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Everything posted by carmellababe

  1. gahh this is sooo hard to do, but.... Ana x3
  2. she didnt really cut her hair that short did she?
  3. grr didnt get the chance to vote for my ana lol
  4. wow. I think that guy was really creeping Adriana out a bit. But for some reason, I almost kind of wish she wasnt getting married =(
  5. Alessandra x1 Clara x2 cause I love you Spades!!
  6. hey has anyone caught any gif's of Adriana from the past fashion show yet? i saw a couple but couldnt snatch them because each time i tried to save there was an error and they were deleted from the website the next day
  7. Overall I was talking of the outfit but now that I reread I see what your talking about.
  8. ^^ I disagree, but you have the right to your own opinion
  9. whoever that is after Adriana in the black tie segment is just GROSS :yuckky:
  10. Ok here's what I have to say about the show First and most important GET THE CAMERA OFF OF HEIDI!! Sheesh she's always on there. Everywhere you look you see her. Secondly, where was Alessandra Ambrosio at this show? Is that her? nooo. Wait what about now? Noppe. Poor her, she could have skipped this show instead she busted her butt and got back into damn good shape and she barely gets any time on the camera. And Adriana was ment to be the girl of the show this year, and it seemed to me Usher completely embarassed her, obviously he doesnt know how to walk with a woman. Finally, to rest myself. Overall the show was ok, I hated it the first time but when I watched it again today I give it about a C because it was new, but PLEASE Victoria's Secret, PLEASE DONT EVER WAIST MY TIME ON GUESSING WHO THE HELL VICTORIA IS!!!!
  11. I remember watching the 05 and 06 shows over and over the next day and next night But with the past two shows I turn me tv off going. "eh. ??" I dont even know what I think VERY disappointing
  12. Ok mabye I expected too much. But to me. The show SUCKED It was almost as worse as last years show IMO :yuckky:
  13. Sorry people. For some reason Bellazon didnt read my post until just then. Haha my bad.
  14. I put Miranda Kerr for best wings!
  15. I thought that is what it was because when I watched that vid I couldnt hear it until the end and I didnt know if he did some remix version and made 3 songs one or what not
  16. What song did Usher sing this year anyway? Was it "Yeah"?
  18. carmellababe


    Something gives me the feeling Adriana wasnt ment to come back out...like there was a major mixup and she just happend to be right there
  19. carmellababe


    wow. showing some booty there Adriana
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