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Everything posted by eNe

  1. They love that when you call em Big POPPA
  2. I think it's where it deserves to be. Not Overrated, Not Underrated Maybe we need one more option Angelina Jolie
  3. The same routine. From PZ to PR
  4. From the very first time I saw her, Jessica Alba is my #1 Maybe I'll post my top5 or something later
  5. eNe


    LoL I will :evil: NEVER :evil: Forget It
  6. eNe


    Luis Garcia went to a team that is not in the CL, for 4 million pounds . And this team is not Juventus
  7. You was a minute late to change my vote.
  8. I wasn't going to vote, but I gave my vote to Hana, just to see the results. I'm surprised that Raquel is winning
  9. 1.Eva Longoria (7) 2.Shakira (5) 3.Pamela Anderson (4) 4.Jessica Biel (7) 5.Heidi Klum (6) 6.Avril Lavigne (7) 7.Hayden Panettiere (8) 8.Julia Stegner (7) 9.Selita Ebanks (5)
  10. eNe


    On the other hand, I read that the best Free Agent on the market(IMO) Chauncey Billups has agreed to resign with Pistons for a $60 million deal. Well as I said before I just read it, but I don't find it likely(after the way Billups acted on the playoffs this season). I mean if he didn't want to leave, then why he didn't put more heart in his game against Bulls & Cavs. I was claiming that he will join the Lakers this season, ever since I heard the trade rumors beetwen Pistons and Lake-Show last year.
  11. eNe


    On the latest NBA news, Rashard Lewis has agreed the deal with Orlando Magic. I was excepting him to join the Rockets this season, but after I heard the deal, I'm thinking that he chosed the best for himself. (IMO) He will become the first scoring option of the team, and an All-Star in Magic, and with their current roster, Orlando may become a serious contender in the East.
  12. eNe


    I've been waiting for this since I saw him at Villanova. It will be funny to watch, would the commentary dare to call them by thenames Imagine the last play of the game, and you listen to the game in the radio: Ray has the ball, give to Ray now, no Ray decides to take it himself OH MY Anyway, what does the MLA(on your sig.) stand for?
  13. My hair is so long that I want to find something concerning nurturing and dyeing to make it even more outstanding and curly but will that be a good distraction if I go to the party where a little garden chair set in the most beautiful and gorgeous enviroment that breaks my tiny little cute and pink coloured Tinker bell dog called 'It's typical. The dog which had a cold but suddenly someone who had some lovely and pretty but dirty and ugly cover of the magazine called La Bomba which is (Latin) America's answer to peace with the native Egyptians, decided to make a pink pyramid in memory of a king Hamuraptshi Omuraptshe so called "Cypuško" who had been well known for his style & designer clothes and marvelous, spectacular, healthy hair and passed a law that if you don't have pretty hair you shall be condemned to 1 year of jail & not be able to wear chanel never ever, EVER again without getting down on your knees and crying buckets of tears while doing the chicken dance as I sit and laugh at how ridiculous does it look what I'm doing when since there is nothing cute to do and started to be boring sO I wantEd to go shopping and I bought a lot of things that were so cheap that i threw them all out of the window and got mad about it and than, screamed and everyone looked at me as if i was crazy but i did not give a damn because i was too busy shouting at how much this world sucks when it comes on shopping when it's rainy outside, but the sun came out so I'll take my pink bag & exchange it for a Chanel bag and use it to smash the biggest frijoles i've ever seen then feed my cute little baby sister with rotten milk to shut her mouth and for her to stop crying because it's starting to realLy annoy me and it keeps getting louder so i went outside coz I couldn't take this anymore & thEn i sAw Snejana Onopka and i was so surprised and a fart came out by accident which made her laugh then she farted so we hadto find a bathroom so we could poop and laugh about it then while we pooped my butt exploded due to all of the force of the poop thenwe start to fart again then after 9 hours of that we got in the car and talked about pooping more later on then someone came to arrest us due to property damage to the toilet so i started the car and drove away madly while the cops grabbed some poop from the toilet and started to throw it at us while the other cop got hit by a Poop truck and they got covered in poop and started to eat it and say : "Yum, it's the tastiest poop we've ever eaten!" Snejana was not flatterred by that since the poop was mine so she got her phone and hit me in the head which hurt so much that it made me poop again, so after a long day of poop we headed back home where we found one of Snejana's friends selling weed from door to door and i started to laugh eventually leading me to peeing my new Victoria's secret panties that my boyfriend gave me for my 8th birthday when I was as naughty as a horny dog so he´d done it because of the very purpose to make me more angry than I'm now and beacuse of that I went home and watched The day after tomorrow then when i looked out the window I Saw Marios Lekkas and I went to talk with him and I asKeD hiM iF he wanNa coMe tO my hOuse and call up some models and go hang out at the National Park so we can act like an animals and meet up with all the models from Ford agency and drink some beers and talk about what we had to do to get Ale to Hawaii and get her drunk as hell so she can go to sleep and wake up so shes not drunk then go to the store and buy some new Surfboards then go and beat all the people around us with our new surfboards on their heads because apparently we are bored with our own lame lives so after the head beating we went to NY and walked in the nearest mexican food resterant and ordered a cheeseburger, then the mexican guy said "get the hell outta my restaraunt you filthy american" so we went out off the restaurant and entered the nearest Chinese restaurant to hear the same thing from Chinese waiter who looked like Jackie Chan and he karate chopped us out till Chuck Norris came and saved us from Chinese waiter who looked like Jackie Chan with his strong punches, powerful kicks, and when Chinese waiter who looked like Jackie Chan lost all of his energy, Chuck lifted the Chinese waiter who looked like Jackie Chan in the air, and the Chinese waiter who looked like Jackie Chan started praying for his life, and chuck said to Chinese waiter who looked like Jackie Chan, that he will forgive him only if he will leave us to eat there, so the Chinese waiter who looked like Jackie Chan saw that he had no choice and decided to leave and go to his hometown, while we ate our dinner for the total of 4 hours, and when we were done, to thank Chuck we invited him to
  14. Here is a picture I had found earlier on the web. It's Jessica Alba, Adriana Lima, Scarlett Johanson, and Beyonce combination. Hoping Ya'll gon' like it, and credit to the one that made the combination :
  15. 1.Eva Longoria (7) 2.Shakira (6) 3.Pamela Anderson (5) 4.Jessica Biel (7) 5.Heidi Klum (6) 6.Avril Lavigne (8) 7.Hayden Panettiere (8) 8.Julia Stegner (7) 9.Selita Ebanks (5)
  16. Actually only administrators can do it. Go here, and ask them to change the name of the topic from "Adriana Lima + Aishawara Rai" to "The name you want"
  17. lookatme553, this is one of the best ideas so far IMO, but don't you think that you should change the name of the thread . Maybe you should make something like Beaty-Mix, or Beauty Combination, or something like that Anyway I would love to see a Daria Werbowy and Jessica Alba Combination
  18. 1.Eva Longoria (9) 2.Shakira (7) 3.Pamela Anderson (5) 4.Jessica Biel (8) 5.Heidi Klum (7) 6.Avril Lavigne (8) 7.Hayden Panettiere (9) 8.Julia Stegner (8) 9.Selita Ebanks (5) 10.Rihanna (3)
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