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Everything posted by eggi

  1. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    Oh, man. That's just like sticking the knife and giving it a twist when they release the promos after they've decided to never ever bring the show back. Still, thank you for the great pictures
  2. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    A few from the daily mail that I don't think are already on here
  3. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    A few from the daily mail that I don't think are already on here Actually below. Network hiccup.
  4. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    Thank you all so much for the pictures and additions. They're beautiful. Can't wait to see "7 days in Hell." Going through some serious withdrawal
  5. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    For anyone who doesn't have Hulu, AT&T Uverse is showing the remaining episodes of Selfie On Demand. I'd imagine Comcast is, also, but can't say for sure.
  6. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    Saw that too. Finger crossed. Btw, episode eight of Selfie is now on hulu! !!!
  7. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    Btw, episode eight is now on hulu! !!!
  8. eggi

    Karen Gillan

    Hopefully, this is a good sign. Word is that the final episodes will be able to watch online pretty soon. That's something, at least. Hopefully, they'll generate a lot more interest and the network will reconsider - or, even better, they could get picked up by a cable network (No worrying about objectionable content) https://www.change.org/p/abc-save-selfie-3/u/8788801?tk=qrNO4qOQCJ3xc0mjAW-1OrK6Knxy-__iyWoT6K25eHM&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=petition_update_email
  9. Here are those pics, stripped from both of the AllAccess links you posted. Most, I think, are reposts. Enjoy , Mike
  10. The facial structure is a bit off. This girl looks somewhat similar, but I'm pretty sure it's not her. Don't know 100% Hope that helps, and thanks, either way
  11. By today's standards, Marilyn Monroe is a plus-size model. No complaints here , Mike so true! shows how times ahve changed. though i prefer the "plus size" than if Kate and Marilyn are grouped in that. Agreed 100% - Marilyn will always be the definition of "sex symbol" & Kate's nice to look at, also, even if she isn't shaped like a number 2 pencil , Mike
  12. By today's standards, Marilyn Monroe is a plus-size model. No complaints here , Mike
  13. Might be Rie Rasmussen, but even that's questionable. Hard to tell with the hat. Thanks for all the pix, everyone. Great stuff , Mike
  14. Hey, I finally got those two studio line commercials and put them up on youtube! I got them from the link above, but the videos claim they're from http://ina.fr - In any event, if any infringement issues come out, I will take these down. They're up at youtube at: Basia Milewicz YouTube Search And, hopefully, they show up below Cheers! , Mike EDIT: Fixed the YouTube links so you can see them inline now. I assumed the embed code was going to be much more complicated than it actually was Studio Line Commercial - 1995 Studio Line Commercial - 1996
  15. Tempting fate and my own sense of dread, even though I just looked at all four pages Two more swimsuit pics I found on the web from J. Crew (and can only assume I have bigger better versions of somewhere - these are really small and grainy): And a few other ones I've not seen before: and links to two videos I can't seem to download (commercials) and a picture of her and her husband on a pay-for site: http://www.malemodelretro.info/search/label/Basia%20Milewicz http://www.patrickmcmullan.com/site/search...mp;s=Ken+Nahoum Cheers! , Mike
  16. Hey there, My terminal laziness has been unmasked at last Sorry about that. Hopefully these two pictures I found from the 2002 J. Crew swim catalogue will make up for it The original scans ended up being about 23mb each, since I scanned them extra large against 20 pieces of good stock paper to try and wash out the fading and bleed-through from the other side of the pages. Now they're both under a Meg, so they should be easy to download and, on my monitor, they're still way too big If I find the rest of the catalogue in the stacks of magazines and books in my garage, I'll be sure to post them! Enjoy! , Mike Hi eggi, yes, it´s a re-post. I´ve just showed this layout here: http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?s=&...t&p=1782691 (Only ONE page before!) I think 4 pages are not much to look through to avoid re-posts. Even with the search function it would have shown up, because the source is quoted. I think this topic is just too short to start already with re-posts.
  17. APOLOGIES - I'm afraid this is a repost and I didn't notice until I'd uploaded the photos A few interesting older pix with a few other models I'm not familiar with The editorial's name is "Die Trend-Wende" from German Vogue, July 1993 Hope you enjoy them , Mike
  18. ...and here's a nice one from The Gap , Mike
  19. Hey everyone, I found these nice old pix on this thread on the VS holiday accessory book for 1999: http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=22015 Enjoy , Mike
  20. Here are some other nice covers I found on this thread: http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=13670 EDIT: Removed one pic that was a repost. , Mike
  21. Hey everyone, I found these larger, but not quite so high quality, pix and figured I'd post them for anyone who wanted the bigger versions. Does anyone on this board know if she just didn't do lingerie and swimwear for VS? I've seen her other swimwear stuff, so maybe the sorta-skanky VS lingerie pictures were something she wouldn't do; and I respect her decision. I'm just curious why VS never used her for more swim photos. I've actually got one, just ONE, somewhere, and I'll post it if I come across it. In the meantime, enjoy , Mike VS0v0833LaceGirl.bmpVS00831LaceGirl.bmpVS00832LaceGirl.bmp VS0v0833LaceGirl.bmp VS00831LaceGirl.bmp VS00832LaceGirl.bmp
  22. Hi, Can you please delete this Topic? http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=29379 I accidentally started a new topic instead of replying to an existing one, so it's now duplicate content. Thank you, Mike Done! -Edited by Lady Fatale
  23. Thank YOU! I can't hunt these files down in my browser cache fast enough Keep working your magic :Dinah: It took me a while to get all these ones in the large format because the google books section kept returning the low rez pictures forever, but I finally got rid of enough garbage to get them all in large size Here's the first editorial, entitled "Chiquita Bonanza" And the second one, entitled "Long Story" - I only grabbed the Basia picks to save some time. Thanks, again, Korravai , Mike
  24. [Here's the other editorial. It's called "The Great White Way." Enjoy
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