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Lilja K

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Everything posted by Lilja K

  1. Leonardo DiCaprio And Girlfriend Camila Morrone Enjoy Dinner With Family At Nobu, July 26 by Legion-Media
  2. Yeah, Internet remembers all but I hope that person post this Ig story with the Leo's permission
  3. Is Leo ok with that guy are filming him and post this video on Insta?
  4. At least Leo's movies are less frequently but high-quality. I mean he's not that type of actor who make many movies in every year just for making movies not caring about quality
  5. Agree Seems like promoting a movie is a bit exhausting for him
  6. For me it seems that Leo decide more enjoying life but career still important I know that's so selfish but I hope Leo don't suspend the acting career otherwise my heart will broken
  7. She also told 'maybe'. But I think now no longer necessary having kids so early, she definetely not a loner being with Leo, 3 dogs and her brother-sisters. Also I think Leo still not ready to have kids. They are just having fun and living their best life. But again it's only mine subjective opinion
  8. I think that's gonna happen 50/50. Camila seems to be a nice person, also she's really funny, humorous and humble (I heard about that JK interview and she's not the first and not the last celebrity who did something stupid. Many many did that). She's down to earth, in real life she's not as glamourous as in the red carpets. I also noticed that she became less active on her Insta. And I can say despite Leo seems distang there were cute couple moments between these two. So they may gonna get married soon. At least it seems that Leo not gonna break up with her in the short term. He brought her on the Oscars 15 years later after Gisele and they have 3 dogs, for me that's seriousπŸ€” But As I know Leo was gonna merry Gisele in the past but she leave him for some reasons. I think he doesn't love Bar and all before as he love Gisele. Also as BarbieErin pointed out Leo afraid independent woman. Camila is on the beginning of her career but she's bright actress. I don't know what Leo will do when she get more independence. And at last Camila is only 23. We don't know her opinion about marriage and kids. I know she said that she loves kids but I'm not sure that she want to get married and have kids so early. She have many chances became a great actress but marriage with kids may pull over her career development. All that is only my subjective opinion based on my personal perception and no one of us really knows them and their live. Time will tell how it ended but I hope they both will be happy with or without each otherπŸ™πŸ»πŸ€žπŸ»
  9. That's 100% photoshop. Leo n Brad never been in Mahachkala lol
  10. ig story 110756791_351702825824180_4403531959693193792_n.mp4
  11. We are living in 21st century and society still don't accept people who don't want marriage and kids. Marriage isn't guarantee of happy life and I very understand Leo. Honestly I'm very afraid of marriage. For me to be a housewife with kids is one of the worst things ever😰 @kellybsblover i'm in the same situation as you, my family is very disappointed in me and I can do nothing with it
  12. Leonardo DiCaprio embraces the tie-dye trend on a hike with girlfriend Camila Morrone
  13. Why? Photoshoot is weird and a bit psychodelic but funny. Many celebs have photoshoots like that
  14. This photoshoot is really weird a bit but I love it. Especially Leo's face on the 1st
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