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  1. Thanks so much for all the posts, @foofur16! They both looked great, so sweet. By the way, how are you snagging vids off Insta? I used to via Firefox, but you can't do it anymore.
  2. Thanks for the recent adds, @gedeon67 and @foofur16. Love seeing her again.
  3. Excellent point! Thanks for the Twit feed—I think you're more likely to be right about the studying aspect. And superthanks @gedeon67 for the new pix!
  4. Anyone else think she's having a baby (early days)? I also noticed her Insta has been deleted lately. 😬
  5. x 1000 @foofur16! Thanks so much for grabbing those great campaigns for Madewell and Zara in particular and sharing them here! 🥰
  6. Plus one more from Anthropologie!
  7. Yeah, I wish we'd hear ANYTHING new about her! Miss her tons and wishing her the best.
  8. Thanks for the super photos of Tom at the Oscars!
  9. Thank you! I love KK and her red pant suit is awesome.
  10. great pics, thanks for posting them, Chic, and for the posts on your blog, mamen_fan! I visit Dona da Bola every day, it's super!
  11. footiefan


    thank you, chic, for the huge pics! i'm glad to see he's enjoying his summer so far.
  12. i have to disagree. Another new coach can only be a disruption to a team that did great in the league - most points ever. Pellegrini was awesome. Players liked him and supported him. And if it is what they want - the head office should listen instead of trying to apply business results to football. Football is not all about instant trophies. I think that Mourinho will bring a style of football that is boring, defensive and I don't like his attitude of the world revolves around him. (N)
  13. somehow these 2 are coming up with image not found when i try to enlarge? Could you upload them again? Or maybe it is just me. :shock:
  14. thanks aga. I had never been to general guy discussion thread before - it was great! Thanks for your work to scan those.
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