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Everything posted by feiti

  1. wow, i have never seen this! with the wonderful Sophia Loren:
  2. This is my favorite part from the great movie: Walk The Line, where Sam Phillips, played by Dallas Roberts (marvelous acting there!), is listening to the audition of Johnny Cash and his band. He doesn't like the way they are covering the song of Jimmie Davis, so he gives them another chance, but it is up to them whether they understand what he is talking about; he tells them: "If you was hit by a truck and you were lyin out in that gutter dyin' and you had time to sing one song...huh...one song people would remember before you're dirt. One song that would let God know what you felt about your time here on earth. One song that would sum you up. You're telling me that's the song you'd sing that same Jimmie Davis tune we hear on the radio all day about your peace within and how it's real and how you're going to shout it, or would you sing something different, something real, something you felt. Because I'm telling you right now, that's the kind of song people want to hear, that's the kind of song that truly saves people. It ain't got nothing to do with believing in God, Mr. Cash, it has to do with believing in yourself." anyway, Sam Phillips played a huge part in rock and roll music. And this video also shows how he might have "discovered" ELVIS. And if i could give the academy awards, i sure would give Dallas Roberts, Joaquin Pheonix an award too besides Reese Witherspoon!
  3. yes! we owe a lot to Sam Philips! And Million Dollar Quartet is a must listen to, absolutely enjoyable, funny, and good insight into the natural way they liked to jam in
  4. interesting face, sad eyes but he's cute more pics please for all of your Native American men!
  5. interesting idea, really
  6. here it is also written 'Denir'. But anyway, she is pretty, even with the 'bumpy nose'.
  7. well i can't read israeli, but if you google her name Liel Denir, it brings out a lot of things, like: http://supermodels.nl/lieldenir http://www.fashionmodeldirectory.com/model...l_denir/photos/ and in one of the magazines i saw, it was also Denir. and: http://www.trafficmodels.com/site/main.php?g2_itemId=58550
  8. actually, i wanted to start this thread, but i'm glad you started it! hope you can fix her name! she is so gorgeous! she is my 2nd fav model. such a pretty face
  9. omg! i her! but you misspelled her name it is Liel Denir, not Danir!!! she is absolutely beautiful, and unique!
  10. feiti

    Casey Affleck

    with his good buddy, Joaquin yesterday or something, they're lookin really
  11. she looks pretty n natural in the car
  12. i just watched "Watching Detectives" it was funny, interesting, and a film that makes you think, so i recommend it to everyone who likes Cillian! some pics:
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