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Everything posted by cooperIShot

  1. i know right? if luke worral deserves a thread travis certainly deserves one -_- you got that right!!!! and luke is in the top 50 on MDC too
  2. WOW faget, those are incredible!!! and he posted them himself on MH????? amazing!!!! he's such a hottie...and yeah 23 is so not young lol....he's still a baby though lol....he's got many modeling years ahead of him!!! keep up the good work on posting these cute pics of YOUR hottie!!!
  3. I'm glad u LOVE him azure ....i'll post more pics soon...and thanks for starting travis's thread too....
  4. Oh Travis has been around for a while.... .....i'm glad he FINALLY has a thread here....thanks for starting it azure!!! it should also be noted that he's currently number 43 of the top 50 male models in the world on MDC....also, he belongs to Kult Model Agency (Hamburg)
  5. Good taste!!! Wawww, another hotie!!! Tell me, babe, how old ths hotie??? And more pics, PLZZZZZ!!!! hey first of all, thanks for all the comments u have sent me.....and second, well i havent found Ollie's age yet...i came across him on MDC, and i checked him out at MH, but no info regarding his age...i'll post more pics soon!! i'm off to a basketball game now!!! talk soon, faget!!!
  6. Oh that's so nice to say!! i always check my comments first thing too and LOVE it when i see one from u!! hey public pics are ok too...u can post them or maybe send them to my regular e-mail? i can send u that if u like....well i'm going to have to log off soon cuz my friend and i are going to a basketball game...u take it easy, my friend, and thanks for being a good friend

  7. oops, the pic didn't attach here it is:
  8. found this on MDC under "of the minute"...it's entitled "New York's Finest" Adam looks H-O-T in it!!!
  9. found this on MDC under "of the minute"....it's entitled: New York's Finest Noah looks incredible in it
  10. hey everybody, if u haven't done so already, please vote for MATHIAS in the male model competition....he's up against [b]Alex Schultz
  11. Oh Echo, those paintings are awesome!!! you're VERY talented...do u think u can paint one of Andrew Cooper and post it in his thread? we'd all appreciate it!!
  12. Thanks Faget!!! you're an angel in disguise!!!
  13. grrrrrrrrr M ....i'm only joking....u can vote for whomever your heart desires
  14. hey AndyB, i wanted to say a quick "hi" cuz i noticed u viewed my profile....take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

  15. I LOVE this pic!! ...it's probably my favourite of his
  16. Ford showcard for Paris shows 2008
  17. More runway courtesy of MH: .....Ollie is from England ....Alessandro Dell'Acqua FW 2008 ....Bottega Veneta FW 2008
  18. it should be noted that his other agencies include: Ford Homme (Paris) VNY (New York) 2pm (Denmark) D-Men (Milan) Info courtesy of MH
  19. some runway, courtesy of MH: ....Calvin Kelin SS 2008 ....Generra FW 2008
  20. More polaroids....i dont know how he got that huge scar across his belly
  21. ....now THAT is hilarious!!!....hey, there's no competition against a munchkin....the lass is history!!!
  22. yeah that will be a problem wouldn't it lol.....well if it makes u feel better, i just paid $2000 for a plane trip to London for a june holiday to see if my "idol" is there working at his pet spa/boutique (and i think u ALL know who my "idol" is lol)...yeah call me nuts
  23. hey just wanted to say "hi" cuz i noticed u viewed my profile...enjoy the rest of your day!!

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