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Status Updates posted by Berno

  1. lol,,thanks,,glad ya like it :)

  2. Enjoy your shower :brows: :P Good night!

  3. Edita maybe? Funny, because this is the first proper sig i've had in a long time, glad it caught your attention :) Haha yeah, I don't feel the need to be like that, after all they're just people like us, albeit extremely beautiful people but still :P

  4. Very interesting :shifty: Oh yeah? Well where did you go? No i'm pretty sure thats for some shoot, but i can't find the video.. i hope she doesn't smoke in real life.

  5. Oh u gave me a rating..lol


    5 stars from me :)

  6. hahaha yeah :P

    hmmm, where could we meet? maybe New York :shifty: :P

    I gotta get new shoes today...lol

  7. Laffy... :hehe:

  8. :woot:

    Oh really? :whistle:

  9. Haha, I think they'll will win.. :P

    Ohh, i hope you do well in them anyway. :)

  10. Hey! Im good, I actually got back yesterday! It was great :D Had a bit of a throat infection though so that kinda ruined it a bit :/ But other than that...How are you? What have you been up to? :)

  11. Dropbox :hug:

    Blake is too good for him, she needs someone like me. :P

  12. Yes, I miss you.. :cain: :P

    Thanks :)

    How are you?

  13. Ahh i see. :P We'll see tomorrow.. :shifty:

    You're using than wrong, you use than when you should use then...Look it up on online, it will tell you the difference. :cain: :P

  14. Awesome :) I really don't know, havent heard from her in ages :(

  15. Yes, actually :D I quit a month ago and havent had one since! Oh right, well at least you got to go away. I didn't :( i didnt really have the money for it and i had to save up for my deposit on the house i'll be living in this year so yeah...

  16. Yeah, of course ya can :P

  17. No reason.. :shifty:

    Anyway, how are you? insomniac :P

  18. Just so you know, I'm not replying to your messages because i know we'll be talking tonight. :p

  19. Lurking my profile, eh? :P

  20. i'll add you too...

  21. sweet..:P

    Eh yeah maybe :shifty:

    ha:P so what u up to today? :)

  22. Me neither, I'll be going out soon though, to play football.. :shifty:

    I cant log on either.. :S

  23. I'm too lazy to reply to your message even though it's like the shortest one you've ever sent. :p

    But I'll do it to make you happy.


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