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Everything posted by patt

  1. patt


    @lucyford yes Laurent is not experienced for fashion world that's the major problem related to Laurent. Also, living in Saudi Arabia is not helping much. I said this before, i bet he has never paid for anything. Why does he even live in Riyadh? I already shared my feelings about Laurent, as long as she works with him, we should get ready for such works that only done for money. I'm sure he convinced her to do this thing.
  2. patt


    @souled_out it is confirmed it is an advertisement work by the photographer Mujdat Kavas. You can see, Laurent is there too. But i don't understand why people think that way, yes she has a bit extra weight but she is still a celebrity, she still has fame to sell something. Maybe she should wait a bit more to show up on runway to avoid negative comments about her weight but this kind of works quite alright to do.
  3. patt


    OMG i was thinking she was wearing extensions for pre-oscar party, her hair grows very fast. Is this her natural hair? She looks better in casual clothes. @laeteita If you ask me yes these are look like advertisement for many reasons but IDK. I see the brown lipstick she wore for pre-oscar party on her lips in the photos maybe taken earlier that day. I'd love to see the rest of the photos from that day but i can't find on the photographer's website.
  4. patt


    @Miss Bathory Yes this is old clip from Vogue's 'routine for a long haul' video. Not new, from 2020
  5. patt


    yes @lucyford i remember when they tried to straighten her hairline for Smirnoff photoshoot, that was so obvious and was unnecessary. But this time it's not look that much odd to me, i feel like they tried to cover the color not the hairless spot. Because if you notice (maybe it's just me again), the color differences starts in the middle of her hairline and goes back, where i think her gray hair grows. @ekn Yes of course it's something natural, maybe she is avoiding to dye her hair because she's still breastfeeding.
  6. patt


    looking closely to second picture, i can see something like colored powder, i noticed it during her pregnancy too. Is it only me?
  7. patt


    I just Wonder, have these football authorities said anything about the violation of human rights Fifa shamelessly did in recent years?! I don't remember any complaints from these People when FIFA did horrible things for money. These People should notice, FIFA is a corrupted organization and has more serious problems than having a supermodel as a fan Ambassador.
  8. patt


    Yes she looks gorgeous, i wish we could see more of bts. I like this makeup very much. I was expecting her to share some bts but didn't happen.
  9. patt


    OMG I definetly missed the surname detail. I didn’t know that she’s the daughter of Radomir Antić. That explains her good connections in Football world. So maybe it was Ana who got her FIFA related works since the beginning.
  10. patt


    Why is Ana Antic posing on red carpet. Is she famous? I saw Adriana did thank to her on instagram for helping her to being ambassador for FIFA.
  11. patt


    She tweeted about it and it's hilarious to see black, queer, female fans of her cheer up for this collaboration.
  12. @souled-out I too love her eyebrows straight, non-arched. But if you ask me arched eyebrows make face look more contured more well shaped in general. And i believe arched eyebrows best option for mature face. Because you know, the area between eyelid and eyebrows lose its firm by age and straight brows make it look worse. Giving arch to them help to create illusion to make it look more firm and younger. Yes her makeup routine has changed but i believe not because to follow trend because her face is also changing like gaining weight and aging. I think slightly arched and well defined eyebrows is the best for her current face shape. I see so many instagram edits related to her brows shape, i can say her natural ones are better than any other shape but on younger and skinnier Adriana.
  13. patt


    Cool to see Isabeli posted a picture of them together, Isabeli sometimes being too dramatic but i believe she doesn't has any bad intentions. i wish Adriana would repost this to stop those models gossip accounts nonsense posts about rivalry between Brazilian models.
  14. patt


    I see Laurent adapted his new environment very well. In most of pictures he is wearing thawb and shemagh. Good for him ,however, not good for Adriana. I just want to say, i believe it is him who convinced Adriana to work for Arab Peninsula's countries' controversial events. You know he has been living rent-free life for months in Saudi Arabia, he rarely leaves Riyadh. He made very good connections in there, most of his connections are extremely rich (in wealth not in moral) Arab bussinessmen. People think she should have waited until she gets in shape again to show up on runway. Now Adriana's been blaming for being disrespectful to her profession because of him.
  15. patt


    @laeteita Jerome hasn't made any post about Adriana too. So maybe it was Adriana's choice not to be photographed. @soulde-out I must say i am shocked too and even more that you are, i thought she would be sitting on the front row, didn't expect her to see on runway.
  16. patt


    @nhlovesadri That is what i told you already.
  17. patt


    Yes and this is her, you can see candid thread there is another photo posted from this look.
  18. patt


    There probably misunderstandig, i meant the her preview photo and i was told it was Brasil representation on candid forum, i didn't even see any video.
  19. patt


    She got only one outfit? Others got more than one and this doesn't look like she shared on her story. She was wearing black boots on her photo.
  20. patt


    OMG I don't know what happened but indeed looks like seriously broken. Weird because it is always same fingers.
  21. I can't see Cyan post on her Instagram maybe she deleted. I didn't read any negative comments about her son under the post and it was a good reminder to people that she recently gave birth to a child so in my opinion it wasn't a good idea to deleting that post. I don't know why she has been acting like this, i want to see her active on social media, can't she ignore those haters? Her name is bigger and more valuable than haters' opinions.
  22. 😍 Hello CYAN, sorry for your national team. @laeteita Good news; Adriana reposted the picture and says she will join them soon.
  23. @jamiya Apparently she is in U.S. right now, i only hope she would go back to Qatar for semi-finals. I didn't get why and when she left.
  24. Yesterday, somebody from Dogpound team showed a name tag on a stadium seat that belongs to Adriana, like she shared few days ago of hers and Andres at the stadium . At first, i thought it was throwback because Adriana usually shares her joy on Instagram when she is at the stadium but she didn't yesterday. Then i noticed it was from Argentina and Australia match so it must be from yesterday. She didn't repost any of Ana's stories or didn't share anything with Lais and Jerome. I've started to think those negativity mostly about her weight and Qatar's situation really upset her and she felt she needs a break from Social media.
  25. patt


    Oh my god i love her second look too. Loved hair and make up. I hope she would repost this.
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