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  1. This is another gorgeous and sexy woman who rocks garter belts like it is nobody's business. One of the best bodies out there. Curious having looked through the thread as to why she does not show much of her derriere much and even when doing so the pictures seemingly most of the time tend to cut out way above the fullest parts of her curves. Not that she has to show it, of course and the rest of Jayne is more than fine! I just was curious and if anyone else may have noticed this.
  2. Still oh, so slowly working my way through all the pages here while trying to process how there are a mere 8. This is yet another beautiful and sexy woman who in my opinion should have been way more popular. The body on this woman is just insane. Total package from top to bottom. And wow, what a bottom it is. Even the paler shade of her skin matches the luxurious hair perfectly. I wish Georgina nothing but the best going forward. Sad how so many things are not appreciated sometimes maybe until it becomes way too late.
  3. She is so seductive looking even when wearing what's maybe looked at as simple.
  4. Quite the video, indeed. I do wonder if her alleged hip size is correct. Seems like it may be a bit off in that it's maybe slightly larger. Caroline looks just as beautiful and sexy now as years ago even. She looks absolutely amazing also in anything and everything which can also be rather rare. Though personally, I would give anything to see her wear at some point more garters and stockings. 😛
  5. You are definitely reading the right pages in your book. So to speak. Her top half honestly is as amazing in my opinion as the bottom. Maybe not that large up there, but the beauty is not always based on size. If you look at the top half from certain angles that they get right for her, the curves she does have are almost enticing. Then there are the curves on bottom, of course. My goodness. Her body is truly almost epic. I wish her in the future nothing but success.
  6. Definitely, Hannah has been way underrated in my opinion. Yet another with an amazing derriere that makes you not able but think of torrid thoughts.
  7. They need to be at like 2400 x 3600. She would also be just as sexy at 600 x 900 or 1 x 1, for that matter. My goodness.
  8. Beyond retarded. This woman's body really is insane and her derriere is one of the best ones I have ever seen. Like, ever. There is just something about it. Not even sure what people are looking at sometimes in relation to beauty and sexiness. She, to me at least has both.
  9. She seriously has one of the most amazing derrieres I have ever seen which makes you want to just...yeah, and is also very beautiful also.
  10. This is the most amazing Brooke has ever looked. She has one of the most amazing bodies I have ever seen, actually and when the photographer knows what he or she is doing, you can tell. She also seems down to earth, and the Chron's Disease makes her for some seem even real. Wishing her nothing but more success in the future.
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