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Dream Angel

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Everything posted by Dream Angel

  1. ^ i actually love those glasses...i'd def buy that outfit, yea including the sunglasses lol.
  2. from the left side: 1st row 2nd picture & 3rd row 1st picture just stunning! breath-taking.
  3. what a fashion icon...woman is genious! she can take a damn photo <3
  4. ^ meli your on fire right now lol...nice pix tho:P
  5. ^ of all the roses, there always some pricks loll
  6. noicee guys...jajaja i was talking to francesca about doutzen i was like who is that on your avi? shes mind bogaling...loll <3
  7. ^ yepp im makin a collage of every pic tht i love and in tht pic her eyes are just dreamy...you can melt in them loll
  8. www.doubleagent.com/adrianalima.php ^^ collection of her vids.
  9. *screams like a fucking maniac* ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omg omg omggggggggggggggggggoooddddddduhhh i love ya too much lol thankkk youuu lolll i was like dying for this stupid picture thank you, gracias, gratzi however you sayyy itttt your thanked! lol anyways... i shall refrain from babbling on like an idiot (:<3
  10. wowza! thx skaterboy!!! lots! come to think of it...adriana is just an amazing model...teh camera loves her face but if you truely take a second to read the words and look at the picture in the black and white wallpaper...they look like those little moments you have with your loved one and i don't know...they look like a couple..all i had to say was wow shes just a terrific model..kudos to her! <3
  11. ^ the vs one was someone's signature thing and yeaaaa do you have more pictures from w/e the event was...thts not the picture but thts what she was wearing...yayayya lol you give me hope haha but the shot was kinda from teh side but not the actual side she was looking to the left but not straight but the camera was in front of her face...urgh sry im a bad explainer...it was posted before just dont know where... i know i cant make this stuff up lol
  12. this would meannn sooo much! some please helpppppp i cant find the a pic..she had her hair in rollers, with a white tank top...she had sunglasses tucked hanging from teh middle of her tank...her eyes were very blue..maybe the pic was in hq not sure...but yea and it was someone's sig...on the left of the sig it was her eye you could barely see it and on the right it was about half of adrianas face with like net over her eyes..and it was from tht commercial of vs..tell me you love me pleaseee someone atleast tell me whose sig tht is or find tht picture i looked everywhere..cant find it:(
  13. natalie and skaterboy those pictures rock my other adri picture's socks
  14. lol hahha nice pix! looks like she was about to hit the subway.
  15. this is teh armania mania add jesus shes too dang gorgeous...lovee herrrrr Armani_Mania.bmp Armani_Mania.bmp
  16. lolll nah you didnt hurt me im dumb, argueing is fun for me lol jkjkjjk <3
  17. ^ you look cute..where were you when you took the picture?
  18. adriana isn't my queen...im just a fan like yourself but im just voiceing[not spelt right] my opinion on when you said modeling is easy thts all (:
  19. lima bean you look more like nicole from america's next top model (:
  20. ???? how can you base your opinions off of only famous models? how do you think they became famous....like models right now they have to work and work...and go to castings...and traveling is fun but so hectic...rushing to catch the plane and not even being able to unpack and relax..and ofcoarse miss your home... traveling has its pros and cons just like modeling the way you state things makes it sound like a breeze and that you've been through it all... and lots of famous models dont make 5 million a year...your always famous before your rich... it depends how much your working.
  21. ^ smh you'd never understand...its so hard being a model -your in a diff country every other day -bitchy models you cant trust -getting criticized about the littles shit -holding a position for hours -you have to have perfect skin and must have right proportions and keep your body in shape -runway walking in 5 inch heels...yea its there job to look pretty but have you ever walked in a straight line making look so easy and looking good and actually making the clothes look good -taking a perfect picture...is so damn hard...take it from someone who is into modeling and im hopefully going to start over teh summer...you have to be energetic..say a happy smiley pose...you have to think of something happy tht makes you laugh and look believable...a fierce picture is so hard to capture so before saying something is easy, revaluate what your going to say
  22. ^ lol wth are you gonna do with the wings:P
  23. <--kinda looks like angelina jolie for the lips <--classy beauty btw sry if repostssss <3
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