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About x2121

  • Birthday 04/28/1989

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  1. http://vampire-ball.deviantart.com/art/man...gerie-107878164 what i made earlier today of her.
  2. x2121

    THIS or THAT

    Pink. Laptop or Desktop?
  3. x2121

    THIS or THAT

    outdoor. blonde or brunette?
  4. x2121

    THIS or THAT

    Both. Gossip Girl or 90210 ?
  5. x2121


    oh..just made this if anyone wants to use it somewhere, keep the credit please. it's a hidden credit so yeah lol.
  6. x2121

    THIS or THAT

    pop. Tankini or Bikini ?
  7. x2121


    Photoshop and Image ready. but i'm sure you can do the same with PSP and Animation Shop. I used photoshop and animation shop for the signature.
  8. x2121


    All you need is a few good photoshop and image ready tutorials, i can give you those if you want. I'm self taught, but i know of some tutorials.
  9. x2121


    Thanks. My most recent is my signature, that took my actual effort.
  10. Try http://www.ovguide.com/ and search for the person.
  11. x2121

    High Heels

    Lol. I've put the gel pads in all my high heels and nothing. It's forbidden love with me and high heels lol.
  12. x2121

    High Heels

    No, not the walking. The issue is my feet always hurt no matter what. I have boots like those and they're thick heels and i'm always in pain after 3 hours.
  13. She's too shiny in the standing up promo.
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