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Posts posted by ChildOfTheMoon

  1. That's a cute picture of him with a parrot. It reminded me, I recently found out that he was a vegan since he was 7 and dedicated to animal rights activism. (and so is his brother). Never knew that. He was 23 when he died, so sad.


    image source: MySpace


    image source: allposters.com

  2. In my opinion he is (or was) the best male actor since Johnny Depp and in some ways he reminds me of James Dean. I loved him in "Ned Kelly", "Brokeback Mountain" and "Candy". He was also the only good thing about "10 Things I Hate About You". Today I finally saw "I'm Not There", a movie inspired by Bob Dylan's life and songs. Heath was absolutely incredible. What a tragedy to die so young. Rest in peace...

  3. Back then they used to glorify sexy curves, but today Claudia would work as a plus size model, which is really sad. She, B Bardot, M Monroe and many others had beautiful curves and they were so stunning. I just love that hour-glass figure, so feminine!

  4. Totally Bardot-esque! I like Vanessa, she's very cute, but she lost so much weight lately, I think she'd be absolutely stunning if she gained some. I prefer her earlier photos because she looks fuller there, and her long hair is sooo beautiful! :heart:

  5. I think Mick Jagger is icky :ninja: But if he was lucky enough to get Brigitte then good for him!

    Well hes 60something now, but he looked hot in his 20s and 30s. Sorta like male version of Bardot, especially the lips. lol :laugh:

    Lisa, please keep those pics coming! Thanks again!

  6. I would like to find when the pics when she met the rolling stones! because Jagger loved her! and the beatles to!

    gosh I'd love to see those pics! I have looked everywhere on the Internet, but haven't seen a single picture of her with Mick Jagger, even though they supposedly dated. I can only imagine what a hot couple they made. The search continues...

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