...LOL. It's like I have watched every season might as well watch the rest :p

      The guy on "Megan Wants a Millionaire" did not win but he did win a spin-off reality competition. I also heard he committed suicide :/

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. So not to clutter and spam the thread I will replay here (http://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/55703-find-out/?p=3592640): I liked MTV and VH1 more when they played actual music videos and the shows were music-related :/ Although I do occasionally watch some shows on VH1 like Couples Therapy and Mob Wives. I heard about the contestant on Megan Wants a Millionaire. Creepy! “ I heard they then tried to class up their lineup... and we got Basketball Wives.” HAHAHAHA...LOL. I have never seen t...

    1. PinkCouture


      ...that show but I have heard it is quite trashy. Then again I watch BGC and you know that is the epitome of acclaimed and classy TV :p

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

    1. PinkCouture


      Totally agree! I always associate muscular abs with being more masculine :) LOL...I would consider myself "fluffy" as well! :p

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Glad to see you back!

    1. PinkCouture


      Thank you. I am back...for now at least. Work is totally kicking my ass :(

  9. Happy Birthday to you Pinky :-)

    1. PinkCouture


      Aww...thank you sooooo much!!! <3

  10. Happy New Year Thank you for all the work you do! I hope your 2014 is full of happiness, work and adventures!

    1. PinkCouture


      Thank You! Happy Nee Year to You Too! I hope you are right. 2014 is going to be a fabulous year <3

  11. OMG, It's Totoro!!!! <3

    1. PinkCouture


      Yes, those are mine :)I wouldn't say I am a hardcore fan. Just someone who likes the movie.

      I got them at a local Japanese book store. Sadly the book store has gone out of business :/

      eBay is great. You can find the most random stuff on there :p

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hey There! How have you been? :)

    1. PinkCouture


      Moving in 2-3 weeks. Spring is usually busy because of the different events and programs that are being held. Hopefully I will survive the chaos! I don't do well with too much stress :/

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hye there! I saw your other message, I just wanna test this...so please comment :D

    1. PinkCouture


      Ok, I tweaked your account a little bit. See does it work now :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hye there! I saw your other message, I just wanna test this...so please comment :D

  15. Hey There! How have you been? :)

    1. PinkCouture


      I have been pretty busy as well. My company is moving to a new location soon so it will be very crazy. Spring is also a busy time for me at work so it is like a double whammy!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hello! I sent you a PM 15 days ago but it has not been read yet.

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