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Everything posted by Kevork89

  1. I agree. The crying shots backstage were heartbreaking. Can you imagine being in that position. I’m a nobody and have fallen in public before and you feel so embarrassed and you get upset. So imagine doing it on a huge stage in front of 1000s of people knowing that this is going to broadcast all over the world and be all over the internet and social media, which it was. The one good thing out of it is that generally people are empathetic so the buzz about her hasn’t been negative and she’s had a lot of support. She handled herself perfectly well. Also everyone has fallen in love with Gizele too.
  2. Clearly the Balmain stuff is a bit, whether you like it or not it was a great partnership for the brand. It’ll be interesting to see if they try it again with the same brand or maybe try and do a similar thing with another brand. They’ve partnered with Intimissi before correct? If so I’m sure Jeremy Scott/Moschino will be a choice. Cater to the same type of markets.
  3. Elsa, Sara, Taylor, Romee, Grace, Stella all have shot for Love Advent, also Gigi, Karlie, Bella, Kendall, Shanina, Barbara, Jourdan and Doutzen.
  4. Ok here’s my rundown of the show if anyone gives a shit. I was never expecting anything good so having super super low expectations makes me lay back, chill and just enjoy it for what it was. 2015 and 2016 I was so disappointed so I took a different approach this time. Overall it was in line with the past couple of shows. Like everyone said, too much focus on performers, little on the Angels, in between segments that we’ve seen time and time again, horrible concepts and really bad outfit distribution and just way way too many girls. Those are my negatives. Im not about having the 03-06 shows again. I’m about moving forward and trying something new. VS really need a creative shake up. Like I understand loyalty and family but you don’t want the product to become stale and old. And VS is becoming that. It felt like between 2010-2014 the brand was booming. And while there are plenty of fans around it just seems to dip and dip, their formula isn’t working for them like it once did and they need to try and figure out how to fix that. I’m hoping the dip in ratings is going to give them a bit of a kick up the ass. I would change director, editors, designers, stylists etc. Get rid of them all and bring some fresh new talent and blood to the mix. I’m not meaning this in a bad way because I don’t think age should be a reason but everyone behind the scenes at the moment looks to be over 45, their grasp on what’s hot and what’s in isn’t what they think it is. They think only superficially. I want some young blood in there to shake it up a bit. Turn it around and give them something fresh. Also from a brands perspective all their advertising is through Instagram. They barely update their Facebook or YouTube anymore. The commercials are only 15 seconds long these days whereas before we used to get extended versions. Like other people mentioned the trend of relatable is ridiculous. The post PC world at the moment isn’t about selling sex, glamour and fantasy anymore. It’s all about selling real people, real issues. That’s why all the segments are about where the girls come from and showcasing how sweet and BFF they all are. It’s sweet and cute but VS has lost the sex appeal and it feels like they’re trying to be post modern feminist and girl power. Nothing wrong with that but women can be strong, confidant and still sell sex. Like I said my idea is for the future. Change it up, make it fresh. Keep us interested. I don’t need the show to necessarily be all about a girl walks down poses and move on. That’s how it used to be it’s ok to show fun and personality. But also sell the fantasy. Show us the girls, show their bodies, don’t cover them up with so much stuff.
  5. Lily Aldridge Overall Look: 10/10!! (sue me, she looked bomb) Liu Wen Overall Look: 5/10
  6. I wonder if VSFS could get more viewers if they actually televised the show live? That would be interesting as hell but they wouldn’t do it because then they can’t plan everything out and edit it to crap like they do usually. Honestly I’m all for a Netflix deal. The viewership would be massive compared and if they offered it on all Netflix around the world they would be reaching a massive market. I’m really surprised VS haven’t tried this already especially with how they’re trying to get out in more international markets. They would also have the added advantage of it not being on network tv. But I think they’ll lose a lot of control in decision making if they went somewhere like Netflix.
  7. To me nothing will ever be as bad as the 2009 show. The whole runway looked cheap and empty, the five segments and that god awful model search which they devoted the whole show to. That will always be the worst show for me. But the last 3 are right behind it.
  8. Yeah I was thinking that. I wouldn’t be upset with it. I love Stella but I’d be happy with losing a couple more girls tbh. Take Romee too. She does absolutely nothing for me personally.
  9. Thanks. You’re the best. Also let’s all take a moment to say goodbye to Alessandra. I am removing her from the Angel line up on the first page. I’ve constantly kept it updated with new or departing Angels and it feels really strange to take her name off the Angel list. Thanks for everything Alessandra.
  10. @gotportugal I’m interested to see if Grace and Zuri will get a boost after the show. Also would you be able to see how Ming has done?
  11. Karlie Kloss Overall Look: 7/10 (I actually liked this look) Leomie Anderson Overall Look: 8/10
  12. I think people need to lower their expectations. I mean from the amount of girls plus the way the looks were this year and the mess the show was we knew this wasn’t gonna be amazing lol. So I just sit back with the popcorn and watch this mess and enjoy it for what it is. A mindless 45 minute watch. They’ll never go back to the old ways. Far out they won’t even go back to the 2010-2012 ways. They’re stuck in this same loop with the way they do outfits, themes, models etc. The only way this is gonna change is a complete overhaul of the “talent” behind the scenes.
  13. Also I thought the commercial was very classic. It wasn’t OTT, simple, pretty, wonderful location and looks. It gave me 08 vibes. They’ve always tried a little too hard with it in past years and this felt so right. Sure the music was a bit of a snooze but the slow paced editing gave room for every girl to be seen. It was great. Also the shots of Lily in those wings
  14. I think the music segment was really stupid and could’ve been focused on selling the Balmain stuff. I’m surprised that didn’t even get a mention. You’d think they’d wanna promote it even more so people will go and buy it.
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