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Everything posted by Yasume

  1. I know that this is off-topic however, I am curious. Why would you be insulted? From my understanding, Portuguese and Spanish have some similiarities. I guess I am looking at the languages and not the accent. I am learning and just wondering.
  2. I am voting for Adriana. Come on...she deserves it. She is moving into her tenth year with VS. She has a good fan base and is looking good as usual. Her accent is okay. It just takes a minute. I say hats off for having the ability to speak more than one language. I think some people on here are too hard on her accent. But anyway, this is her year. Maybe Ale in 2009 when she gets it back together after baby.
  3. VS has an age limit of 21. It was started a few years ago from my understanding. I think Miranda is 22.
  4. Okay, these women are making money, money, money!! Gisele is not that pretty to me but hey, she's smart and worked her way through this industry. Based upon what I am reading, the best contracts are VS and beauty companies (Maybelline, L'Oreal, Estee Lauder to name a few). Personally, on this list I like Adriana and Liya-I am partial to beautiful brown and black skin complexion. I guess we will not see a men's list like this because there aren't many male supermodels. I guess it is different on that side of things. Plus they don't seem to make as much money!!
  5. I hardly ever post on this website and know just little info about the models on here but I will have to admit she chooses some hot men!!! This is her ex-husband right?
  6. I believe that if you talk to some women, many of them will express this as well (myself included). I agree that it is really difficult to judge a written interview without seeing facial expression. Wow, I have never read an interview with a model and been so disgusted with the model by the end of it. "Whatever I tell you, do"? Is she serious? The next time I hear one of you uber-fans say Adriana is so sweet and down-to-earth, I'm going to laugh... very loud. It's a shame, too, because she was a favorite of mine back in the day. Oh well.
  7. That wouldn't be right-Same room, separate beds. Temptation and torture all in one room. At least in separate rooms, a guy wouldn't be sitting there watching...
  8. You know I have wondered about that too, hell, a man can only hold out for so long. I think Marko is going to be around longer than the other ones...love is in the air between the two of them.
  9. The pics are beautiful!! She is a natural, exotic beauty and it really shows here and in the candids from the GQ event. What's interesting is how people say that she has a tan. Yes, a natural tan. Her skin complexion is a beautiful brown anyway and it stands out more with the blue eyes, black/brown hair and full lips.
  10. Yasume


    I agree that she looks very good now. Bony is just not attractive on an almost 27 year old woman. She is curvier and that is just better to me. Besides she is still a size 4. It looks very toned and fit. She will not get buff, women do not have enough testosterone to get that big. I lift heavy weight, do cardio, yoga and pilates 5-6 days a week. I feel great and I am sure that she does too...
  11. Yasume


    It is interesting hearing a different perspective about language and accent. I have spoken with people personally who talk about how they have to switch between two languages mentally to find the words. Hell, I only speak English and have to find words..LOL I have to think before I speak. I saw the video of Adri in Mexico speaking in Portuguese (or Spanish, I know they have some similiarities) and her mannerism wasn't as hyper. I still don't understand why people call Adri dumb. I haven't gotten that sense at all about her from what I have seen or heard from her. I don't know her personally so I can't make such an assumption. I had a hunch I wasn't the only one Many people who speak only one language can't relate to this at all. Sometimes I even forget a word in my native tongue and can only think of the English equivalent, and vice versa. Sometimes I "think" in my primary language, other times I "think" in English. Of course that's because I use English a lot in my everyday life (I have foreign colleagues at my workplace), but it's annoying sometimes
  12. This is a good one. Her legs are nice on here.
  13. Yes, she was brave. I don't know it probably wasn't too bad of a taste.
  14. I noticed it but it is still a myth that exists...
  15. Dang...just when I had decided to stay on topic here comes another one. I think alot of men prefer womanly curves and butt not just black men :laugh
  16. All black men are not huge just like all white men aren't small!!! The myth continues... It sounds more to me like like she is making reference to an appeal to something different. Being open-minded and expanding one's horizons. Okay, back on topic. Because ALL black men are huge, it's more likely she finds them exotic seeing as she's a super-caucasian dutch farmgirl - opposites attract or whatever. Why don't you make a penis-thread in here somewhere instead...ZZzZzz... Sizequeen Super off-topic.
  17. Yasume


    I think that they are both smarter than that...I hope so.
  18. LOL... I fear that you wouldn't be able to handle this human's beauty... Can we share?
  19. Yasume


    I agree about sounding very girlish. I was watching her on a Victoria's Secret You Tube video and did get that sense from her. I have just started reading about her in the last 6 months so I don't know what she sounded like before. However, from what I have read about Salvador De Bahia, the accent is heavier than other parts of Brazil so maybe that's one reason it is difficult to transition between English and Portuguese for her. Maybe she is trying to talk too fast. I don't know. But hey, its okay and I admire anyone that can speak more than one language. I wish I could although I know a little bit of Spanish but not enough... I have agree with you, she used to talk so much better. Proof: She talked slowly, yet calmly and with a more natural accent. Nowadays, although she has more enthusiasm when she speaks(which is good), I feel that it is rushed and sometimes I think that she sounds like a little girl; it looks like she's too excited and really wants to get those words out. C'mon Adri you're turning 27 this year... She used to talk so much better. I found her accent more mysterious and innocent. When english is not your first language, talking slowly and pronouncing words to their fullest is the right way. I find it super-sexy. That's why I really like accents of some models. But Adri can't be blamed for it. I reckon that VS has told her to become more outgoing and enthusiastic, getting her more interviews, promoting more stuff. That is all good fun and publicity for her, but it's not what she is. The reason Heidi is such a great spokesmodel is that she has always been ultra-bubbly. Adriana was the girl that could light up a room, without even saying a word. (ok so she still is, but you know what I mean ) This is mine: Btw, this is coming from a another Lima fan.
  20. Okay, I want that top and bag. I really like the colors, subtle and soft.
  21. Okay, anyway... She is cute in both of these pictures.
  22. Well that's what I read. I guess it isn't true or as in alot of cases the media or whomever printed it took it out of context. I haven't read the previous pages but from your reply, it sparked some level of debate in here. If it is true, that's okay. But I will leave it alone and move on... I have a pet peeve about the word "honey". I am from the southern US and heard that word quiet often and have grown to dislike it. :yuckky
  23. This is my first time posting in her page but I read from time to time. Who is she dating? I read somewhere that she stated that she has a dating preference for black men. Well, it is something about chocolate.
  24. The water photo is hott!!
  25. Yasume


    I forgot my smileys
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